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White Citizens

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riie s'dveliolder havo over loolied jvith distrust iipori the ree colarcd p?op!e. I'liey ienr ti.e rjOuer.ce of freemén ni' ;hu ame coleras their slave?. nr:d have thereforé tnade it a pomt in iliolr policy, to iroat tliera with L?uuniiuy, nnd preveiü ' thera froia ocquirinj power. The Cnsii'iuioii cf tio United States, unliUe ifmt of Pcm.sylvania und other stutea.ackncwlecges no igbts peculiar to one eomp'.exion, nor disqimüncatïoua to unolher. But üongroes has mado the colur oí' a man' kiu of iar more importante than Ihe virgiu qualiües ui' l.cad itid heart. "Su early as I790, Congress passed an act prescribiría tiie modo in vyliicli "anj alie:i bang a wniTK p'-rsoii,"' itiilit be naturalized and adiüi'.icd io thi rigïj'.a of an Araoriccn c;t zen. 'l'.vo )-enrs al'ipr, an oct wie fiassed for oranizuij,'' liie Qiilifiu, wliich was to consiat üf 'eucii and every Cree, ablc-bodied wiifTBnial ci;ím, ' e. Nü otlier goveninient o earlii prolubits any pucliQn of is citizt;ns Trom parlicipaiiiijf in ilio iiatioual defciict-; and thït slrüiiijo and dnfjradinof proljibition, utierly ra. i:_-ütnt to ti c grinciplea óoili of iie DeclaroiVon of liiih-pcudorice anJ ot" t!e Coiialittiiion, j marks tiie suliciLude of ihe Federal üoverun; ;.i io uursue iho poiicy mojt agreeablc to l.'ii: .-Javclii.l J( r.--. Lm nut cmiic.'it vviih tnia insult to colured ci;izes, uupthar, and perhad a r-t ttl ujnre wanton and tnaltgnaot ono, wan ufiè ihw Government in tiie nel of lülo úrganitong ti e Vost (MBce Depnriinent. The l;h Seclton ciincld tha: "no otiier tnan a free v. hitk perion thall 06 etuployi'd m carrjing tiie timiloftiio UuitrdSialer, eiihernsu pstndcr or driver of a carnaje carrying (ha tnai!, ' iiuiler u pnally of lit'ty dollars. Any yagnhvud íom Europe, nny fugitivo froni our ownisonr, nny iáke ciiurge oí" tlio Uïi:ted t?:alcs r.ail; but'n nitive boru Arncrióbii citize:', uí uuiiiiijeuchablc móroli, and vvilli pruporly ccqji.c-J by lionest iiidusttyt inay not, if his c?:m bo duik, gwde ihe borden vyhicli draw lhj carriapc in wlijcn a baj of ncwapaperi is ÜL-poslted !"- jij s l ittr. Tliesc are thu iti.ulís hcaptd opon the fr colorc-d people of; :hc Union. Ujt Congres dld DOt stop lltTC. ' ín IGJO, Gonreaö pnsseil a law authortzing iliu wiiiTK cltiaeiu of the Cil of VushilirrllUl ti) clW lVHITi: CÏV ofWctle,; tilUd IDOkiair a HíWte tófti V irid'ütienshbïo for bolh i MjíTfíre oiiJ otliic. Tiie iriíítí olViccrá thus e-locicd by ihc U'hitc cirizns, wt-re especial 1 i-iiipovvcred by tlie Naiionnl Lryióiatueo 'to prescribe t temió and conii(ioná on wliicli free nrgroes and mvlaltots nmy resido in ihe city.' In pursuonce ot' ihis -rant of power, Ihcicliile .oil-oers passt'd c oidinanco (May ál, 1SLJ rrqiiriiig a!i the fiee coloretl peroiis thoii in Wusliingio, and witfiiing to rem:nn. to be gigisicred; and enactmj:, tltat if nny fret: in-iii wilh a colored skin should prepiimi! l )iloy nt curds, or even to bo present wluie auottier fjq? oulored orun was (jíuyin-r, lio eliould 'jü lïned not exöcding tive dollars; thut if lie siiuiilJ l.-ivf a dus? tu dis house stóiiiioiH pcrmkstou from tlie ichite Mayor, 1. e sTaiuld fined not excevdin ten JolUrs; that ihotilJ he t.l; the l.berly to o out of his own houic njïer ten olock at nik!, without a pjsi Hum a Juolice f P'hc, or '.ome icepcciubiöcilizon," (!)l)ü miwht b .vnojJoUed to pass UieniM 'n ;i íock up-horapd l next ïnri)ing ia fined ieu dollart;;. ani'shóUiSv ; any fiaik cuUJxioncd free ma;i be gj.lty of


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