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The Young Democracy

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The distincMon bet ween lï oung uemomts' and 4Old Hunkers' exists not only in lame but in reality. The words repreent two portions of the Democratie pary ono Conservaiive in every asaential articular, and the other Reformalory. - 3ne división is for having tho party renain Btationnry in its cnmp, making anly such nlterations in the discipline as may b offected without changingground; while tho other is for abandoning such stations ns nre unprofitable and inconvirulrnt, nnd taking others that will be more commanding and advantogeous. We have regarded the course of the Young Democracv in this state with considerable interest, because the reforms they advocate are really valuable, and would bc substantial improvements in our mode of government. But our observations.thus far have led us to doubt whether the course they are pursuing will result in th nttainments of their objects. The Young Dcmocrats wish to secure ïese reforms without having 1 c party. So faras we can see, thcre is but ne possible chance of doing this. The Toung Democrats, no matter if there be ut a dozen of them, must distinctly anouuce to their Democratie brethren and ie whole world, that they are in favor { certain objects of reform, to be accom)lished by specified means, and that they vill vote for no member of the Demoratic party who is not nequivocally and atisfactorily, for these reform. Lei these Y oung Democrats pledgo themselves to o this and get as many more to do t as possible. Andeven then it will bedoubtful whether the movement will amount to much. The Abolitionists tried the Questioning System several years, and found it utterly inefficiënt. Candidates who wanted their votes would promise every thingand do nothing. We suspect the result would be similar wilh the Young Democrats, and the final conclusión of the matter would be, that if they were honest nnd consistent they would be driven into independent nominations: if selfish and hypocritical, they would return to the embrace of their old associates. The Young Democrats havo lately obtained an interest in the Michigan Argus, nnd have changed its name to the -Tkue Dkmockat." It is Edited bv E.R. Chase. The first number is beforejs and we must say t has surpnsed us md we believe the public gencrally, by the vague and indon nite töne of its editorial articles. They look very much as though the writers were trimming their sails for any kind of a breeze, carfeul ol committal and eulogistic 'of our young and amiable Governor elect &c This is a controversy of the Democratie pnrty. We havo no other interest in'it than the value of the objects involved; nnd we havo thought seriously whethr it be not absurd in üs, or in the public o entertain any expectation lhat reforms essentially valiiable ahould be secured by he action of men who wilfully and understandingly refuse to advocate the ust claims of their fellow countrymen, who ara deprived of their rights as men ind citizeus, with the consent connivence and'positive action of these same Democratie reformers.


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