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The Republican Creed

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The Washington Union ia repnblishing the Toiitfions of tbo Btiltimore Convention, nr hndtnarks fsx ihe party. Among them is thc following, wkicli pledgos th whole partv ngninsteyen the discutsion of AntuTavery topes in Congres8. The party are thereby pledged ogaíwt ony actjon respeeting thc Slavtry or Slnve-trading of the District óf Columbio. Whowould be 4 a "Democratr "Resotvedt That Congresa ba no power, under the constitiition, to interfere wi;h 01 control tho domestic institution of the peveral Stntes; ond tbat such States are the solé and proper jndges of everything nppertaining to thcir awn atfair-, not prolnbited by the Conftituúon; thul aI efforts of the abolitioniste, or other, modelo kielice Congress lointertere with qucstixns ot" slarery, or to tke incipient iteps in relation thereto, re calen luted to lend to the mo6t alnrmitig and dnngerous consequences; nd that all auch efforts have an inevitable tendeney to diminiah the happines of the people, nnd endanger the stability nnd permaneney of the Union, ond ought nt to be countenanced by any friend to our poliiical inttitutions." flThe Argos is out in favor of Ihc "ingle district" systcm, of the Senate district in the revisión of the Constitution of Uic State, and roakea a classificítion of countieh toshow that the pion ia practicable. The leadinjj Whig and Democratie papers have now avowed themsehes favorable to thií change, and it will doubtless be carried. Tht samo argumenta that go to stam thc plai of single Senate districts, ir our opinión, gt for Bingle Jlsstmbly diutricts. We hope botl will be carried. It will do much to break uf the diques which control counties, and bring the Merabers and Senators to a more rigid accountabilitj to their constitutnts.- Jllb. Pat Ö5Mr. Elliott, who killed young Ken dall in Washington city, ha been refeased Tb Grmnd jury bare refused to find a bil againat hirn, on the ground that he slew Kn dall in bis own defence. Hia counsel immediately moved Judge Crawford for his releasi from priaon, and wn granted. OCThe Canada papr8 speak of a ver; wvere winter and of the snow being fiftee: detp in some places.tí5=aThe papers are discussing the question whethtr there will be war with England.- There ie undoubtedly a good chanca for war; and in the samo cireumstances one hundrcd years ago, war would have been highly probable. But times have altered, aad wars are now too expemive and calamitouu to be Iightly entered into. Those who ore fearful can adjourn thoir appreliensions for the preent, as Orpgon is now occiipied jointly by t!ie United Slates and Great Britshr, and no colusión can well take place iintil twelre Kiou t lis notice to quit shall have been given by one party to the other, in conformity with existing stipulaiions. This notice hos not been given, but probably wilï be by the United Statea durinjj tho present session of Cnngres8.


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