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A?w Arboii, Dec. LG, 1845. The BufFalo Pilot, whose raoney anieles :re gnoral1y sensible, hts a Column of renarks on the financial condition and prospecta )f the country. The writcr anticipates a jencrnl revival of tho speculaiing spirit. He mys: - "Tlie general fmnncial relations of the :otiutry are nowin a highly prosperona and tourishing condition. It is now sometim nee we had one of those severe revulsions n triulc and firiancp, whicli have herelofore sbakeu btieincfs to its foundation. In all the jQstern eines - those which opérate u pon the I -ïinnetary affairs of the country, as the heart Joes npon the animal system, whose overy pulsation is feit to the oxtremities- money is abnndant. And we come tu the conclusión,] from the present condiijon of our foreign trade, of the exchsnges, and from 'the opinions of those most conversant with those things, that it wil! eo continue tbrongh ihe winter, and that the opening spring will witness an expans'on of business, in al ita ramifica tions. Th great demand for flour abroad, and the chongo which it causes in our trade with Englar.d, too, indícales uch a state of affairs. As wheat and flour ge up, cotton, and tnnnufactnred goods, conu dowu. Stiinulated by this lektion, larg importa will be the result, and the cotmtn will be flooded with goods of foreign manufacture, whohe reduccd prices, on account o the bread scarcity, will enable thnn to com pele wiih our own productions. The siate c the banks, as indicated by the last quarterl report, show a eteady and large increase o circulation. On the first of February la&he total loana and inveslments of the banKS )f lliis state, were $84,S01,202; on the fust ' )f May, $88,004,486; on the first of August, 4:87,77 1, S28; and on the first of November, ! $0-2,500,630;- showine an expansión, in thesc particular, of over $8,000,000. The ■ lation increaeed, fiom 818,513,402 in Febru ary, to 21,895,369, onthe first or November. This expanaion of the currency of the itate, and the ímpetus glven to business through the produce operntione, haa had a inost favorable effect, every where. It has reached all classes and conditiona- affected al!, eomo les, nd soHíe in a greater degree. Banks aro subject to periodical expansione and contractions. Tne on, too frequently suddenly follows the extn ni of the oiher, and great is the embirraeiment which it créate. It s to be feared that Buch will be the effect of the present expaDeion, ifpast experience has not laught wisdom to thoee Inving the management of our moneUry institutions. In 1837, prior to the great revulsión, thebalaRco of immediate liabilities waB #37,418,450 over the specie. Now they are 815,328,918, being not only greater in fact, but preater in proportion to th immediate caen resources. The favorable state of themney marketin New York, is indicated not only by the firmno8s of stockt, but from the fact that ihe last steamship brought over Urge ainounts ol this description of investmentf, to be disponed of on foreign account.The movements of flour have beer actiroU Boston, Por tho week ending the 25lh ilt., the receipts werc 43.000 bbU. The re;eipis ot New York during the eeason, wcre 2,800,000 bbls. The siiipmonts from Rohester, were 102,478 bbls, and the receipts of wheat 250,995 bush. The productionof Illinois for 1815, is 6,500,000 bush.; Indiana, 8,000,000; Michigan, 7,000,000.- The exporta from the let of September to November 22d, were 150,421 bbls. flour. - Since, the shipments have been ctive, and large nmounts ot wheat and flour have gone out." In Buffalo, Dec. L0, the price of flour was $5,06.1. New York, Dec. IC- Ashes- -The market is firm tbr pots at $3,75, and dull for pearls at $4,25. Flour- There isa good deimnd for sbipment, ot $6,23; ond even 6,311, but holders generally nsk 6,S7i Por Genesee. ' There is bnt little doing in Wheat in our villnge. Tho price to day is 87J cents. Pork brins 4J to 5 cents. We notice ihat it has declmed in Gincinnati, the best q.iality scllmg for 4 cents. The woather 3 quite cold, and tho eleighing good in the village.


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