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An oxchange paper afïïrrns that the Frencb fnniily of the Duko do Levis have a picture in lucir chateau, in whicli Nooh is repicsented going into the ark and carrying under his nrm a smail trunk on the which is written "Papers belonginjf to the Levis foroily." Stnnhopc, Earl of Chesterfield, placed among tho portraits of his anccstors, two old heads, inscribed 'Adam de Stanhopp,' and Ëve do Stanhope.' A deputation of eminent Roman Catholics wnited upon the king of Prussia, a few weeks ego, and petitioned foralaw to reslrain the reïijious movcment of Ronge. My dear fritndf,' said thc king, 'Progrets is aironger ihan lam, no one can avail agaiDst t.'Potatoes in Vermant. - We hear snd accounts frora all quarter, of the destruciion of potatoe. Most of those that were apparently sound wñen put the cellar, are now more or less affected, and 'm some inttar.ces, cnbs have been ruintfd before the ownera were awnre of dmger. So far as we art informed", tbe immediale cause f this is the heat and moisture generatcd in laige piles, we mean accumula liona of even a foot or two in depth. The only salvation socms to be, to spread tliin and keep cool and dry. "Statistics of the Wollen Manufacto ries in the U. States,11 have just heen published by Wm. H. Grnham, 158 Nnssnu st. The book purports to give the location, name of chiof proprietors, No.ofsets ofcondensingcards andstrands and kind of goods made in each Woolen Factory of the United States. Of these we learn from this book that there are 28 in Maine, (nol including small woolcarding works,) 58 in New Hampshire, 141 in Massachusetts, 75 in Vermont, 40 in Rhode Island, 128 in Connecticut, 326 in New York, 10 in New Jersey, 101 in Pensylvania, 4 in Delaware, 16 in Maryland, 18 in Virginia, 80 in Ohio, 9 in Kentucky, 6 ín Indiana, 6 (small) in Michigan, 6 in Illinois, 7 in Wisconsin, 2 in Missouri, 2 in Iown, 4 in North Carolina, 1 in Souih Carolina, 3 in Georgia, and 2 in Tennessee: Total in the Union, 1,042Suspension Bridge at JYiagara Falls.- Charles Ellflt, Jr., Esq., a celebraied engiieer of Philadelphia, has wilhin a few doys pust, in company witb Major Stuart, of Ro 1 chester, inspected the locnlities in the vicinity I of Niágara Falls, with a view of aeccruining the practicability of a suspensión bridge ocrosa the Niágara river. There is a point about b mileanda hnlfbelow th atarctrand near iho whirlpool, where the distance from one l high bank to the other does nol exceed 700 feet. The coat of a hanging bridge at that point, of stifficient trengtb to sustain th I weight of a railroad train or nnf other barden I which may b placed upon it. and made in tht J best nnd securest rannner is estimatcd by Mr. Ellet, at $L00,000. He offors to constrwet fliich a bridge f-r thnt sum, and to subscribe . $20,000 toiisotock.Speaking of the complaiuts of certain politicians of his day, that the Clergy preacJied politics, - the venerable Dr. Stillman very justley remarked, that" tí was not hecaitse the Clergy preached politics, that those politicians complain, but bccause of the politics they vreached."


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