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Picase inserí n ihe columns of the Signal, tbe following "acknowlcdgment of receipts in Michigan, inaid of education among the refugeea from Southern bondage. Jackson.- Lonaan Wilcox, $1,0(1, fsaac M. Dimuud, $l,0J, Mra. Di mond, 7,rcta. and2pr. Sock9 at 37Jcta. each, $1,50, Miranda C. Dimond, 25cts. Joseph Beebe 1,00, Henrv Smith 10 di., CoIIection at Brick Church $1,48, Rev. C. W. Fitch 25 cts. $6y LeonL-Mrn. Sullivan 50 ctd. SO Ann Arbor.-Denc. Parsons $1.00 Hannnh N. Pruden$1.00. R. Hall $1,00 C. Moaely $1,00, C. J. Garland $1,00. C. Poru-r I,d0. G. Beckley $1,00, Mr. Minnis (Sliocs) 81,25. Dr. Hill 51 cts. VV. K.inaley 50 cts. Mrs. Kinsley 25 cts A. Pulhcmu8 25cts R. Davideon 50 cts. Cash LOcis. S. Felch 50 cta. Dr. Cowloa 25 cis. Wm. Mead 25 cts. D. Stnith 'ó cta. U Milla 50cts. A. De Forcst S74 cta. T. B. Freeman 2e cts. Rov. Mr. BibbinS25c'S. $l3l5 Ypa'davti.- A. L. Chase 5") cts. J. M. Brown (Gooda) 50 cta Strangor (Goóds) 50 cis. l'oU Detroit - S. M. Holmw $3,00. Mrs. Coe $3.00. _L__ Sum Tota!,' 27,füi p. s - Am happy to acknowledge 5J Apple lrCea fro,n Dea. h, of B.n.hann Dawn Mills, C. W. Dec. 19, 1845.[ETTHE BURN1NG OF THE TOWER OF LONDON, where many kinga and princcs have suffrred imprisonment and deatli, has drawn nnich public attention to that noble structure.- The loss of the trophies a great and can never le replaced. Tho amount of humnn eufienng within in its walls ha been incalculable. Sherman's L.izenges could aot havfl saved the head of Lord IlaeüngB or the Duke of York. although they have saved manya onefrom death by consumption and neglectcd coughsor eolds. A few of the Cough Lozeuges will allay the most dia tressmg cases in a few minutes and entirely relieve hem in ono or two dnys. The Camphor Lozenges cure the heailnche in less than tho time we are writing about them. Tho most skepticil needbut 10 minutes use of them to bc convinccd. John M. Moore, Esq. ' Editor ot thí Tattlor, tclls us thcy curen him in the abovc short fpice of time although ho had no failh ir them. Mnny such instnnces havo como to oui ksowledge. These valuable n rticlcs aro sold a 106 Nassau at. N. Y. W. S. & J. W. MAYNAkD, Agents fo Ann Arbor.


Signal of Liberty
Old News