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State Legislature

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The Legislaluro convsned in Detroit, 3n Monday, Jan. 5, 1845. In the Señale, Lt. Governor Richnrá-r jon took the Chair, and and the memberr weresworn into office by Judge W hippie.Mr. Danforth, from the 4th district, wn idmitted to all the privileges of n member - except voting. His seat is contested' by Georgo A. Coe - whig. The porma-pent officers were not elected. In the House of Representa! iv'er, Air Baldwin, of Oakland, was appointed Speaker, pro, tem., and the members sworn into office. A ballot for Speaker resulted in the choice of ïsaac E. Crary, of Calhouti,- as follows: - Crary 33; J. M. Ed- monds 14; G. M. Hazleton 1. The oiher permanent officers were not elocted. A joint commitiee was appointed to wait upon Gov. Barry and inform him thal the two Housea were organized and? ready to recoive any communication ho might be pleased to make. The committee nfterwards reportedï that they had performed that duty, that Gov. Barry had expressed his kind ro-gnrds to the two Houses for the courteay extended to him, and that he had no com mïiniention to müke. The Uvo Houses met in fJVir Hall of the House of Representatives to canvas tho votes for Governor and Lieutenant Got ernor. Messrs. Howell nd Patterson vtcret appointed tellers, who after examining the returns, reported that there was n discrepancy between the details and ll.o general result in the returns from the county of Gennessee, and thnt no returns had been received from Jackson county. After some discussion the returns fromr Gennessee were ordered to be received; and the tellers reported that for the office of Governor Alpheus Felch had received 20,123 votes; Stephen Vickory, löKy votes; James G. Birney, 3,023 votes. - ' For the office of Lieutenant Governor,. William L. Greenly had received 19,654 votes; John M. Lamb, 16,347 votes;: Nathan Thomas, 2,859.Alpheus Fclch was declared duly OIec-:cd Governor, and Willinm L. Greenly was declaied duly elected Lieutenant Governor. A committee consisting of Messrs. Dentón nnd Grove was appointed'towait' :n the Governor nnd Lieutonant Governor e'.ect, and infonn them of their election. Messrs. Felch and Greenly were shortly alterwards conducted to'the convention, accompanied by Gbv. Barry, the Judges of the Supreme Court, and State officers. Judge Ransom administered the oath of office. Aftcr the Inaugural Address,both Hou-ses adjourned. On Tuesday, the Message of the Gov-ernor was read ín the Senate. Gov. Pelch wnsauthorized to employ a' private secretary during the session ofthe Legislatura, to have the same pay ns the members. The officers of the Senate elected wer1 - J. E. Platt, Secretary j Alfred Treadway, EnrollingClerk; and D. C. McKinstry, Sergeant-at-arms. F. J. Littlejohir was elented President of the Senate protem, A fier some discussion on the Stationary question, rn which the resolution of the' State Democratie Couvention on the sub' ject was read, each member was nuthorized to receive 85 in stationary, for the session, The Speaker then announced the following as the standing comrnitteea of thr Senate: On Claims, Videto, Robinson and May nard, Friutncef Littlejohn, Hale and Fentonv Judiciarg, Howeïlr Liltlejohn & Greon.Mililia, Dentón, Fenlon and Smith. Incorporations, Allen, Hale and Kibb AgricuUure, Dentón, Kix and Bush. Roads and Brèdges, Williams, Maynanï and1 Allen. Pullic Instruclion, Howellr Smith and Fenton. State Prison, Videto, Kibbee and Rix, State Affairs, Thurber, Green and Buah, División oftowns and comlie, Rix, Deiv ton, and Littlejohn, Manufactures, Srnith, Kibbee and Bushv Inlcrnal hnproviemcnls, Bush,Thurber, Chipman, Robinson and Williams. Privileges and Eleclions Chipman, Videto and Williams. EnroUed Bilh, Kibbee, Smitb and Thurber.