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The English Language

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The English Langu'age f sver the división of Babel is healed, to become the languageof the wholo globe. Already it is, in severnï heathen lands, styled the missionary langurge, and from tlie moral posilion of lliose who spcak it, and its connection with those efïurts for the extensión of Christianity which are destined to bring round the world's conversión, it seems fair to suppose that tiie progressof the one will keep pace with the conquest of the other. The ivide and rapid diifuaion of the langungc ibrms a remarkable chapter of human history. - Two centuries ago, it was the dialect of in considerable part of the Briñsh Isles. Butsince that period, we dalo the origin of commerce and modern improvement. The great facilities of intercommunicRtion, the increase of wcalth and learning nnd ibo spirit of research have given the hingnage to nenrly all the And is fast supplanting the Welch, the Gaelic at the North, and the old Erse of Ireland. - Abroad, i's extensión almost surpasses 1 belief. On our own continent, it is the vernacular of more than fiffeen millions of men. Commercial enterprise, and frequent intervenirse aro rapidly bringing South America into acquaintance ivith it; the fur-trade, the missionaries, and the travelers, are teaching1 it to the Indians: and of the West lndies, it is already the universal langiugc. In Afric;i, it is j fectually planled at seíei'aí convmandirip posts, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and olhcr stations on tho cost. and at the Cape; whilo the projected commercial use, of the Niger #s a highway of t rade into the interior, Vvill carry also the íanguage of commerce. In India, the English la. guage is rapidly gaining ground. The acquisition of it has becomo a desirable : part of fiie learning of the natives, n'nd the sway of British poT7er over that vast región must introduce thelangungo of its law, its literature, and its Over all the iskihds of the sea, commerce and religión have made it known, and every ' ïdvance must extend its acquaintance. - 1 rhrough the great región of the Austraian continent, and VanDieman's land it ( s the sole language. Europe is the only c iclü on it is not making, a1 rajjid )■rogress. These are cenainly auspicióos ;igns. Connected as the languago of: ifour birth is, with pure religión, nnd i .vil h the only litemlure wliich has ever jpen crenteii umler its ïhfiüerice its p.énsion, going haml in hand witd Chrisianity, innrks the ncarnpss of tlio npn-onch of the dnv when nil shall know