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HARTFOKI JFlre ÏÏHsnrance Company. rpHK Sebacriber, agöm "" '"' Hnrlfurd tirt X lniiiranrc Compnny, takea plcneurctn lny ing befare (hu puMi" 'lie folloiying pircularv: HaKTFOÍj FlKK [SSURAKCK l l K l . Jly22d IÖ45. S The recent ifiaastrous fu': in Pïaw Vrk wil. of courae c.xciie solicitado n regard t ia tci oh the sulvxMu-v ')f [Daurance Coinpanien ih" pjtv, nnd tho üeighboriog Pacea. The Pircciort of the Hartford Firo lnaurnnce Company aic happy ro aesure tlioir cusióme attdhepub{tc, thatihey nre prepared to ndjust n'd py at , ruv, uli lossta eustained ly tiieir office surplus . aml curreiu receipts. without dclay, and '('"" withdrowing ihêir parinaöenURvestmentt. J neir capital rcinams amplfi for ho security of all wlio irisure wiili iliem; nnd ihey invite ownera o deamiblu propcriy to olitain Policn-s on fovorobie tnrma, .'t !?" Home OlBcc nnd at their meral Agencies. Thtir ...ode of iniMMIlOS VaBl' nos3, wliicli (Tor 35 y.eora pnst !k s ecured lbo ui Le oonfidence, will remft'in muh-mged. Uv order of tíie Boa pi of Di.-cctoM, JAMES G. BOLLES, Sec y. F, J. B. Cn nk, Ann Arbor. By lh3 it will büfccn, lliai the Compnny pay , thirir loes. during ihfl last si.v moinhs ol fires, j OUT OF Til KIR SURPLUS FUNÖS. Since the pojmentof one ilnn;nid dollars, m R. D. Powcru, of Drighion, forthe Io98 sUstmn ed'by binr, the Company havépnid lbo aUbseribér nnotlier honsnnd. for Flour Borrels, burnt at the recent lire ín Ilita viünge. Tor ihislast ihou und tbc subscriber psid the Compnny lour tlolI;ir-a good investment hb he thiitks, dottng these hanl tirncs. All wlio nro not insurcd are invitcii to cali on Iiini, andho will issue IV.icief withotu defay. ñ S. n. CRANE. Airenf. Aniv A-rlw, JFlïly 20j I&6. 24 (n Probate Xoticc ÍN the niaitcr ol ihfl tsi.iio oí Lortn.o Jïnntnater, dect-osed. In pnrsuonco ( on order runde by IJon. Samuel I'. Fuüer, Judge of Pro baic forthe coiuity of U'asliteiiuw, the lollowini; deeenbed remises will bo aold at the publ-c hoiiBO kept by Mobcs M. Kpgleston, in tbc villog of Dexter in saiil county, on tlie :51t day Q Jonunry next at II o'cibék in the forenooii ui thnt day, lor the purpose of pnying debts w f. om aaid estáte, to wil : " All tbat ceriain v. de oí parecí of land oiunted in tho villnge ol Dexiei in tho coünty of Waslucn iw nnd Blote of Micln gan. known nn! déacriÜed as follows, 10 wit. Bcinningnt the south.nst corner of lot ihirteen in bloek one. iu iho villno )( Uo.xter, and êförncr of B sticet. ihence noith si.xiy four dcrcu.-wt tniriy nine tbencfl norlh tweniy s:. }?■ erees enst nincty feet, thence south tweniy five derees eaat cighty glit feet B sireet, ihoncc eouth sixiy five degreeá west to the place ol beïiomng, exoepiing a small picce ui said land döedod to O. W. Oibbs on tho ihitueihday o! Marcli civilicen luindrud and ihiny eight,'! The eni'd prBiriueë will ba pffered for sale in parcele Dated Ann Arbor, Dec. &2, I&46 hvl") GEO. MILES, Adminislrator of said cstatc. . "1I CIIANCERT- FIRST "ei RCL' I T . Dnniel Oattley, Coipploinnnl v: David Pagoud Caltb N. Orniiby, Defendants. BY virtue of a decretal order issued ont rf ilie Conrtof Chancery of the Siaie of Michigan, I shall exposé to 8ale to the Kigbefll bidder. at the CourtUouüon the vj llago of Ann Arbor, Wnshienaw County, and State of Michigan, on tho 2'lthdny of F'ebninry nt.xl. at ono o'clock m the aiternoon of that 'lay the followin describcd premisos, to wil: "All that eer 10 in trnct or parcel of land èiiunfè, lying and being n Browu S Fullcr's oddition to the villago of Ann Arbor. on lot nnmber onc. in block nunibcr eighf, nnd being all that pari of the anid w on whicli Btaado the tinco norineast corner bnildinjia of the Hüron Block, together with said buildings and he nppurtenances tliercto belorgjng, bemy in the County of Waèltlenaw, und tíiaie of Michiunn." 6E0. DANFORTH, Master in Cli'y. .Tov i Poriku. SoVrs. Daied Januafy 6th, 1846, '216- 7w IN CHANCKRY- FIRST CIRCUIT. Daniel Onkley, Complttinnnt . Paul Minnic. Marcia Minnis nnd William R. Thompson. DeJend'ints. BY virtue of n decretal order sanen! om o iho Court of Chancery of the Sioie o Michigan, I slvill exposo lósale to the highes biddor, at the Court House, in the villago o Ann Arbor, Washteunw Connty Michigan, oí the 2 Hh day of Febrnary next. at onc o'el-icl ín ih nrternoon of tliat day. the following .1 ■■ ecribed premises, to wil: "All thai certuin pioci or pnreel of land sitúate in the villnge of Am Arbor. County óf Washwnnw, and State o Mtohigarl, known, bounded and describid .t follows, to wit: Co.iimcncing on Paekérd íirtíel twelve and eilny-four one-hiindroth pühöhée eouih of lh northenst orner of land conveyee by F.liblia V. Riiinsey to Benjamin H. Pnckard. nnd running' uorth twelve and cighiy-lonr onehundrcdlh perches t" the ni'rthc.isl corner, thenCi west on tho souih lino of the villago pla( livi and one-tweniieth porches, thonco south nim nnd thrce-tenth's porches to Paekard street. thence with said Packnrd sireet south lo the plnci of bcinning, conioiniog lifiy-six perches, bp tin samo more orles?. GKO. DANFORTIK Master in Chancery. Jov & PonTK.n. Sol'rs. D.-tcl Jnnuary f th, 184G. 246-7 w üiccïicnl io4icc. THE tmdereigaedi in offiring his services t Washienaw and the adjoining Commies, a Homcoopathic phyaiciah, would say, ihnt alte liaving prncticed medicino on the principies a tauglit in the old echool, onl trcaied disease o tho last two yeara according to tha Inw of Ho mecopathy, - fSimilia suiiiüSus cnraulur.J taught in the new school of medicine ; and han ing"compared the siiccessof the two syaierns, h unhesitatingly bclievcs HömoBópatliV to be th. most safe. cortain and successiul ruébod ol curr Uiscises, hiih'.'iio incuruble, nre now in mos cases, ponnanently eradicated by Homo'opaihv Ailoctions of ihe spino, head, uterus, stomach &c. &c. have no.v their certain remedies. Ep' ilepsy, manía, paralysis, neuralgia, bronchitis liver'and lung diseases; scailet (ever, chk-ia. black measles, mnllgnnnl sore e'ryaïpelai or black tongue, croup, inflaminn'.ions uf ihi bruin, Btomacl-, bowels. &c A:c. are only a fe of the many ills, thai have been stript of tlur terrora by the timely application of houiaiopailiii inedienments. Without further essny, the nndersigned woul(' leiveil to the alllicied to say, mi trial of the remedies, whother llomu;opatljy is whatit claims t' be or not. He would also state 'hnt he hns just roturncd fröm New York nnd Phjlodelphia. with o com ptcte nssortinentot MKDJCAMFNTS, jnst iin portcd froni Leipsic, to this place, wherc hc wili aifend to all calis, nnd furnish medicaments books, &c. at the lowcst pricos. From the clos nnd exclusive attemion he is giving W the and practice o!" Homosopathy to heflblé to givi satisfaction to tboae wlio moy favor hun with their patronage. Communicntions, pjt pud. from patients at a distance, will rcccivc prqmpl attention. - Those who may wisïi to place ihenielves under bis trentment for any chronic disease; "in obtain lodgings eithcr at his house, or in othei places, at low pricc s. TIIOS. BLACKWOOO, M. D. Hornteopathiët. Ypsilanti, 20th Nov. 18-15 2VJ- ly l.V A Ï1ACIIMLN T. State of Michiuv.v. )g County of Wasluenaw. S Guy Beckloy ) In Justice's Court, befóte rï. Edwin Thouipson, F.sq. JusMyndart Lang. ) tice of the Pcnce in ond foi snid couiiiv. Notice is hcrehy given, thot n writ of attmiiment has been issued by the above i.airitül Justice of the Penco, agninst the goodp. chnttele. rights. credi 6 nnd ctVccts of the nb ve nanicii defendant, in favor of ihe above nained plainulf. returnablc on the 1 3th day of December, I84fi. at l P. M. and thnt the trial of the said cause is adjocsened to the lüih dayuf Mirth. 1816, at I 1'. M. . at the olFico of tho snid Justice in the villuge of Ann Atbor. in said county. GUY BECKLEY, PlaintilV. Dated. Dec. lrih, 1845. fw Quii EIaii Droiïs JIÍST Printcd and lorsale at this olfiVe.Thirty Thousand Persons tw f&f&r-x J t f A.WI M.I.Y I il! Wtthiii :o C-iixi" .iii m I the ITniWtl St.ifs. TIlp'OOtMB ol -.!;■ 8 eñdrolly oveflookí!, A slum dry cij .y, "' nel'lecicd cold, is ll.c preeurw.r. I Ihwe a.dremed unimpnrnmt. lm m ,!„ .a,. Ik-cu. ,-v.t. nhd ni-h' sw.m:.-: .!1..v. ; and dca;:. ends the secne. VVould yia I"1 a RKMÉDJf rolt : n:; 1 W Ilerc i li. Tl.e eirei encé of niAro l.hnn SO vers U1 private practico Kas .r..v;.l n .W;' . sinco ila ininaÍMCÍoj [o pubjic nor, " '"''S1' B9Ie Iwfl ten un lieden {ed. -ll !'? W?f l e von.1 gestión, (im.-so ..-.ik-Ii s?, .t " il clnrcd lo be the j-icnu-si rcii.cly in lu) orW. ASTH.MA. too tknt fcarful and aaStrewiftè "' "'' wllK:!l remies lüc inH-thenjome dmitig He umi.inu, isubdued tlfoHt clífficiílty by tttjafereat romcdy, and the Bjiftèren 9 owiikil ?■ Us uw o ol-um. n.uoi repodo; tlu hI.oiii.cís ol l.rth is óvercome. íhe:out. rlfnyéd, ohil I henlUi nnd vigoi mkéihe ii!acrof dcspbnrfeñbj ■nñd-sutteiing. Dr. K"l"c' s OtDSAOTílAÑ, or Ali HfM' G i'v; - v.i, is ilie wJiidi Itii's been s ' snc-osilul im alJfeviaiHife nnd oiirintr tlic above complaiuls ; and il has bfeen Ufofl bv ihe fust physicinna in il cuy, ho duchiiu u' t. be unrivalle.l. rtinsinach da 't .loesnot, d„fu?b the Ix.wi'ls in itie least by cós„veness, while öli other remedies reco.nincnded ,,,, ,!„.. Bbóvé disensos inv:innb!y sliui iip the bowels, ihus rendcrins it nöcttsary to resort W (.urtT.iuve moÖföinc. . , ■ Kc:ul the rollowing enses. wiiu-n hnc!cen re..vrdandcircl wi:hin il kW VV'ecks : DAVID HKXDF.KSO.W W Lnight sirect. look n severc cold on the 1 Ii 8ay oí July. fhid wás broiiihc vory by a disjr96so cough, wliich ifsuiicd in frequont nttneks d bjeding from the lungs. Altlibuglj he iricd dve.ry tlnng M, the shnpe üf remedie whirl. co.d.l ba foijiid, yct im wis not bencííuod, nnd !y the rrtonfti ui Oc.obar was so inuch rcd.iccd by iMgbt BW006 that he dcypaiicd of lilo.. One bollle ut Folger s Olosaoninn reytorcd bira to hraltli. GEORGKW. IJUUNK'l'T. ol Ncwark, N has sulieie.l undfcr ilie olRcis of n severe cold jr more iban a yo:ir. He was rcducetl to tlurink ofthf grnve alumsi. ly hiscough and rifght wents; Hé cvininciiced roísin !lood in tlio ïoniji of October last. He cöinfiieifced usmg ie. Olosaoninn. anci by tl e middle of November o was so lar rc-storeil thni he Icft lor rittabmgh vtili evcry prospect ol lecoveiin liis liealili. Mrs. BK1-L, the wtfe ól Robi-r'. I'. Bell. ol Iorristown, N. J., was drcadfully afllicted with sihma fur many yents. Her physicians had eapairttl oí relieving her. One buttlc ol the Olusaonian so far restoied her that she was able o gei out uf her and dresd her&elf, whicli hc had not dono before i niondis, and öhu is ow in a Inir way to lo ïchuvcd. Mr I-'. LABÁN. 5 stree', was so bad vitli asthma ibat he had not slep in 'b'ia bed lor er, week, w'ien he onniienced ihe use uf ilus Trent reimdy. Ono hottlc cured lihn, and lic [na ti'tthad a rnturn of bis cuuii'laiiit nuw more han live m-milis. Mis. McCANN'. '-111 Walker s. reet, was nlso ciired of severo asthma by the Olosnouian. an( s'a-es that she novtr knt-w iiiediuine givo BUcl immi.'diatc nnd permanent relief. cr.OKGF, W. HAYS, of tbis city, wasgivci up by lus physician ns incurable. His digcaae was c.inGUpiniion "and Avhun hocominenced usini. the Óo9Íonian. wns so wenk iliat he couW nJ waik without heiiiii assistcd by a friend. Jij strict attention he was so i'ar rcstorcii in a feu weeVa h to - ülle ió pursiic lus biisiiicss. I .MKS A. CROMDir:, 120 Nassau streel J. J. Pafsefts, I I '!'■ H)'b eueêt ; C. S: Benson 21!) pieecker street ; James Dnvis. t8 (ïcin neet : nnd Mrs. .Maiku, ü Moiion tin i-i ; hnv all exRcytiicód ilie goud cllccts oj tlic Orosonia in r.)i'i-h.= jI' ïoiii standing find tiffoctipns of tb lungs, ii'nil proimuuco it. with onc ucear d, to b entert renirdy. and the nu m snced.y am elï that tïiey h,nc erv et !:uovvn. K inde}, aic yii M-ficnng fron'j (hnjtDvi '- ense ' Try i li í si r'cfliiviy. Vou wjíl ñut.. jbi h;iis. icl"i"i :t. I' ni;iy ario: dl iTisanö oblé sym)t-!ns wliich su Í".'1 sticli lerror (o il rairid. and prólon yonr dyá. púrsiie'ai I'OC Nisiau st,.oii dofr.ib'-yi Ann nnd ia aira 11 iys. }:'■'.) Fultön si'., B klfn. AVèntM lor Ann Arlwr, W. g. ,V J. W . Ihiy nnrd; E, Sampaön, Ypsilanti; D. C. Whirvvood, üe.xter; Tickford & Crtic. Saline: Smith Ty rol. Clinton: 11. Bower, Mánchcsicr; P. FarljcK &Co., Plyinoinii; D. Grcgory and A. Gir.nt. SorthvilleV 244-Bmu - WÊ And Stoves of all kinds. Tho subsuribcr would culi the attention oí the puhlic to Woolson-s Hot iir Cooking STOVEWliioh hccnn contideutly leconmirnd as being decidediy superior tu any Cooking St .ve in uso Kor hiplictty in D'peraiión - eeonoiny m (nel, nnd for Urtcqualléd Bakino and RoasTixa qualiity, it is unrivulled. The ncv nnd important improvemenj introduced in Lts constructioii btiiig such us fo in siire {jrrat advantiigcs over dl other kinds ol Cookii'' St)'C3. WfLLIAM II. MtYF.S. Jr. 7i Wcodwnrd Avenuw, Dë rtilt; Do.-. I-.. {S. ' Ready Wïado Clothing. AT REpUGEO PIHCES; TUK largost anrl best nimftnipnl of rcady made clothing vvLt bcl'ore oHèred in luid Sinie. now on hand and lor buJ Wholisde or Iletnil, at the Clothing Kmorimn ol the Sub seribers. connsiiiig in pari "I Fitic broauclo-li Frock aiii Dit'-s ConiF. TwBed and unión CnSflintéíc, satmetand joan Frock nnd Business (!oats. Suhuner Oo'dts in grcai variety nnd ver clictip. Ca39inicre. oio ih. tweeil nnd 6iiinnif-r Pnnts ol all tyle8 ond priees. Satin, velvef. i)k. valencia, cnshVnftTe ftWl Marscilles N'csts - n large Btock oi'iich and filah ïonablc styleö. Al', an extptisivf! ájswrt'rlfherít of Ifosicry, Stocks, Scarfs, Haiidkercliiüfa. Collur?, thli ts. Gloves. Cravats, Suspendere, Stc. &c. all nl which will be sold low for ai?h. 'l'hcy would respectfully invirc nll, in want ol rendy mnde garments, to cali and examino thcir stock beforc purchosing elsfiwherc. aait hns been selectcd with care in the F.astcrn markci nnd tnnnufnctLrcd in tbc latcsl styles and most durable maiincr. UAIJ-OCK FiAVMOD. Corner of Jetterson t Woodward nvenma. Detroit, Apnl 4, In l". 2VS-tï,-.,rr- - --V'h kor ror.Gfin, m i.-. iivmmii'ïic, á ■ ïr.u'üi.r.vr to Ai.i. riiosK awmctj-:') %vrjii :si:.. -::: i nu: uwjs .m rkkast. II 'i'.l .'!nf'. ' i ' iv.-r ' Moic endone "f if.. ,i ]nts.ii' fieiiftfi nsi'nu'ife oirtiies!!! $ ; (Trom Dr. Bfkr. Sprinuf.. !d. tVa.-di. Co. Ky.] i Si'i.iv, tk i. Ky.. M 1 I. Í5. ( . Santoid Ov: Park: - E (','.; --i :,.; i ilus opportur.ity of informiiiL: yon i1 a most remiirkab-fe cure portórmeíl upon ' . the is' üf ■'. Ü'í.s.'íí'.v BttUum of ' W IL CJtürrijl'J ' Ju ilu! ISJO I vv.k inkcn wiih an Ii fltmt ith'iini ido JJo.vels wliich 1 laboicd under lor si.x f uci'L.s uli. u l grndually r;i-iveicd. in ilio fnll d! I - i: ! .■ - . : i ■ ;. ■ ! wiih ;i M.'vcrc culi!, whicli ' gjeaied itèülfjipüii w.y uiHh "' ' '"' llu; sl';-e "f ' ihrec yen ra I w'nsebn'fincd lo my teil. I 1 1 iet! al: kindá of medicines :ind 6 ver y varièiy of medica! íiid and without hem ir: nird fhufi I weaued nJong s iinii! the ivintür r.l ltf-1 1. when I hënrd of í 'a.; lar'fl Uiilsum t)t W Hd .fhcity." My liieuds KTiiindcd n:c t( givsi it n trifil. '' lliouli J li ml givonWp IJ hP ol n iccovcy. S ;md n.-i ..ui ■! i:iy-.( II lor the clmngo oían{ otiicr wol ld. Tki-.Hih llicir aojicitüüun I wiií ' 'ñduQud i" ninkc bse oí" ijj'ê Goniiinc Wl-hu's ■' Ualsnin of Wild Chniy." Tlie cHict w;is indy f aStomh0. Al'ier lïve yenrs of iliieiion. p.-iin ;1 .ui I slfftèiitig: ""d ifier hnvtng fout ot l: ,'?' hundretl dollars cono nurpoM. nnd tlio besi c ,,lii li'ii:i : : -[i. .■l::liii:ti!iVsii1i.inB Iiitil irnvill l VftiKng, I icas sorTtriistiTAïtlóietftite IienUh bv ï Üit fjlcffiiig (hul and the vso of Dr. Wis' ll!ni;i ij' Wild Cltr.rri. ' Í nui now unjöyifyj goo;) íieidth. nrtá sitrh is " my idiered íii-caianco tlmt I nm no fónger know b wiicn I meet my formcr acnunintances. l( 1 !inve iiinod nijiidly in woight, and my ílesl n is llnu andsolid. 1 can no-.v eat as inucli nsany c peraan, arid my fqod scemsto ngree with me.-fl I linvi; calen moro diirin' the Instsix monilis tban c l had oaien ior fivc yenis beforr. Considcring iny cose plmeSt ■ tui meló. I deern j il ín c '.-sary lorihe gpófl of ilio .tlliuicd and 0 l du'.y 1 uwc : lh ]iiopriclors :ind my fellow men. " (who sliould whtie rtüef niay be liad) (" to n'nTkü thi.'OiuumL'tU public. ! May ïhe blcssmg üf God rest opon the proprieiors of so vnliüdiic a medicine as "W'isiar's lïal- saín oí W;ld öheriy. Yours rc.-ipecifully, ; WILLIAM H. BAKi:R. L'ltr (nllvcing (insjiist heen rere vy! fvom Nr. '.ilicunl StrtitUm. of Lcji'izton, Mo., irliich f s'imrs ili'i Covsiniplion in i s icortt form Ma le'cured lj " 'Iviaiar's Hiilsiim of IV. U t Clicrnj. Lrxincton, Mo., Jan. '21, 18-15. [Unj.imin Pliölp's - Dear Sir: I oka "ït'at p!en.-uie in coiiimunie;itin (o you , wli..'. I QOpsidor ::" cMianidmaiy cuio. eliecied n niy dníigíier, nbpú' '' 5!??'' "f11"1 'V '8 ar's liulsam ot !ild Chcriy. AlióWffl! Ismf ' September l:ist, my danyliter v:is (tifiénsicfo and ' was attended l,v si'vciaï pliysicions. wliose proècriptions proved inefl2iuál. or see.ned to do no jood. ÍSIu; w;isatiendi;l wilh vi constant couh. 7ml pain in the bu-ast. Uur pliysu-inns nnd all who "snCv'li'ér feámc to llie conclusión tliat sjiè was in n eotiiirnied étage of CoiiMimption. I mude no otlier calculation tlian lor her to die. - ISut as soon os she eimmeneed laking tlio lïal- ?am sli'1 lerni t" hnd eontiiutcd so to do until hor lionl'ii was restorod, and is now eniirely well. Wiili n ic-w of bonffitting tlios wlio may besimilarly olïlicted. I take plca.suro in recoinmondint; Uus icmerty io ihc confiJencc ol :he public. Yonrf:, wiili respect. r,l)VARl) STRATTON. ÍVÍSTAR'S OF WILD CHEIillY ihat noi only relieves hut cures! (FT Pi eo SI ;ci bbtlTè. "r six IoltTes tor Ñi. For sale in Cincinnati only by ÖANFOR1) .V PAUK, and in Ann Albor by Maynards. sole Agents for thisCuuniy. 238 Fersian Pifiïs "Put nol Ihe Lighl vuifer a Ihtshcl" but rcad and ponder. rpiJE TLMIv IS (JO.MK. ii id now s, ihat the JL jjrent mass of the pcoi!o o il. ia and the. old world, have decidcd tint ilic r:::s,ix .ixd i.di -j.v r.xrn.wrs, aro tht) iiieBt ((FciiKil c(;inbiiiation ol' iiiedicinal in'Tedients thal ever has, ui evp (an compuse a uill. " The RKSFRUKCTION or PKUSfAN I'JI L. bciny milde ol vfyi-tabli! f."iirtictf!, ure e'niily digcytive. hfcoining a jnicc in the hiiinan ïlotS'öcli. This liquici iseafily tnk n lip by the absorhent vesáols, and conveyed ibruiínhout uil partrt of the system, dispensing life and ;niiinuium in al the orgnns. Uy being nssimilaied wuh the blood. it OtMêA inio iis eonibination. purifyin4 the airean s ol' lite. Yon sec il would nnturálíy and rendily combine with the blood and all ihe peerctions, (tuis adapting itsell'to ihe rêfnbvói ol' all disentías of impure blood. wliich cloj; the o'ijana. causmi; pain, distres?, nnd leaih. It ihe niiiiii;ies Bettle lipöri the óïgén of the stoniach. t enutén bad tasto in themouth. a fnrred tougne, hfld bicath, indigestión, dyppepMa. p.iin, a sense )l iidlness or gonencss. Ac. Il onpn the lungi r throcif, they witl ctiiso a conyh. tïgtnhVBa. weakness, and an uneasy sjnsation in the throat. irritation, bronchitis, t:nd cünsiimpiion. It they scttle upón tlié livei. ihey will cause liver complnint. jautiilicf. or sdlow skin, fever and ague. bilious dUeases of all kinds, and irreiiularity ol the bnwels,diarralio'-i. &c,. 1 upon the nerven, they will cante nervous weakness, pain in tin hcid, sick headache. general debility, low sjtirits. heit in the back, side, or hend. If in the system gcnertilly, it cause geñerol cmaclaiion, strofula, minora, tiñht hard skin, pimples, blotchcs, irritativn, vto. &e. You know if nny thing cloga the epgine. al the machincry becorrteá retnrded in lts inotion, and ns it decreasos in frtrenpth, the motions become parnlyzed more and nioie, until iinally it eeuses 10 uiove. Po with ihe human system, a;the bliiod i.eciitnes impuie with humor?, the orruns cruaiing. pain, misery. and if not removed, dnth. A constant u$ë öfiliose Piilnin a family. wil add yenrs lo each individual lile. For bcing made of vegetable extrocts, thej may bc taken frpm yonth "io oht age without i.ijury, but vitii decidêd beneüt. VVéiiTtljr, pufiy eliildren. will bccomo hcdihy and sirong with a slow use of ihese I'tlls. Theysooilie weak noves, sirenytli p"n ihe wbaít, ánd cteahse pil t Ii c ócgans in n man ner ;ibove described l'eiitg eompound ol juicéa [i-y pi?-s ihroiiiih the sinnüesi vtsels-, tint tiiclmir d si' i-e v, -,vn ever pent up in thu system. eve:: n the oyes and brain. v kii.m ihai ïliey are the brst Pili in the woild. to: í is of tlih'itsaiid.-t dal have laken cv eiy utiier ill. have decidêd so. and nothin cotili liimler tliem Iroai keeping hem on hnnd.- Tuko thcie pilJ freely, and you will seldon wam a phyricinn. Who ever board of mud m .Iwirssiiia family whcro these Pilis werc takei fieel) { Then nfeöh ihev ennse no pain or weak ne. in their operntjon; ihey soothe the bowels and are a sure ure lor 13lAIUtII(i:A OR SUMMIER COMPLAINT i-.idigestion. costivenesp, nnd (dl diseases arisint ironT nn impure stomacli or blood. There i nothingbtticr for fever and agne. ot bihousdts cases, and nll others meniionod nbove. . B. Price reduced to 2a per box for 3J Pilh. Remembcr cnyh box contains 51 Pilis- thereiou'. they are ihe cheapest as well as the best. Beware of Pilla made of gum, calomel and coarsc powders, for they will destroy the ooais of the stomnch in time, nnd cause deaih. - Uowarc. (ot díe most of them contain calomel or 8omethins as destructive to human c.xistcnce. Üémcnibor the Ro-ttrrection or Persian Pilis, lire made of Vegetable extraéis. Kor sale in all tbc principal places in the Union- Wholesale and retad by P. uwen & Co.. Detroit; C. Eberbach, S. P. Jewctt. Lund & M'Collum, Ann Aibor. 237-(5m BÍañkDcedti aiil ïTIortsasc. WHOLESALE AND RKTAIÍi.for sale by BEfcKBfcYj KOSTKIt & Co. Mirr-h 20, 1845. 'C BlUiNCKEKHOFF'S )'V■'lISTA"l)lNG tbq bomating li I empines of cimcs never perfumadmd forgüfJ certificaUB o! ihcin, yci iheir noa rums siiïK likö o'hersöf ilieir kind. in iheLreai leaofobüvion. The test o time is-theguidjogJ me lor (lio searchiu-,' Bliek, Wftö are nxionsly vstchitrg evety glfctw of hopij i!kk ghines on ii-sr p-ifli. The lle;i!ili Restornmc h;is been r mpelui.Ufly nsan'ilj s the production ol a noa run'i m Viger. ImJ.i limu has proven i hnt a falsa ( tnd lase ttfrinèntión and has jcwelled her ir.ub( .üion w 1 1 1 1 ot ho'ior from ilic caskeis ot i hosc.whp.havoeJtpr.ieñccd the cllbcis oT ihis . fnlm. hsBobrcijm power èhown iniliecuie r f c.niipluiins of rhd Liver and Lunes. Con '. Mimpiiun. CsaighS Colds, even n reaiieaj j. . -vniiy. A.-'iImii.i. :md Pam in the Bronst nnd ,n Jide. All ilint is dcsiraMe in n remcdy lor hese coinpLiinlö. is n ttio Kestorniive roduccd nd conocutinte.-i to llie ultimatum oí' their powu ir, so phieod in sncli perfect comhmuiion ,)( liiit ilicir scveral nnd uniied torcéis experiens icdot bne and the same timo. It is not ofli-icd rc sa p;ill:;mvf ouly for lÜsease, Inii as a complete ( Jtlertninoliun of it. anti a icstorer to nntural f.( nd l.looming As all the tcstimony ol ( minipencliühle wittusfcs is ofien insuflación' to nnvince iVióbe whi are dc'ermined to withsiand n, rie forco of ëvidence, no mutier how powerful, . i-e enrncatly hope límt thcy wil! muke triol o lie Restorntive. nnd beconsinced by actual de(j( iionetrntiou. Th ifety of your life dupends n ihe use of this medicine, wiihoiit il ytAi had m etter li.-istcn to prepare for a quick and fel al armitintion of your disease: bnt by its usc you vail yonisell of meo.ns whicli ennnot djsappuint ' ir dêrude you. 'I h;i Ibllowing certilicaie in j oi:i Dr. Chillón, the well known New Yoik e ihrtnist. ! lil hav.e amlyzod a bottle of medicine c-illed C.Iïrinckeilioil 's Heallh Restointive,' and fin il hat M ( not cmtnin Meroiry. or any o'her icttillie prcparJlion; nor opium in nny of iis g jrins. Il is componed o( vruoinblc! muiter enj- ireiv." .l'.yi 11. Ciin.roN. AI. 1). C; i'.illXCKKKIIOFF, ' '' Pu!(; Proprielor. f)b!) ]?rnonie etrctt, N. Y. For sa'eby W. S. &. J. VV. Maynaid, Agcnts. v knn Arbor. 24G-4w [ "CÏNT BE BËATT " ; XUIK subscribers wuuldinforni the Tublic. thai , X thcy continue to supply the State ol v ;ón with i L. B. WALKER'S PATENT I'l'c Ihrge nümbefs of these VÍacinn'es that have )oen siild. nnd the steadily ïncreasiug demand for I hem, is the best ëvidence of their real valué, md of thcir estimation wiih those who have ome lainilioi with ilifir nierits. ' Wai.kk:i's Smul Muehine is superior to others n the following pariieulars: ! 1 . As ii couihines the Balling. Srouring, and Woning Principies, it eleanstlie smniticst '-f r'raih inihe best iijanner, retaining all the fricion ol' the wheat, dnd !iícliiirgin,' thcsmutnnd dtiat as faFt as separated í rom the wheat. 2. It is simple in cmiitnulitin. and is I bro lesslihblé to Ikcohic derungtd,ani! costs less ' or rt-pnir. 3. it runs very ld, and is [jcrfecily secure ' Trom fire. 4. It is ns durahlt as any othcr Machine in use. 5. It costs considornbiy Lf:ss ihnn oiher kind. 'J'iiese ímporjant pointa oi'Jillerence hnvc giv' en this Machine the prtference with those who have (airiy tned it. Amone a large number of Gentleme'n in the .Millin;,' Business who miht bè name'd, the frl!owin: have uscd the Machine?, nu Iceiiiüed to ilu;ir e.xcellency and auperiority: il. N. IIöaaki). Pontiac. Mich. K. F. CoPK. Rochoitrr. do K. 1?. I)NVoiTff, iMnson, ' M. F. Fiunk, JJraneh. Io II. II. Cd.mstock. Cunifiock. d) R'eferences niay also bc had io Jon.v Jï f. on, A'.iliurn, Mich. W. lívo:;. (Jo do J). (,' 'nKr..Mi, Rock, do Joiiü Pnii. Mónrpc, do II. Doi'ïimn, do do Á. Beach VVntcrloo. ilw . Gko. Kf.tchum. M.iislinll, do N. IIkmknwvy. Oakland, dó All orders lor Machines will be protnptly attended to. Address i:. O. & A. CR1TTF.NT0N. Ann Aibor. (f.ower Town) Wash. Co. Mich. Au-. 'J-I. 18-irL'2-)-Iv Bry Go o ds at 'Wholesale -ÓKECIIHR Ü ABROT OFFER for snle .B_J) for csh the foUowinf.' goods at New York wholesales prices, transportation only auded: 40 Bales Brnwn Sheetings and Shirtingt', 10 Cuses Hlèacherf do do 10 Bales Brown Drülinirs, i Cases Blcached do 2000 lbs Battintr, 1000 " Cottoti Warp, Nos. D to L0 500 " Cand'e Wicking, 700 Carppt Wnrj), 100 pieces Shcpps Gray Cloth, 100 " Satüiiett?, GO " Casáimere, 5ü " Blue, Black, Brown, Green, Steel Mixed, and Cadet Mixed Broud Clotlis. 150 " Black, Colored, Figured and Plain Al pa ceas, 00 " White, Red, Green and Yellow Flannol?, 30 " Super Meal Bag-pring', 50 " Plain and Figured Kentucky Jean?, :,0 " " '' Linseye, f0 " Cnnton Flannel?, 50 pairs Mackinaw Blankettf 50 pieces M. DeLaine and Cashmeres, 100 BlanketShawle', :o piocos 7 3 and B-4 BcdTicking, 50 " Stripo Shirtiuji-, 50 " Bine Drill?, 100 " Pni8?ian Dispor, 1000 " RngYinh and Ameiicnn Prints tocether with a trcuernl assortment oí'ThrcRd?, Pms BtittQPfi CombiJ,Glurea, Ribbons, Lnceá Hdkfs, .c. Sifi., mnkinar the loraest and best assortmpnt of poods to be fonnd in Ibis stale. 1Í32 Jeffiuson aveniiH, one door below the St. Clair Mank Building. Detroit, üct. 7, Io4.r, Cmo. "Stenm Foundry." TUK underfiüiied havmi; bö'nghi the entiie interest of il. fc R. Barttn'dgW and Geo. F. Kent in ihtr 'Steam Foundry." Ann Arhor. will manufacturo all kinds of Castillas to order, and willl)c happy to fttniish any kind of Cnetings to Ifie ohl QUStOifieft Ol Harria. Pnriridge &, Co., H. fc R. P.n -iridííc, iV Co., and Partridge. Kent & Co., and to all otliers who may favor theni with a cali. II. B. HARRIS. E. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Albor, Dec. 26, 1846. 2-14-tf cblLTY ORDERS. THE higliestprice paid in cathby G. F. XiCWip, Exchangc Broker, opposite the Insuranco Bank, Detroit, for orders on nny of the countis in Uie State of Michigan; nlso for State sccuritic8 of all kinds and uiictirrent lunds Cali antlscr. Dcc 1, f845. 241-tf Ars'.NUALS. - A lare and vnluable assortment of Anniials lor 181G. together with many other splendidly bound books, suitable for preeents, lor sale nt PKFIRY'S BOOKSTORE. Dcc. 2?. 241-tf---'■- 's: = :.= 7-.: ■?,;- - : - Ti r - - .-z- y " jr j. .- rV ' i 9 -- I pRE prccédiné lïguie is ivcn to represent L ihe lnacn.siblo Perispiration. It s ilic grcnt r ,-acuaiion for the impurifica of ihe booy. It will e noticed thataihiok cloiuly mist 'issues froui 1 points of thc surfoce, wtiictl indícales that lis por6j)ir; fluws iiniiüemiptodly wlien we r xv. in henltn, but ccasca when wc are siek. Lie ' uinot be t-usiaincij without it. it is thrown ofi " Din tlio blood mul other juicos ol the body. id diaposes by thw merms. of noarly n)I the im;irities iVilhin uk. 'J'he blood. by this means t i!y, worl.s ntc't pure. The Inngii.ige of o iri' is, "'in the Blood is :ho Life." I!' it ever l eomfü iiupure. it moy bo traced directly to me tl oppage of the Insensible Pertpimtion. Il never v tquires nny intemal medicines to clcanee it, cis ii alwuvs puiifics itself by its own heat and i nn. niid throws oll' uil tho offonding hnmors. o iroueh ihe Insensible Perapiration. Thus wc i] ie alTthat is necessHiy when ihe bloot!' is v uit. or iniectcd. is to open the poieá, nndit iehvi-8 iiself froni iril impiirity instantly. lts own nat and vitalnv are aiiHicient, without onfi ele óf medicine, rxcept to open the po ren upon a íesuifuce. Tinta wc sec tho lol tv of taking ?o ( inch intemal remedies. Al! practhioners, howi-er, direct their ciib'rts to restore the Insensible g erspiration, but it seems to bc not nlways the s ropcr one. The Thompsonian, lor instancc. .eams. the Ilydropathist ehroude 'sin wet a 18-, ili; llomopuih st deals out iniinitissinials, iho illopaihist bleeds and deses us with nercury,and ( ie blustéring Quack gurges us with piüs, pills. , illa. To give somc den of ihe nmnunt of the Ineen , iblc Perspiration. wc wil! state thnt tho learned ( )r. l.cwenhoek. and the great Uoerhaave, asccr-i ( nined thnt fivecightlisol üll we receive into the ( tomach. passcd off ly :his ncans. In other vords. if we e.itnnd drink eight pounds per doy. , ve ev cuate five pounds of it by tho Insensible , T.spiration. , ] This is none olher thnn thc used up particles , f ihe blood. and other juie- giving place to the lew and l'rcsh ones. To check thia, therefore, s to i etain in the systcni (ve?ihths of uil the iriiltnt matter that natuie demands sliould lcavihe body. And even when this is the cnse, ilu)l.jod id of so active o piinciple, that it deterni n es t ose paiticlcs to the ski i, where thcy orn seabs, pimples, ulccrs. and other spots. Iïy a sudden trnnsition íioni hcat to cold, the )ores are 6toppe?. the perspirtúon censes, nnd Jiscaec begins tit once to dcvelopo itself. Henee, i stoppnge of tliis flow of the juices.. originales ;o níuny eomjilaints. It is by stopping the pores, tiiat ovcrwhelms nankind with coughs. coIÜÍb, and oonsumption?. 'ine-terul:s of the world dio from disensos in:luced by a stoppugc of llie Insensible Perspirtfton. It is cnsily eecn, therefore, how necessary ís [he How óT this sublle humor to the snrfaee. to preserve hcnlth. It connot be stopped; it cannot he even checked. without imlucing disease. Lut me ask now. bv'eVy cándid rnin'd, what course seems the most icasonable to pursue, lo unstop the poro?, alier they are elosed? VVould you give physic to unstop'thc pores? Or would you apply something that would do this upon the surface, where tlie cloing nctualLy is? Would not ihis be common pense? And yít I knowoi no physician who ninkes any externa! application to efleji it. Thc reason I aesign is. that no medicine within tlicir knowledge. is cap;ihle of doing it. Under these circumstances. I pres:nt to physicinns, and to all others, a preparation ihat has this power in its fullest e.xtent. It is McAl. ISTEH'S ALL HEAL1NG O1NTMENT, ortl.e WÜÜLD'S SALVE! It has power to restore perep'írotiári on the feet, on the hend, around oíd sores, upon iho cliest, in short, upon ;niy p.irn.l thc botiy, whether diseased tlightly or íeverely. It has power to cause all external sore?, scrofiilous huitiors, skin distases, poisonous wounds. to discharge their putr.d matter, and then htals ineni. It is a remedy thnt swcops oíT the wliole catalogue of cutnneous üjiñoiáéss. and restores tlie enlirecuticle to iishcalthy íuncrioiis. I; is a remedy that fbrbíds ihe necessity of so many and deleterious drugs taken into the sfomacli. It is a remedy that neither sickens, gives ínconvenience, or is dangeroua ro the inies'ines. It preserves -and defends the iurfacc froni all derangement of its functions. while it keejis open ihe chnnnels for the blood to void all iis impuiities nnd dispose ot' all its useless particles The Btirface is ihe outlet of five-eí.hths of iht hile and nsed up maitsr within, It is picrced wi:h iiiillions ol openings to relieve tho intestinos. Stop uj these pores, and death knocks nt your door. Il is rightly termed All-Hcalinc. íor there is scarcoly a disease, exiernal or imer nal, that it will not bcuefif. I have iwJ ii foi the last foiirtetn years, for all discases of tin ctie'st) consumption. liver, involving iho utmos' danger and responsibility, a'id I declare beforcIleavcn and man. that not rri onc single caso hasit failnd to bencfi1. when the patiënt was -wi:bin the reiich of mortal mean3. I hüve liad physicians, lenrned in ihe profession; 1 have had ministers of thu Gospel, Judgeson the Bench, AMernien and Lawyers. gen tlemen of tlic higliesterudition and multitudes ol the poor, usc it m every vnricty of way. nnd ihere bas been but one voice, onc nnited, universal voice, saying, "McAlister, your Ointmcnt ip good!" coNfüurno:. It can hstrdly be credited that a salve can have any efl'ect upon the Iungs, seated as they are wiihin ihe system. I3at wesay once for all, that this Ointment will reach Ihe Inngs quicker iban any medicine that can be given internally. Thus. if placed upon the chest. it penetrates directly to the lung?. st-paratrs ihe poisonous particles thai are consiiming them, and expela ihem from thc system. I need not say that it iscurin persons of Consunip'Hon coirinually. álthoügH we are told it íf loolishncss. I care not what is said, so long m I can cure several tlimisand persons yíarly. HKAD AC1IK. This Salve hoscured persons of the Head AHk ot 12 years standing, and who had it rcgularl) every week, so thnt vomiiing of on took place. Deafncss and Ear Aehe are helped with the likc sut-ecss. as nlso Auc in thc Face. COt.D YY.V.T ConsMmptioti. Livér eomplain;, pnins in the chest or side, fallin ofthehair. one or the other .ilways aceompnnies cId feet. It is a stuc sign of disease in the systom to háv'c cold feef. The Salve will restore the Insensible Perspirationand tlius cure evory cafe, In Scroftiln, Krysipelns and Salt Rheiim, and oiher diseasesof this nature, no interna! remedy bas yet betn diecovercd thai is so cood. Thp pame may bc said of Bronchitis, Quincy, Sore Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseases, Broken or Sore Bronst, &c. And as for thc Chest Diseasp., such as Asthma, Pain. Opprcssion and the like, it isthcmo6t wonderful antidote in the World. For Liver Ccmplaint it is equnlly efficacious: for Burns it has not has its equal in the World: also, Excrescnces of every kind, such ns Wam, Tumors. Pimples, Ac, it makes clean work of them all. SORE F.VF8. The inflammation and diseasc always lies back of the ball of the eye in the socket. Hcnce the virtue of any medicine must reach the scal of the inflamation or it will do littlo good. Thc Salve, if rubbed on the temples, will penétrate dircctly into the socket. The pores will bo open ed, a proper perspiration will becreated and thc disease will soon pass offto the sur!acc. riMri.ES ON TUK TACT., FRKCKLKS, TAN, MACL1LIN'E SKIN, GKOSS SCRFACK. Tt8 firBt aotion 3 to expcl all humor. It willlot cease drnwing till ihe face is free from uny natter that niay bc lodged under the Bkin and requently breaking out to the surac-e. It llien ic.ils. Whcn thore ie nothing but grossness, or lüli repulsivo snrf;ice, it begins to softcn and oltcu until the ekin becomea aasinooth and Mi:atc as a olnId'H. Jt ibrows n freshncss and iluphiqg color apon íjic ntfw white, trnnsparent kin. is [icrfectly enchnnling. Sonic times ti fff I'Yeckles it wiil first start out ihoae lint luivo [oin hidderiand secn butseldom. Puruu the Salvo and all wiil eoon dlsappcar. lt' parenta knnw how fatal most medicines wcre o childrcn taken inwaidly, they would l)e slow o resort to theiri. Especiaily "mercurial lozcn:s,""called "medieated lozenges," pilla, &c. Fhc. trut!) is. no onc can invariably, when fprma are present. Now let me suy to parents, Uut ibis Salve willalwiys teil if n cliild liatvorms. It wiil drive cvery vestige of ihem avay. This is h simple and solo cure. Thero is probably no medicino on the fnee of lie enrth aL once so surc and so safe in the exulsion of worme. Jt would be cruel, nay wioked, to givc intori;il, (loubtliil medicines, $o long as a hnrmlcsn, xicrnal one could be had. TOII.KT. Although I havo said lit:Ie about it as a hair sstoraüve, yet 1 wiil stake itagainst ihc World! fhey rh'rfy bring tnéir Oils iar and near, and nino wiil restore the hair ivro cases to their one. OT.D SORKS, ttOKTIFICATlONS, UI.CKHS, KTC. That some Sores are an outlot to the iinpuriie? of the systcin, ia because they cannot pass iï throtish the natu al ehannela of the Insensiilo Pcr.-piration. If sucli sores are healed up, lie impurities must have sorue othor oatlel. or it vill endanger life. This is the rcason why it is mpolitic to use the common Salve oí the day n such cuses. ï'or they have no power to open ither avenues, to let olí iliii morbid matter, and he C(iiin()uenctís are always fatal. This Salve vill always provide for sttch emergeneics. i)isrA-i:s ok (HII.UUK.S. How niany thousands are swept ofl' by giving medicines, vhnn thcir y'oÜng bodies irtd tender frames are unable to bear u against hem? VVhole. arniies are thus ent to their jraves increly from ponring inio their weak itó'rrioèris powerful driigs ónd phySfcSl It is to iiich tlint the All-IIeniing Oimment tenders eo iafe, plcnsiuit, and harmless a cure Such cuses as Crotip, Cholic, Cholera Infantum. Worms, nnd all Summer fomplaints, by which so niany children die, the Oimment will remove sospecdily and surelv, that a physician will ncver be nceded. Mot hora! tliroughout !ll this land. we now solnrunly and sncrcdly declare to you that ihe All-Healinir Oin;niMU will save your children from an early grave if you will use it. We are not .-r.v actuated by the least desire to gañí; but knowingas we do that vast bodies of intants and children die early: which is 8upposed to he inevitable and imposai!le to prevent, we hold up our warning voice, and declare in the face of the whole world, CHILDREN NF.ED NOT DIE MORE TIIAN OTIIERSÜ T5 1 1 1 it is from the want ef proper nourisr-ment and the constant diugging they undergo which raows Oietn down aa the rank graas folla before the scythe. Mothers! we repeat again, and if they were ihe last words we weie ever to utter, .nnd ot coursc past the reach of all interest, wc would say. "use the All-llealing Ointment sicknefs among children." RHF.UMATISM. It removes ahiiost immcdiately the inflamation and swefling, when the pain of courso ceabes. FXVK.H. Tn cases of fever, the diiriculty lies in ihe pores being Iocked up, so that the heat and persp:ration cannot pnss oll'. If the least moimurtcould be started, the crisis ia passed and ihe (lantirr over. The All-Healing Oiniment will in ail caaeof fevers almost instantly unlock the skin and bnng forth the perpiration. KIM ALK C0M1M.AI.VTS. InlL)mation of tlie kidneyf-, ol the womb. am itsfolling down, wrnkriess. and irregwlariiy; ii short, all those difficolties which are frequen with fem'ilcp, fi;iJ roady and permanent relie) Wo have had agcd ladies teil us they poqld no' live six months withdiit it. Hut to female9 abou tohecome mothers, if tiscd for some weeks ante cedent to their cortfinement. very few offhos pains and convnisions which ntipnd tl'em at thn period will be feit. This fact 0gWl tL be known the world over. su.n nr.-vn. We have etired cases thnt actnally (Teficd evc rything known, as well as the ability of fiftee or twenty doctors. One man told us hc hn ypent $500 ori tóia children vit!v)'it any benefit whcn a few bo.ies of ihe Ointment etired ihem COHN?. Pcople necd ncver be troïiblcd with ilem i they will use t. As a FAMILrY MF.DICfNF:, no man ca measure its value. So long as the stars rol along over the Heavens - so long ns man tread the earth. subject to all the of th (lesh - 80 long e disease and sickness is known just so long will tfiiti Ointment be used ari( estt-emed. When min ceases from olF the eanh then thedemaml will cease. nnd not till then. To allny all npprehrnsions on account oí it ingrediems. in possessincsuch po werful proper tien, we willstaie that it is cotnposed of some o the most common nnd hnrmloss herbs in exist ence Thcre ia rto mercury in it. ns erfrt le seo from the fnct that it does not ï rijuro the skinon partido, whilc it wiH pass through and physi the bowels. JAM ËS McAl ISTER & CO. IC' South neet, N. York. Sole proprictor of the nbove Medicine, t whom all communicniions muyr be addtcssei (post paid). Price V5 cents and .r)0 cents. IETCAUTION.XD As the AIMIealing Ointtnem hrvs been grea ly counterfeited, we have giveri this caution t the public, that "no Ointment will be genuine ünlees the ñames of James ivícAlister, or Jame McAlisxer & Co., are wriiten ith a pen upo every label." The label is a meel engraving with the figuro of "Insensible Perspi ration" o the face. Now wc licreby ofler a reward of 500, to b paid on conviction, in anr of the constitutct courts of the United States, of ony individua counterfeiting ovr name and Ointment. MAYNARD'S. Ann Arbor, Wholesale A gents; Sruith Sí TyrclF, Clinton: K-tchum . Sinitii, Tecumseh: D. C. Whitwood, Dexter H. Bower, Manchesier; Jnhn Ovven, fc Co Detroit; Harman & Cook, Drooklyn. Dcc. 18, 1H45. 244- ly ""w60!WOO3Lü CLOTH! CLOTH! npiIE subscribers will continue to nunufac Fulleil Cloth, íbr 37J ets. per yard, and white flannel for 2 cent? per yard; or they will manufacture th wool for half the clolh il .vill make. Their Foc tory is 2i miles West of Ann Arbor, on the I'u ron RivêV. Wool willalso be received at Scif V.'hen sent by Railroad it will bc nttcnded to i the same mnnner as n tnc owners were to com wiih it. Wool will bc manufactured in turn a it comes in as neaily as it can be done with refer ence to the different qualities of wool. WOOL CARD1NG, will bedone at Scio. by Thomas lloskins. S. W. FOSTER &.CO. Scio, May 1, 1845. 210 "dentistry. E. G. BURGER, Denlist, HAS removed his office to Crane c Jewctt' Block, first room on the Second Floor where being well prepared to altend lo ever branch of his profession, would reepectfully sa to 11 who have not had those necessary organs THE TEETH. properlv attended to, delay n longer, but cali upon him and experience th easc and durability of his operations. Tkrm accommodaling and charges inno case unreason able. Ann Arbor, March fi, 1245. 47-t SA BB A TH SCIOOÍ. BOOKS for salea PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. Dcc. 20. 244- tfTry- Try---Tfy Araiii. A F'J'ER you have tricd one thouband nnd oh 2. kinds of Pilis; ihen try Dr. Halsiead's Brisk Pulsml you wii! be fully satisfied tliat they arè tt nuch prcferable to cvery other kind as the sun'e ight nnd hent is prcferable, to brifigjbrivard and romotc a healthy growth in vegetable to that ■liich emanatcs from the moon. They nrejust what is wanted in this country - a pill that opéraiès qüick, thórough and easy nrrying all impurities with ihem; leaving thé tomach ond bowels clenn and clenr. Awny with our SLOW P1LLS, that act SLOW- deansc SIOW, and leave ihesystem in d'SLOW state, iilious matter and other impedimenta collect vey japid in the íypicm when once ihcy begin t6 ecnninlatè - and wil! incrense as faet as Slow 'ills wil! remove them. It is necessary thereforo 0 have n brisk operation - that wil! ftoust ali hk ORoiks from tbeir torpid stalfe, gjve a nrw mpettis to the blood and secretiohs. Then food vill digest- thcBtomach gain strength- the ys em strong - ihe nkin clenr - the appeiito good, nd you are well - when your elow doses vvonld ;eepyou lingering along for rnonthg- -and tneft erhnps you will eend for a Doctor, and tvhal vill he do? He will give you a powerful camrtic - onp that will do yon eonie good. Now be your own doctore, and take Halsfed's 'egetable Briek Pilis, and gradúate them lo snit lic patiënt. To weak patieniH give email does- nlso to chiltfren. They are fcarmlcfs nniï nn begivétí to the most delicate- but then ííiey rve üfe and motion to the systcin. DISEASE is a bIow morbid action, clogging p all the email vessels - and calis aloudlor o, ernedy that will'arouse ihem into acfion tiéfot'6' ïey become too woak to be kept in niotion.- 'eople die for the want of nction- and faariri ïey shnll oUtain n healthy. nntnral action tri refer tnking a slow medieinc - ihat they may octur slowly for years- and at lust die with a low, lingering disease- the naturfll efiect of tatng alow PHIs. Away then with this throry. f nature wishes to purify the aii. he cali upin hurry a thunder snpwer, nnd with it her light- nings (nir physic) to pnrify, cleanse, and give a new motion to the atmosphere. nnd all is welL She does not lichten pently the year round to roduce thit motion. Then follow nature, when you are out of health - have a bad tapte in yon umin - indigestión - coptiveneps - ferrr - colk hills - rever nnd aguo - dyspppsia - pain in bacrl or liml)s- tal;en cold - or in iact out of order ín ny wny - relieve youreelf immediatefy by takini; he Bripk Pilis. Try them once and you wil(: isf? no otlifr. 28 Pilis for 25 cents. Sold wholosiile and rctnil by J. Owen c Co.,")otroit: C. Ebcrbacti, S. P. Jewclt. Lund fc MeCollum, Ann Arbor. 237-6m SICKNESS IN ClIILDltEN. AND the BufTering which they TinJcrgo front ';wokms" oficn tend to a Intal terminaiion, wlnle the causb is never suspected. Oilcnsivo brenth, picking ai the nose, grinding the teetlj during sleep, elarting in sleep witb fricht and screaining, troublea-jmecough. nnd feverishnc, are among eonie of the Prumincvt Symjtnnsoi the prfsunce of worm. A liiiiely use of SfIERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES Will immediatcly remove all these unpleasanf symptoms. ond rtsrore to perfect henhh. Sistor Icnatius, Superior of the Cniholie ttalf Orphan Asylum Iims ïdded her iesiitüony in their fnvor, to Jie ihoiuands which have gone bel'ore. Shc stntes hot thore are over 100 cliiidren tfe Asylum, nnd 'hut they h.ive been' in the habii of using Slicrnian's Losten ges. and she has alwnyn found them to bc nttended witti the most benerirhl efTects. They have been proved to bo inlailiblc in over 400.000 caves. CONSUMPTfON, Influenzi, Goughs, Colds, Whooping Conglh, Tightnesa of the Lungsor Civest may bo cured. Ilev. Darius Anthony was vory low !rom Consumpiio.- Jonnthiin IJoward, the eelcbraiod temperance lecturer, wasteduced to the vergeof the "grave byrniVmg blood. Rev. Mr. Dunbar,. of New York, the Rev. Mr. D'e Forest. Evangelist in the Western part of this state. Rev. Sebas'iar) Streeter, ol Post on, tire wifeof Oropinua Dibble, Esq. in Mof) ra via, und hundieda of othits. havo beun reliovcil and cured by a proper use of ■ SHERMAN'S COUGfl LOZENGES, And n medicine has ever been more eflcctunl irr the relief of those distases, or wliich can boreeommended with more eor.iï ence. They al lay all ilchinc or irritation, render rhecougfi eaey, proüioie expcctorniion, remove the ciuse, and produce the most happy nnd Tisiing ifTcct. Il i:DACH E. Pnlpitniion of tho Henrt, Lowries oí Spírifír, Seasickuos, üespondenc,?, Vaintnefs ('holio Spasm6. CrnVrips of he Stonmch. Sumaier or Bowel Conifrlnints, nlso all the distresaing sjinp' tonis aiisinj frem (roe living, or n night of dissi; ritioti 'ire quickly and entirely relievud by using SHERMAtVS CArpriOR LO2SÉ&fíti$l They net speedily nnd reiievc in a very shetn sjiace of lime, giving tone nnd; vigor lo the syst'em. arrrJ énobfeb puison nsing ihem to uudergo great mental or bodily fatigue. RIJi:UMATISM, Wenk Back, pain and wenkness in the Jfeeaat, Hack. Limbs and other part of rie body ar spcerfily ohu riï-cciially relieved ty SMERMAN'S POOR M'AN'S PLASTER, which costïonly I2J cents, aul is within the rench of all. So great has become the rcput.ition of thi article thnt one million will not begin to supply the nnnunl demnnd. It i ckno!e5gcd toba the best strengthetung Piaster in the worldu BEWARE OF IMPOSITÍON. Dr. Shermnn's Poor Mnn's Plister hus his name witU directiuns prinied on the boek of the Piasier, and a Dj'iíc iimi'e.j n ot the lioctor's written name under the direcuorw. None otbers are 1 genuinè, or tobe relied on. Dr Sherinan'a VVnrenouse is No. 106 Nrssau'ü. New Yotlc. W. S. & 3. W. MAYNAhDr Agenta for Ann Arbor. 246 LN CHANCERY - FIRST CJlKülT. Joseph Ciark, Coinplainanr.M. Peter McGiviipv. Dctflndant. BY virlue of n decretal order issucd out of the Court of Chnncery. of the State ol Michiiatt, I Khall cxpn.M' to sale '.o the highest bidder, at the Cunrt FJonec. in the vilfage of Aun Arbor, Wnshtnaw CVvnty, Michigan, on the SMtrt lay ol F.biuaiy next, at one o'clock in the afternoon ol' thnt d:iy, the following describe! premises, to wit: ''The northeast quarter of Secnon thirly, township ntimber ono south, of Range tlueceaat." GLO. DANFORTIÍ, Maaier in Chnncery. Doügi.ass & Wai.kkii. Comp's Sol'rs. D.ited Jnnuarv (5ih, l.4r. 246- 7w Flax Seed ! THE subscriber wishes to buy a quantity of Ft.AX Sekd, for which he will pay the highest miirket piice, in Goods or Cash, delivered at his Millnt Mount Pleasant, Genessee Count, Michigan, íive miles north o! Fentonvillo. D. L. La TOURETTE. Dec. 15. 1845. 243- 5m TAKEN up by the subscribet ou or about tlt first of November last, a HEIFER, tupposed to be two years oíd. with bnndlesides, white b;ick and belly and some white on the legs and tnil. The owner is requeated to pay chare anJ lakehernwny. LEVI JUNK. Bridgwatcr, Dec. 16, 1845. 243- Hw SHAWLS. Dress tttufTtt of nll kind9, Lace Vcils, Cmviits. Ribbond, &.c. &c. At the Manhattan Stoub, Detroit. W. A. RATMOND. Dec. 25. 1SI5. 244- 6m BROAD CLOTIIS, Cassuneres, Vesting, Satinett8, Gents. Cravats. fee. &c. chenp at the Masuattas Stokk, Detrort. W. A. RAYM0ND. Dec. 25, 18-15. 244- 6m FEATHERS and PAPER HANG1NGS may ) found at all times at the Manhattaw Store, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dec. 25, 1844. 244- 6m WANTED. rp WO young men about 18 or 19 years of age, JL as apprentices to the Sash and Blind niBking business. Also, one JOURNEYMAN, ai the above business. fc GREGORY. Ann Arbory Lower-Townr Dec. 4, 1845. 141 - H


Signal of Liberty
Old News