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Death Warrant Of Jesus Christ

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111 lts of uiuiqnity whirh hnv been brought ight by the nerovcrinp reseurches of raon philosophv. none could havo m-"re _ Fr :st to Uie nhilnnthropist mul tbe bülicver, '. ii ,„i ec n tlie one wmch we copv below. iiance, " crj s the Courier des Elala Unit, lias jit put cour hands the most iinposinjj nnd inicresg jiulicial document to all Chrisiiane, that ' ;r has been rrcurtlcd n human onnais; that , ds Lhe iilentical Deoth Warrant of our Lord sea ChriST. The document was faith" ily transcribid bv the editor, and ï m lutc rbu: entence rendrrrd btf Póntitu PUntr, acting ' Governor of Lowcr Gálilee, stating that Jfsus of .N azare tk shall suffer dealh on thr cross. In the voar seventeen of the emrverorrius Cie-mr,, and t'io 2ülh doy ot' March, the , :y of the holy Jeriu-mlrm, Anna nnd Caiauhis irijj Dricslfl, sncrifkhtora of the peoplc of nd, Pontius Pílate, Governor of Lnwer (alie, sittinj on the Presidcntinl clioir of the roïtory, condcirns Jesns of' Naznrelh to tlic r i the cross betwoen two thÍLvcá - the greüt k1 notorioiis eidence of the people ' c 3- 1 . J''?ns is a seducer. 2. He is seditioii8. Ci. He is an cneiny of the law. 4. He calis himself faLsclv the son of God. ' 5. He calis himself iffreely tlic Kiiijj of Isicl. ' Ü. He eniored nto the templo, followed ' y a mjltiuide beuriñ palm branches in tlieir ( BfnJs.Urder the nrst ceniurion, imutis i.orïlms, to lead him to the p!nco of excciuion. Forbid any person homsoever, eithcr poor ■ riel, lo oppo.'c the deatli of Jesiis. rhe wil nesse s who ei goed the condcmnalioii f(esns are, viz: - 1. Daniel Robani, a Phnree; S. Joannus Rorobabel; S. Ilaphdel Romi; 4. Capet,n cilizon. Jpsds shnll go out of ihe city of Jcrusnlem ,' the saté of St menu f. The above pentpucc. is enpruwl on o copperate; mul on onc sicie iro writtpn thrsfi ords: - 'A siniila pinte i Fiit fo enrh ribe.! wns fonnd inan ouiiq'ie vaae of white Marp, While excivatin in tlie niicieut city of quilla, in the kindom of Naples, in the ear 1820. nnd wus discovored by the Com.issionor of artsnttnclipd to tlie French nrïies. At (Iip exppditioi) of Napier, it was iiind inn box of ebony, in the sscristy of he Chartremen. Tho vasei? in ihe chnp-1 of ,'nserto. The French trans ation wns mnde v the metnbnrs of tbc Commissaries of Arts. Phe original ia in tlie Ilebrcw Inn{,ning:e. - rhcChnrtremen reqnosted enmotlv thot the ilute f-honld nut be taken nway frun thetn. rhe reque! was gronted, as a rcward fnr the ncrilice thfy had made foi ihe army. M . Do ion, oné of ihe snvnns, cuusod a plato to be nade of the sanip model, on which hp had ngraved the ubove spnience. At the Fal of iis collection of nniíqnitÍP9, be. it wns longltt by Lord Iloward for 2.890 frnnces. töintrinsic value and interest are much greatr. A few yearK ago tlipre was fouud n' ;aiskill, in New York, n 'shekel of Israel,' of he time of our Sovior On one side vae thn epreientationof t pnlm-loaf, on the olher,a iictiire of the temple, with the words undericnih, "ïioly Ji-rusalcm," in the Hsbrcw ongup. Relies like theyc, propcrly uuihenica'ed.have abotittlirm on int Áprep'ible earedncüí and rhomeut. They scem to btend wo woild-s, and In enrry human cnrio=ity rom the finite to the infinitó. [We publish the above ns a mattor of newe irhich mny interest llic rurious. We prenme it is a hoox entire. or. il any sucli plate ms beenrouii' was the produclion of some ti'y inonl: of thed"rk nncs.]I ii the coliection oí inoviucc "i ""&- land's dining pinte, thore is a diiiner servico of sil ver gilt of the trost gorgeoiw kind, preseiiied by tio merchants oC Liverpool, to ilie laie IV, long before ho Wtus kinr. in roward ibr iiis ndvocacy of the sluvc trade, witli .a bold inscri'ption on the anide tdliing the talo.- The slave trade is not very popular either in England or aDV part of Christendom, and such a mnrlc of respect is to hi? dishonor now rather than to his credit. Thus times clmngG. Thie makcs us think there are some men iri our country who perhíips indulge the idea that they nro getting to themsclvcs honor, for their ndvocacy of slavery, who, in a few years will be in ns unfortunate n condition as the late of EngJand.


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