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On the 10lh instant, Mr. Fnirfield, from the Conimittee on Naval Affaire, reported a bilí for the augmentation of the naval force of the United States, which was read the first and second times. The bilí provides for building len war steamers, to wit ; three of the clasa of frigates, five of the cass of sloops of war, and two of a smaller class, to be constructed of iron, if practicable. It alsoauthorizes the President, previous to the qommencement of the next session of Congress, if in his judgment the public interest shall require it, to cause to ba completed all vessels of war on the stocks, and to cause to be repaired and put in active service all vessels of war in ordinary. It appropriales for the pur posepf carrying into effect its provisions, 5,625,000. Mr. Cass, presented the petition of D. Slawson, of this village, for an increase of his pension. Mr. Allen, gave notice that he would ask leave to introduce a joint resol ution declnratory of the principies by which the United States will be governed in regard to the iuterposition of the powers of Europe in the political affairs of the independent nations of America. In the"Hoü8E, a resol ution offered by Mr. M'Clelland, was adopted, instructing the Committee of Ways and Means to intuiré into the proprioty of allowing ipresent Uomrmssioner to me oana:h Islands, an outfit. No rhe joint resolution for the terminai of tho treaty for the joint Ha of Oregon, ia under discussion from ■ to day. )n motion of Mr. Douglass, a i was adopted, instructing the nol tee of Ways and Means to inquire inihe expediency of providing by law the eoinage at tho United States mint qi one dollar gold pieces. wi iuil- -MTn- 80