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VV JJLjVj!. lUnUini-í"' H& R l'ARTRIDGK have on hand nt their shop. a largo nrnount of Woulcn Mchiüery, wliich is now reafly for 6filc. cotreistmg ol Doublé Carding Machine, Piskirtg Maohint Brund ond Narrow Power Looms, Nnpping and Tenzling Mncliincs: all of which wijl be sold Dt pricen mid on terms tocorrespond with ihe time. Tliey aro alao prepared to make 10 contraci Condcnsers nnd Jacks, or ony oilier Machinory iliat may be wnnted for nianufacli'ring or cuslom work; and all Machines made by them will be wnrrnntcd good, ond for durabiliiy and dcspntch of business arenot excelled, if equulletl. by any of tfie Eastern or Ohio Machines. And as much has been and is said by Machine makers in neighboring States, of the euperiority of ihcir Machinery over all others. we now ofler I IV t HUNDREJJ DOLLARS il they will produce a Mochim of their own make, thnt wi:h the same a.nount of power, ÍÚ do more and bclter work, n a given time, thnn Mnchines mnde by ihem. Those wishing to purchase are inv.tcd to cali and examine their Mnchines, and Jearn their pnces and term before purchasmg e scwhere. Aun Arb.r, January 13, 184627 -3m ANiVUALS.- A larce and vaíuable assortmentof Annuls for 1846, togeiher with many other eplendidly bound books, suitable for preserrfi", lor sale at „t'tiPERRV6 BOOKSTORE. Dcc. 33. Ui-l{