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fill bepuulished every iWonuay inorning, in wer lArbor, Mtchignn, by FOSTER & DELL. t the Michigan State Anti-Slavery SoTY atnc TEllMS. COU] ).ne Dollar a yer, in advajnccJ if not pnid, advance, ïwo Dollar will bo invariably DOd. luired. Ma! j Oíd subscribera can have their pnpers at a Dollar a year, by fornrding that amount. I payin nrrearagos. leac UI subscribtírs w;ll bc expected to pay wiihm m0 ! ycar. n TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. Ur. ?ot ench line of brevier, (the sniallest type.) wns the first nseriiou, 3 cents, i'or encli sulisequent insertion, 2 ernis. ?v For thrce montha, 7 cents. jjy For six months, 10 cents. For oiie ycar, 15 ceñís. COJI Drders by mail will be promplly attended to. jp Liegdt Advertisirig by the lolio. 'All adveriisemcntB must be aceómpnnied by aOlTl Uitten directionsfor ihe time of inseriion; othjej. w8e they will be chnrgcd for till ordered out. ZT All "llemiitances and Comniunications on t uld be addresscd, Post paid, c)r, DSiosalof Libkkty: AnnArbor, Mich.rfi me


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