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Will bcpubliahed every JMonuay morning, in Aim Arbor, Michigan, by FOSTER & DELL. For tiijc Michigan Statk Anti-Slaveky Society. tekms. Dollar a yoar, in ndvance: if not pnid, in advanco, Twj Dollars will be i.nvariabi.y frequired. (O O!d subscribers cnn have thcir papers at One Dollar n ycar. by forwurding that amouni, nnd payin arrcaragps. All ubscribers will be expected to poy within he yenr. TERMS OF ADVERT1S1NG. For oach line ofbrevier, (iho èmnHesf type,) the first insernon, 3 centfi. For eacli suhsequent insortion, 2 crns. For ihree niomha, 7 cenis. For 8x inonths, 10 cents. Fur one year, lócente. Orders by mail will he promptly attended to. . Legal Advertiaing by the iolio. AM advertisemcnt3 tmist he nccompnnied by writtk.v directions for ilie time of insertion; otherwisfi thoy will he chnrged for till ordered out. ICT All Heinittnnce8 and Communications ahould be addressed, Post paid, ÜSígííat.ok Liukrty: Aun Arhor. Mich.fT