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It is no longer ,1 maiter of experiment. Il m.s been ianght to more tha 1.000,000- has leen tauplit locnlly by 1050 mcinbers of the 3lioiiogrnnhic CoiTeaponding Society in Eng U)(] - ,as pnme fif'tccü wlio fcach it constanty by formina classes in towne and viilnires - ms been favonblv rnceived inio cnore tlian 100 collppes and public schools- circúlale no.Dtitjy 8000 copies of periodicals published r; ils charactors. Somc 200,000 letleo pas;ed thiough the Engliili post rflicc last year, ivritten ín ihe plionogrnphic hand. Our American Phonographic Sociüty have corresponlence in la cliaracters wilh seme in eery Staie in tlie Union. It is tanglit in each Stalc Tlie dcath. to day, of II is dííciples, wonld ttot arre&t it, because il hun thegenn of vitahty inherent, nnd ihe indimental fruit dostinedj-in lle course of nature, lo heol tlin disorder of ÍÜnguoo. We miplit nSve!l connnand the streams back to their fonntains ! Tberalor.The valúe of un Englith tcife. Tlir Lh - rpnol Albicn, oihiding lo the dogradcd poeion of females "m China, iclates an nnecdoic ïowing how highly a Chinese mandarín vhIed the wifo ofnn Ei!jlish nierchnnt. Nolh )g nstonishes the Cliinnmen who visit ihc ]t)rrisl) mercliuntsat llonjï-Kong so nnich os icdcrerence u Inch is poid to tlie ladies, and ie position wliich tho latier aro permilted to old in society. The very servanls express hcir disgust at sering the lodies perniit'ed lo itnt tlie tab!o willi tlieir lords, nnd wonder ov men enn so far forget tlieir dignity. A yóüilg Englisli nierclmnt recently took lis witewitli him to Uongr-Kotijr, wheretlie onple wcre'visited by a wealihy mandarín. The latier regnrded the lady Dltenlivrly. nnd eemed to dweil witli deliglit npon lier iïjuvcments. Wlienthe at length lelt the apartment. lie pnid to tlie hnsbaüd, in his imperfect Knglisli, 'What yon 1YC rr ylir w'i'cy v - 'O,"rpplied tlie Imsboiic', lang!.mp at the singiiíof error of his visitor, '2,000.' TÈw tlie nierchant thoiight would appear to the Chi ne?e ralher a high figure, but e was miátaken. WelK' s-iu the inandaiin, tnkintr out his book with ?m air of business, 'stipposè yon eive lier to nip, l pive yon 5,000 dóllors.' It is difficult to say whether the young nierchant was more aninzod or aninsod, bnt the prave air of the Chinamo!) convinced Jim that he was in en mest, and lie wns compelicd to rofuse the ofTer with as rnneh plocidity as he could iissnme. The mandarín wns pressinp. however, and went as high as #7000. Tlie merchant, who haó no previous notion of the value of the commodity he had inleen out with him, was compelled at length" to declare that Englishmen never Pold their wivcs after thej once carne into their poesession, an asseriim which the Chinaman wns slow to believe, The merchant afterwarda had a liearty hvgh with his young wife, when he told that he hat jusl discovoted her full value, as tbo niandarii; liad offered him 87,000. The concentration of public support por a munber eosmall, saliefactorily accounts ioi their unsurpafcscd excellencer