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Vis Yiivy of the United States.- 1 ne berand class of vespele in the naval seron the lst day of October, is stated by Secrewry as fbllows: - ín com. Inordinary. Building. Total Al psof i he line, 4 2 5 11 jntes. 7 4 S 14 ups ofwar. 15 6 2 2fl ' rs, 5 10 6 looner?, 5 10 6 ;.mrr?, G 3 2 11 re slnps, 4 rozee 1 0 5 a 4G 13 12 70 rie Ami o the United Slatfí.- The ín iré forcé enrolled on tlie 28th of I p' , wns as follows: - J Officora, 733, commissionrd nfficers A 1 privntes, musicians nnd ortificcrs, 7,883 - t all, 8,6 1 B men. I VLiirdfor London.- Happening in at ijr'fl Inril oil fnctory ye.'terday, we found thcm j , itlinff p lard in hogs bladders, for tho C nglisli market, pursuont to nn order trom an iilish dealer. Thïa is the fashionahle form R( 'The qnolity, in ihe mnrket, where it bnnga V icon cení g a pmind. The cases come from f hio, are well cleuned, and when filled and )ld, nppear as white and as hnrd as an ich'a egg.-Spriiigficld Rcpub. [) A Musquetoea are snid to be smnll insects ; j ut we have feen one move a pereon thot A eighed two hundred poundsand keep him fí lo ving the whole night! -J "This is too Ferioiis a matter to moke light J if' asthewlmle remarked when they were ( lipping the oil out of his head. Liberal Outlay.- The Slate of Maryfend ? ïas expended $147,950 in transporting free ( icople of color to Liberia. No more . :al instnnce of liberality in a tlave átate can ie found. Sedvetion. - The Jury, in the ense of Rebreca Hiond, vs. Alison B. Ideson, gave a i verdict for tlie plointiff of ƒ our thovsund ; tdrèè It was an action lo recover damagrs for ihe Jops of service, by Iheeeduction of the indented apprentice of the plaintiff.J hcluanttjipta oufzens. - n hf"" vj lettei from Mnrnettn to the Cincinnatti Iornld thntihe citizens of Ohio so unjnstly , mprieoncil at Pa ïkersburgli, Va., hnvo : blybeen liberated on bailof$100 eoch, with i responsible cilizen of Ohio as sure:y. Samuel S. Snow, a Millerite preachcr n ■ bis city hns nnnounced birnsflf as the veriabio propbet Elijsb. H is t have ■ometbinfj like a hundred followcra. One of ' bem declares that when the Lerd appointed irolher Snow tobe Elijah, a dove. white bb jnow,. descended and lit upo hmi i prescnce if all thcpeople JY. T. Paper. Valuationin Pennsylvnnia. - The 8Ke6Red valuntion ofproperty n Pennsylvania for the ycar 1545, wae 9420 236,130; the amount of the asseesed tax, 1,300,309 52". The Viceroy of Egyptti aboui to fonnd, at Cairo, a sool of tho fine arts, to dissominale a laeic Tor tbc study of Egyptian-achitecUire.for irial by Juetice Osborn, for blowing gnrd ear of a poor negro while asleep, with WlID vder, a tran of which tbcy laid from e for eome distance, and then touched it h a lighted cignr. hopele ry th Third reigned longcr than any J ign of England. He was king son8 y or. George the Third reigned fifty Hnve fnith cvcry timmnry of casunltiPB for the Inst ycar mf}r thelakes, during the petiod of tjon j jiveB the nnniber of live lost as 0, - _ii s ashore 80,- total vv reeks L0,- and an procl gate of ,: 190,000 dnmngcs. pcrus mm iii i All