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CAN 'T BE BEAT ! rHE subscribcrs would iníorni the Public._ thai tliey continue lo supply ihe Stnte ol Michinn wiili L. B. WALKER'S PATENT SJfIVT HLACHMJVE8. The Inrge nuinóers oi thcse Machines thnt hnye een solil. and the stendily increasingdemund for hem. is ihe best evidente o( iheir renl valué. nc3 ofthcir csMinaiion with those who have beorne íniüilü.r with liii-ir nicrits. N'.u.KE:t's Smut Mnchine is superior to ot.iers n tlie followinp paniculars: 1. As it combines tlie Bcating. Srourmc, and Ulmclig Tiinriplss. it elcans the emutuest A .'rain irTthc besi mnnner, retnining uil the fiic ■ion of the wheut, nnd discharijing thesinul nnc! lusi as f;ist as bcp.inned írom the wheai. 2. h is .simple, in construction, und ie tlierefore lesa liable to beconso deranged, and costs lees 'Vir reunirá. 3. It runs very liglu, and is perféCtly secure from fire. . -1. h isas durable as any otiicr Machine ni use. ñ. It costs considerably less thnn oiher lundíj. Tiiesp tmpüitunt points o difü-rence bive giv en iliis Machine the preferenco with (hosc wlio liave fairly ir:cd it. Among a large numberof Gentlemeii in ilic Milling IJusineea who iiiiht be nnnied. the lollowirií; hnvc used ihe Machinen, nw', certified to their excellency and superiority : H. N. HowAuu. Poniiac, Mich. K. F. Cook. Itochcstcr, do K. B. DasforTh. Masón, do M. F. FniNK, Branch, do II. li. Comstock. Comsiock, il) Reftrcncee muy ;ilso be h.ul (o John Bacon, Aulnirn, Miel). V. Rvon. do do i). C Viu:i. vni. Rock, lo John Phm-s, Monroe, do H. Dousmín. do do A. Bkach. Wnterloo. do Oko. Kktchum, Marshall, do N. Hkmknway, Onkland, do All orders for Machines will be promptly attended to. AdJress K. O. & A. CRITTILXTON. Ann Albor, (fower Town) VVaih. Co. Mich. A u l'. '24. 1845_ i2tí-v"Crockery at "Wholesale." FftEDERICK WETMORE. lias c.uistantly -on hand, ilic largest stock in the West of Crocktry, China, Glassware% Looking- Glasses and Viales Britannia Ware Trais, Lfmps and Wicking, Plaled Ware, China TüffS, $T. &t'C, His 6iock includus all ilie varieties of Crockery nnd China, f rom the finest China Dinner and Tea Sottf to the most cimimon and low priced wnrc - f rom the richest cut glnss to ihe plaine8t glnss ware. llritannin Castorsoi'cvcry kind. Briiannin Tea Setie, Cofice Pots, Tea Pots. La:pps, Candlesticks, &c. SoLAit Lard L.Misof evfiry desnription from the most cuatly cut PurlorLamp to the cheapest Store lamp. All the abovo orticleB are imporfcd by himseli dirèctly from the manufacturera and wíl! bc fold at AVhole8ale, as low as at any Wholesale House, expenses from seaboard atlded only. A liberal discount given for cash. Merchiints and others re in-virerl to cali and examine tlií nbovo anides' at the old stand, No. 125, JefTerson Avenue (Eldred's Blonk.) Detroit. 23-1 Y HOUSE. P' B. R1PLEY would eay to his frionds nnd é the friend8 of Tempertnce, thot he has taken the Tcmperance House, lately kept by Wm. G. Wheaton, whcre he would bc glad to waitupon them. Hay and Oats and Stabbling to accommodate teams. Detroit, January 1, 1846. 215tf Wood! Woodü A FEW Cords of Wood wantcd immediateUt in paymeni for the Signa! of Liberty.T1HE prcicedihg figure is gïvên ia ropreeent J_ hc Insensible Perspinitiun. It 8 ilic gre.U r vucu i' n fr ilie ni[iuiiiics of tbo b.t!y. It will e e noiícéil i fi.iL a tli'tck cKitfdy mist ésiifis1 frtfifi 11 poinls of ilitj surfneu, which ludientes thsit ws peispuaiion fluws miitiiei rnpu.dly wbèn we r re il) healtli. bul censes wlwn wc nip sicli. Li 'e '1 rañot 1)0 snsiüiiied wiiliotu it. Il if tlirowti off t -om i!u: blood nrjil üther, juiceó of. the liody. nJ diaposes ly ihia hiëarii. bfiienrly all the imuritits wiiliin us. The blöod, 1) ihis ineans t nly. works itiölt pure. TIic l.ajigunge of Scrip „ iro is. "Ín Oié Blóod ík :1io Life." If it ever j ecottjeá '■ "1!l.v btraC!Gíl tlircrtly to the , loppigo of.tb&InsGnsible Perspirntioh. Itnovcr v iquirt'S any ntttti-il nu-dicincs to clcanre it. ns alwíiyá puriius iimlf ly te dwii !ic;it inJ on. nnd ihrows off nll 'lie oil'cmliiig lintnors. , irouiili ilie Jtisci)sil)!! rciFpir.-.tion. 'I'htis we , ;o alï tliai is nccefsnry wlicn the blood is v nut, or n'ccteii. is to open the poros, uridlt reeves itself froni vil inipinity instnutly. lia own cat and vjtnjitv are euílicient, witliowt one cíe f medicine, except to open tlio upoH lesurfaco. Thii8 we sce tlio lolly oí takin fo f ihcli internnl rcmorlics. AI! pracjitionere, f ver, direel thetr rfiltris lo restore the Insensible ■ erspiration, luit it aeems to bc not nlways the roprr one. 'J'he Thmpgoninn, for instnhee, teams, the Hydropatliist shrouHö fe in wei blankts, the Hoinopaili 8t deals om ïntiiiitissiinn!'--, the , lllopntbist blcedsand doses us with niercury,nnd . lie blustering Quack gorges us with piils, pills. " ills. To ive Borne idea of theamnunt of the Inseniblc TorFpirntion. we will state that tho loarned r. Lcwpnhock. nd the great l'oerhnave. ascerained that five eigluhsoi uil wc receive into tl'.c ' tomach. paseed on' by ihis mcans. In other , voide, if wc ent and drink eight pounds perday. ve evccuate five jiounds of il by the Insensible 'erepirntion.I II IS Ib Il.'ilt. iJUIvl lli'lll MIV UíV-u uji uiuwyw the blood. and other juice giving place to the w r.nd fresh ones. To check this, theiefore. to letnin in thc system fiv -eihths of nll tlic rulciit matter ihai naturé clemnhuB shonld leavie nody. And even wlien lilis 8 ihc case, the ' jod ia of so active a principie, that ii i ines t'osc paineles to llie ski i, whorc thcy i rm scnbfe, pimples, ulcers, and other spots. By a eudden trünsition írom heat to cold. the )res are stopped, the pcif-piration ceases, aiul ficase hogins ut once to dcvelope itself. Henee, f siuppage oí' ihis flow ol'the juices. originales i man'y complnints. It is hy stopplríg ihe pores, hat overwhelms mnkind with coughs, eolds, and oonsumptions. i íine-len'.hs of the world. die froni disensos uced by a sioppuge ot tho insensible Perspira-' on. It is casily seen, therefore, how necessary i ie ílow of this subtle humor to the surfnee. to reserve health. It cannot be stopped: it canot bc even checked, without itulucindisensc. Let me ask now, every candid miud. wliat our6e seems the most renisoñabié to puisuc. to instop the pores, alrer they are closcd? Would ou ve physic tounsiop ihc pores'? Or would on apply soinething that would do th3 upon ilie urface. where ihe clopging nctunJly is? Would lot tliis be comnion sense? Aml yet 1 kriiwol io physician who niakes any externa] érpjfilifcátítfri o eflejt it. The reason I aesign is. that no inedi:ine within their knowledge. is capablo ot domg t. Under tlu'ie circumsíancee, I pres nt to hjBiciaiís, and to all others, a prepnration that ins this i.oweiin iis fu! lest ex tent. It sMcAL ISTEirS LL HEAL1NG OIXTMEXT. rlhc WOULD' S SALVE! h has power to estore perspirntion on the (eet, on the beud, a ound oíd s-jn-s. upoa iho chesl. in sfiort. úpon inypiirtol the body, whether discased tlightly )T Fcverely. It lias pc.wer to causo all extomal sores, scro'aloushumqcs. skin d.seases. poisjnous woundf. to discharge their putr.d inatter, and ihen hca a It is a rcmedy that eweérts oíT the whole catalogue of oiitaueons disorders, nnd restores the -n1ir! cuticle to :s healihy íiincfions. It is a rcmedy that forbids ihe npcesetty of so inniiy and deleterious drugs laken into the stoínácÜ; . . . h is a iei:iedy that neither tickens. giycs inconven".Encfe, or is dangíiotis to the inteö ines. It preserves 'nnd del'ends the snrface IVuin nü denuigemént of its lunctioné. while it keps opn tíe cliaiituls lor tlic blood to void ill iis i-npuriiies and dispose of all its ustlf-ss garücles The sniíace is thc outlct of ílvc-ei litlis rtf (lnbilo and used up matter witlnn. It is pioreed wi-.h ínilüons ol openings to relieve tl:e iineslincs. Slop up these pores, and denth knQc.tifi ni your door. Ii is riírh'ly tenned AUHealing. lor thrre is scnrcely a disnaso. cxiernal or internal, tlüitit will not beucíí!. 1 have used ii fov tlie lust frturtétn years, for n'l discaets of ilu chest. ctínsiÜTÍption. lí ver j frïvolvïri'g ihe utniosi and responibility. and I declare befor? Hen ven and th.-it notin one single caso hasit fui!!(l lo licüífi . wïien the patient was within ihe roíich pf mortal neans. I ha'vc liad phvsicians. learned in the profession; 1 hnve had ministers of the Gospel. Judgos on the Hcneh. Aldernien and Liiwyers. gen tleinei) ol' the ïiighèsi erudiiion nnd multitudes of tlie poor, use it in every variety of way, and tliere. hos been hut one voice, one united, universal voice, saying, "McAlister, your Ointment is goodl"It cnn hardly bc cretlited ihnt n siilvc phu have (iny elFect upon the lungs. iealed os tlicy are wiiliin ihe system. Bat wesny once for al!, 'hn this Ointment will reach the lungs ]uicl;cr thai nnv medicine Uint can bo givcn iniernally. Thus i!' placed upon the chest. il penetrales directly to tli3 lun's. separaif'8 llie poisonous particlcs thn are consuining them, and expels them ffom the system. I nced not say thnt it is curinc persons of Con 3U!nption connnunlly, nlthotil' wc nre tolil it ie Iooliahnes8. I care not what is said, ao long íí [ can cure scvernl thousaud persons yearly. HKAD ACHK. This Salvo hnscurcd persons of the IJead Achc ot 12 ycars standing, and who had it rei,'iilai!y every weck, so thnt vo'niling ofen took plnce. Dcafntss nnd Enr Aeho nrc hlped with lh likc success. as alao Agiie in ihe Face. COI.U KEET. Consumption. Livcr coiTiploint, pains in the chest cufifidej falling of ihe liair. oneor t!ie other alwnysaccompnnies cold fect. It is a stne sign of diseasc in the system to have cold foer. The Salvo will restore the Insensible Perspiration and thus curo evciy cafe. In"Scrofulo, Erysipelas and Salt Rheum, nnr disc.iHCS of tliis nature, no niernal remeriy has yct been discovered that is so good. Tluname tnay bo said of Bronchitis, Quincy, Sote Throat, Piles, Spinol Diseases, Broken or Sore Breast. &c. And ns for the Chest Diseascp, sach as Asthmn, Pain. Oppression and the like, it is tho most wonderfnl antidote in the World. For LiverCcmplaint it is equnlly efncacioiis: for Bums it his nol hasitsequal in the World; also, EXcresenccs of every kind, surhns Warts, Tumors. Pimple?, Ac.f it inakes clenn work of them all. sore rvK8. The inflnmmation and disense ohvays liesbnek of the baü of the efe in the socket. Henee the virtue of ony medicine must reach the seat of the inflnmation or it wil) do littíc pood. The Salvo, if rubbed on the temples, wiíl penétrate Jirectly into the socket. The pores will bo open;d, a proper perspiration will bejjpiated and the J8ense will soonpass off to the suince. f-IMPI.ES ON THE FACE, FRECKI.ES, TAN, MASCUl.l.VE SKIN, CROSS SURFACE. íisíirst actin ifjo all humor. It willn cense drawing till the foce is free from any atter that niny be lodged under the skin nnd equehtlybrfcaking out tothe surfnee. Itthen :nls. Whbn there js nothing but grossness, or j!l repulsive surlace, it begins io oölicn nnd iften until the skin bicornes as smooth and c'ehite os a cliiltl's. It tlirows a freshness ond ushing color upon thé ripw white. transpiren! M tin. that is perfectly cnchnntiríg". Somc time P i case of Frcckles it wijl first start out those int Imve lain bidden and scuh butseldom. Puriu the Salve and all will soon disnppear. wokms. . s It'pirr-nts knew liow fatal most medicines were ■ childr'.-n taken inwardly. tht-y vvould be slow resort to tlieni. Espeeinlly "mercurial j s." called "mcdicated loZcnges." pi lis, &c. f 'lic truth is. 110 onc rui teil, invariably, when f orms are present. Now let mesuy topircnis. j i'it this Salve Wi 11 nlwiys teil if a child line druis. It wiil drive every vestige of tlieni aav. This is n ciniple and safe cure. There is pfóbab'ly no medicina on the fnee of ii; ir;h at once so sure and so safo in the ex nísiñíi of wornts. li woiild lic cruel, nay wickcd, to pivc interjI. dpubtjul medicinas, so long as a hnnnless, Hiemal one couJd be liad. TOll.lT. Although I hive said littlc nbout it os n hnir itoraiive, vet J v.-i!l sial-c itagninst the World! 'hev irtft'y bnixè their Oils far and near, nnd line will restore the hairtwo cases to ilicirone. o'.n .ii!ií. Bio'RTn'rcÁf tövSi, etc. Thai eonie Sores aro nn otttlet to tiic impuri0' af i!ic s r:e:n. js lucause tkey cannot pass iF iliroiisrl) tho n.iMi ui ciianriole of the Insenéile Per-pirntion. ]f sach sres are healed up, ie impurities musthnve some other outlet, or il 11 endiinper life. This is the roason why it is npolitic to use ihc cpmrnon Salve oí the dny i such ctise?. Por they hnreno power to open avenues, to let ofT iliis murbid matter, and ie conspqiicnccs are nlvvays fatal. This Sulve - 1 11 always provide lor cuch cnierficncies. PJSFA?KS OF CHII.URK.N-. Hoy inany tliousands nrc swept off by givinc ïtern.-l nmdicincs. whnn their yoting bodies nd tender frames are unuhle to benr up against lom? Whole n'inies are thue 6ent to their rovca merely fr un pouríng into their weak lornachs powerfnl driiS6 ond physics! It is to iitli tli:U tho All-ilcalii!r Ointnient tenotis bo fe, pleu.Hanl. and harmlcss n cure Such cues as Croup. Cholic. Cholera ir.fantuin, Vortns, nnd al! Suinti'cr CoinplalntP, by which o many ch'ilJren die. the Qintmcnt will rfilove so s)cedi!y and surely, thot a physician nll never be ncedcd. Mcthers! throuphout II this lnnd. we now polernnly and sacredlydelarc to you that ihe All-Heuling OintniRiu will ave yóur childrcn l'iom nn :arly ravc i! you vi il uae it. We are not now actuated by tho eas desiie to cnin; lut knowing as we do tlmt ■ast bodies of inlants nnd children die early: vhich is supposed to be inevitable and impossile to prevent, we hold up onr warifine voice, md clechire in the face of the whole world, 3II1LDREN NF.F.D OT DIE JNIORE TflAN OTHERSÜ But t is from ihe want ef proper nourisbrneni ind the constant drugging they bndejrg'o which nows Uieni down as the rank {jraes falls bcfore he scythc. Moiliers! w-e rojieat ngain. and if they werc [he last wods wc were ever to utter, ando' jourse past the repelí of II interest, we would say, ''usethe All-llcalingOinttncnt for sickuess iniong children." KliniJMATISM. It removes nlmost immediately the inflamntion and ewelling, when the pain of coursc ceabcs. FKvens. Tn cases of feer. tho difficnlty lies in the pores beitiir loelu d up. so that the heat and perip:roiion ennnot pass ofT. Il the lenst moisturtcould bc siartcd. the crisis ia paiSfd and llit lancr over. The All-Healing Ointnient will n ;i!l c.tíesof levers j:I most i neta n tl y unlock the skin and bring forth the perspiration. FEMALK COMTtAtNTS. Infl-iniation of tlm kidneys. of the womb, nnd fö'failiwg down, weákness; and irruj;ularity; in short, uil those dilliculties whi.h are frequent -'ith femolce, find ready and poimüneni relief. ïïo have had a:?ed l.-.dies teil us they could not üvo six inonths without it. Bui to fèrnatès nbont tobeconie niother, if used forsotv.e weeks nntecedent to their eonfmemont. very few of these pains and convtiisions whi( h attend thein at tlmt [leriod will be feit. Thisfact ought to be known ihe orld over. S&U.D HF, H. We have tred cases that nctnnlly defied evcrything known, ns wcll as the ahihty of fif'een or twenty doqtore. Onc man told us he had spent !$")00 on his children without finy benefit, when a few boxea of the Oinlinent cured them. to uns. Peoplé ueed never be trotihled with ihcm f they will use it. As a FAMILY MEDICI XE. no man can mensure ts valué. So lonir as the stars roll alone over the Heavenp - so lonp as man trendíthe earth. róbjeut io all the infirmities of tin !iesl, solony as disenso nnd sickness is known just so loncr wili (li is Oin'.ircnt be uscd and (steemcd. Wl'cn mniTtfènses fro;n ofl'thc; earili, hon thcdemnnd willceasc, and nOi till then. 'j'o r.-.y all ;:p)cli'ii$ioiiR on account of iïs incredieuts. in posíc.síingsuch powerfu! proper ;ie.. wjb wiüsinie tlmt it is o nposed of somc wl ilic most comnion and l.ani)lcss herls in existencc There is no tnercury nit. asean he fcm from the fnet that fthftes hd injurc tho skin om paritck'. white it will pjp ijjrpugh and pliysic ihe bowcls. JAMFS WrAl.ISTF.R & CO. 1C8 Smuh stictt. N. York; Sole propiii.ior óf the ábovo Medicine, te wh')in all comniunicntions uuipt be nddichsed (post pnid). PriceyS rjcnisand 50 cents. 0TCAUTION..TJJ As the All llealiii'.' Oiutment has been greatly couuterfeited, we have pwen his cnuiion to the puhhe. that i:i;o Ointment will be genuine unless the nnmr-s of James McAlister. or Jiiines McAlisior áí C".. nre wriuen wiih a pen upon every label." The label isa s'cel engrnving, wiih the figure ol "Insensible Pcrspiration" o the face. Now we herchy offer a reward of $500, to b paal on convinrion, in any of the constiuitcr oo.u-ta ol tho United Stutes. of any individuo counierfêitinc o'ir nnmc and Ointnient. MAYNARD'S. Ann Aihor. Wholesale A ?cnts; Smith & Tyrell. Chnton: Ketchum Sí Smith, Tecutr.seh: D. C. Whitwood, Dc.xter H. Etower, Manchesier: John Owen fe Co Detroit; Marnuin & Cook, Brooklyn. Dec. IS, 1H!5. 244- 1 yCLOTH! CLOTHÜ rpiIE subscriben will continue to nunufaclu FiillcA Cloth9 for 37J ets. per yard, and white flanne! for 2.') ccniï per yard; or they will mnnulactnre t!ic wool lor balt the cloth it -.vill niakc. Tlieir Factory s2i miles Westof Ann Arbor, on the I-u ron River. Wuol willalso be received ál Scio V.'hen sent by Rnilroad it will be attendrd to i tlie s mie monner as 11 me owners vrere to com with it. Wool wil] bc monufactured in turn n it conesin ns nearly as il can be done with refer ence to the different qualitirs of wool. WOOL CAR DING, will bedone at Scio, bv Thomas Hoskins. S.'W. FOSTER&CO. Scio, May I, 1845. 210 DE1TISTRY. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, HAS removed hisoftice to Crone & Jcwett' Block, first room on tho Second Floor where being well prepaicd to altend to ever branch of his profesáion. would respectfully sa to all who hove not liad thosc nccessary oreans THE TEETH, properly attended to, delay n longer, but cnll upon Mm and eXperiencc th case and durnbilïty of hieoperations. Tkrm nccomniodating andchargeB in no case unreason ablc. Arm Arbor, March n. 1845. 47-t SABBATH SCHOOJ. BOOKS for sale a FERRY'S BOüKSTORE. Dcc. 23. 44- tfTry- Try - Try Aain. FTER you have tried one thousond ond on ■. kinds of Pilis; then try Dr. Halstead's BriskPillfc)d you wiïl bc lully satislied that they are a uch preferable lo cvery other kind as thesun', gbt and beat is preferable, to bring forward ëha ornóte a hcalthy growtb in vegetables to tb&'t hich cmanaies irom the moon. They arejust what is wanted in this country -a pill tliat opera'.es quick, tborougb and easy, irrying a!l iinpyrltifes with ihem; Jeaving thé prriach i iid bowcls clean and clear. Away with ?ur SLOW PILLS. that act SLO1V- clcanse' [;OW. and leavb the syattrn in a SLOW state." iliou8 rnntter and oiher impedimenta collect ve" f :npid in the system when once they begin to scumblate- and will increase aa fost as Slow ilts will reinoVe them. It is necessary thercfore have a britk operatioh- that Will Anoust ali iik orcans j'rom tlicir torpid state, give a new, npetus lu the blood and secretions. Thcn food' ill digesi - ilieoioinach gnln strength - the sya in 6irone - the bkin clenr - the [ pctitc good, nd you are well - whon your slow doses would eep you lingtripir along for months- nnd then' crli.ips ou will f-end for a Doctor, arid what ill hc do? He will give you a powerful cajartic - one that will do yon some good. Now be your own doctors, and take Hnlsted's egetnMe Busk Pilis, om! gradante them to suit ie p.uifiiit. To wenk patiënte give email do-: 3S- nlío to cbildren. They are harnilets and in begivcn 10 the m;Et dclicoie - but then they ivo üfe nnd motion tó ihe system. DISEASE is n slow niorbid artion, clogginL p al! ihe smn'l veeaflhj - and calis aloud lor a' 3diedv that will nrouse ihem into action before icy bccome too weak to be kept in n;oiion. - eople dio for the want of nction - nnd fenring1 ïey shall ohtain a honlthy. natural action - they Mer taking n slow medicine - that they rpdy lictor slowly for yoars- nnd at Insi die with S ow, linernng disease- the nauiral effect of aiff slow Pilis. Away ihen with this theory. - f nature wishes to purify iie aii, 6he calis upin hurry a thunder shower, and with it her lightngs (nir tshysic) to purify, cleanse, nnd give a ■ ew niotion to the ntmosphere, and all is welk !he does pot lifihtcn pently the year round to reduce thL motion. Then iollow nature, when ou nrcotit of henlih - have n bad taste in your ïonth - Indigestión - costivcness - fever - colk iiíIIk - fcvor nnd dyspepsia - pain in bacd r linibs - üikcn cold - or in fnct ont ol ordpr in ny wny - ro'iovc yonrtclf immedintely by takinj ho Urisk Pilis. Try them once and you wilj so no f thcr. 28 Pilis for 25 centj. Sold wholpsnle nnd reinil by J. Owcn & Co., ")otroit; C. Rberbacb, S. P. Jewett, iUnd d klcCoüuni. Ann Arbor. 237-öro SICKNESS IN CH1LDKEN. AND tho fsuflbring which they undergo from "voi;;.:s" often tend to a tntal termination, vhile tho cAuss id never sutpected. Ofl'ensivcf ■ t .i:li. ))icUin.q n] the nose. grinding the teeth [uring sleep, snning in sleep wit'i frieht and cre.-üiiiiig, troubles'ime cotigh, and feTerishnc, ire nmong some of the Prominent Syvijtt-tms of he prrsence of worms. A timely use of SIIERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES Will rrimedtatèly remove nll these unplrn.-ant ytrpt')ins. jiikI resioro to perfect henlth. SÍ6ter .nntius. Superior of the Cntholic Half Orphan -sylmn Ikis ntiiled her tepiimony in their fnvor, o ihe thousan-Js which have gonc bcforr. Sha siates thnt thcrc are over 100 chiidrcn in tho Aiylum, and ihnt they have been inthehabitof isinsr Slierman's Lzenges. nnd she bas alwny oihkI them to be attendt-d with the most bérieni :iai effecU. They have on provcd to be infoU ible in over 400.000 cases. CONSUMPTION, [iifluenzn, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cowgh, rightRess of tho Lungs or Chest mny b'ecured. !tev. Darius Anthony was very lo !rom Conuimprion. Jonathan Hotfrard, the eulcbratcd einperiiiice Iet'ttrf;r was reduced to the vorgeof hc cravo by rnieing blood. Rev. Mr. Duiibnr, f New York. the Rev. Mr. De Forest, Evangcist in the Western part of this state. Rev. Sems'inn Streeter, of Boston, the wifrof Orasmua Dihble, Esq. in Monravia, and hnndreds of oibris. have been relicved and cured by a propor iêc of SIJERMAN'S COUGII LOZENGES, And no medicino has ever been more efiectna) in he relief of those diseases, or which eau h recommended with more coniHence. They al r.y nll itching or irritntion, render thecough caey, promoie expectorntion, remove the ciuse, and produce the most happy and lasting tíFucts. I1EADACHE. Ralpitation of ihe Henrt, Lowness of Spirit, Sea sicknoss. Despondenc, Fnintnees Cholic Spasnis, Crnnips of the Stonacb. Snmmer or Bowcl Complnints, nlso all the distressing aympto:is uiising from Iree living, or a night of di ï; ntion nrc quickly and entirely relievcd by using SHERMANS CAMPHOR LOZENGES. They nc"t speedily nnd relieve in a very short 8pnccof time, giving tone and vigor to the y ■cm. undetiablen persön using them to undergo great inenial or bódily fatigue. RIJEUMATÍSM, Wenk Back, puin and wcakness in tbc Breaet, Rack. ÏJinbs nnd oiher parts of the body ore spoedily nnd eilectunlly relievcd by SHERMAN'S POOR MAN'S PLASTEK, whtch cosisonly 12J, cents, and is Within the reach of uil. So grpát has B'ecome the tcputation oí thii nrticle thst one million will not brgin to supply the nnnunl demnnd. It is ncknowkdged to be tho beststrcngtlit-ning Piaster in the world. BEWARE OF IMPOS1TION. Dr. Sherman's Poor Man's PKisier has bis fiam6 wiili directiuns j)rinted on the back of the Plasicr, anl a {ETac simi'cjj) ot tlic Doctcr's written naino undur.tho directions. None óiher are Lie:iiiiiie. or lo be relied on. Dr Sherman' ':irenou?e is No. I OU Nrssnu st. New York. W. S. & J. W. MAYNAKD, Agents for Ann Arbor. 246 IN CHANCERY- FIRbT CIRCUIT. Joseph Clark, Complainant vs. Peter McGirnpv. Defendant. BY virtuft of a decretal order issued out of the Court of Chancory, of the Stato of Michioii. I shill expofe to snle to the highest bidder, nt the Court Hoiisp. in the villace of Ann Arbor, Wnshicnnw County. Michigan, on the 24th day of Fbruary next, at one o'clock in the afteinoon oí thnt day, tho following deaoribecj premises, to wit: ''The northeast qunrterof Sec tion thirty, township number one south. f Range three cast." GEO. DANFORTH Ma8ter in Chancery, Douglass &. Walker. Conip's Sol'rs. Dated Jnnuarv 6th, 184Í). 246- 7wFlax Secü ! THE subscriber wishes to buy n quantity of Flax Sked, iorwhich he will pay the high est mnrket price, in Goous or Cash, delivered nt his Millat Mount Pleasnnt, Geneeeee Countjy Michigan, five miles norih ol Fentonville. D. L. La TOURETTE. Dcc 15. 1845. 243- 5ra npAKEN up by the SHbscribci ou or nbout the A first of November last a H KI F ER, tuppoeéd 10 be two yenrs old. withbnndle sities, white buck and beliy nnd ome white on the legs and toil. The owner s requested to pay charges and inke her nway. LEVI JUNE. Bridgwatcr, Dec. 16, 1845. 243- Hw SHAWLS, Dress stuffs of all kmd, Lace Veils, Crovats. Ribbona, &c. &c. At tbe Manhattan Stokb, Detroit. W, A. RAYMOND. Dec. 25. IS45. 244- 6m BROAD CLOTHS, Casaimeres, Vesting, Satinetis, Gents. Cravata. &c. &c. cheap at the Manhatta'.v StoHk, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dec. 25, 1845. 244- 6m TT'EATHErYíf and PAPER HANG1NGS X; may befoundat all times at the Manhattak Stoke, Duirjii. W. A. RAYMOND. Dec. 2tv, 1844. 244- 6m WAN TE. rrtWO yonng men about 18 or 19 ycarsof age, JL as auprentices to the Snsli and Blind moking" business. Aleo, one JOURNEYMAN, at the abovc busineee. J, H. GREGORY Ann Arbor, Lowcr-Town, Dec. 4, 1845. ÍÍ41- t