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Will be publisueu cvory iMonuuy morning, in t inu Arbor, Michigan, by FOSTER & DELL. it TUE Michiga.n Statu A.nti-Si.avkry So ijjjtï. TJ211MS. i: One Dollar a ycar, in ndvancei if not pnid. l ;r advance, ïwj Dollaus will be [NVÏriaSLy o required. . fD" Oíd subscribors can have thcir papers at )fte Dollar a yenr, by farwurding tliat ainouni, " md payia arrcarages. b AU 8ubsoribers will be expcctcd 10 pay within p iho ycar. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. For cnch line of brevior, (the siunücst type.) h the first infiertion, . '.) cinta. For each subsequent insertion, 2 ccnis. For thrce montliü, 7 cents. ll For six momliSj 10 cents. For one year, 15 cents. Ordeia by muil will be prompily nttended to. vv Legal Ádvértisíqg by the lolio. ]i All advertisúincnts must be aceompanied by vniTrK.v directions for ■ lic linie of insertion; oihnviso they will be charged for tí IL ordered out. P' ID All Remittunces and Communications () huld be addres9od. Post pnid, (OSígnamk Likkrty: Ann Arbor, Mich.cQ] aI


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