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'the Other Interests.'

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e Report of tho Execulivë Committee. ad t Rs'odopted by r nwjnrily oftlie Sta'e Antin avery Society. But a few pages of llïat n ?port werc etriclien out. Tiieso pagea cong! ined on argument wliy the Liberty party . ould tukc round on nll mensures of public " o .erest, and desigual ed the action vliicli tho mmiitce deeined il expédient lor tho Liberty rty to tukc. As nolhitljf of iliis kiml is ex bitcd in the official puicceding?, - as the de l' itea turned almott cntirely on tliis port of the jiwi i ,- - íiiiu ii uiu qiivötiuu ui inning "" u ound on financial mattcrs must bo answered n tho Liberty roen, yca or nay? - we linvo c ought best lo slole lbo oubstance of 6o S( ncli of the Report as was st rieken out. The Conur.itteo took tho grouml that the iberty party must bc regarded ns a yermo ent national parly, which would accompüsh ie Abolition of Slavcry by its oui direct ' ielaliop. íií'lcr nttnining to power; or it is ' fierely a temporaty nnti-slavcry party, formed i or & 6hort tune aml tbr n single object, which ( ;as nol fxpected lo bo permanent, and whicli ( ould only hope to obolish Slavery throuh ( lio action of 6omc other party, lf tho Librty party was a temporary orpanization - a . ïero John party, as t were, estabslied to prepare the vay foranother to come fter greaier and mir htier than itself, then ' II other issues should be avonled, and onr ' ipcr?, tracts, and lectitrers sliuuld trent of I kbolition, nnd nothidg else. Bul if the Ltberly party vas designed to e permanent nnd gcuerul, and occomplish j lbol ilion by its Lrgislution, t must take such , ction as would secure t a eufiïciency of . ers and powc. This could not be done by n appcal to ai)li:slavery principies only. - omo ]jercon$ support a party for one reason, ' ome for another; and yet every vote counts ' ór uil iilie oSjects of tho party. For inetance, lie Democratie wns & pro-&lavery parly. havngfora inollo, 'Oppusition lo Aboütionism'. I t was our direct nniogonist. Supposc thnt )arty hod organized on the 'one idea' of suplorling sla ver}', nnd disco rded all action on ivery othor subject, would il havo attained its resent nscendency? It would not have mnsered a 4th pari of its present votera. But by miting Opposition to Banks, Tarifa, Alonopliu5, Sec, to its pro elavery princïple.", it w6 iiubJed to cast netirly a million nnd a half of otos for 'Opposilion to Abolitionism,' end to ecure the complete triumpb of the Slavc uucr uver ihe whole nalion The secret ifllieir bucccss wap, tbat every vote ngainst ( i li'irrli 'T'örifï Unnl-8. fco... iris nlnn n. vcttrSltiveiy! Frum lliese consideraiions ihe Committee urgued, that the Liberly party could not liope to succced munericully as a party, wilhoul definiíig their politlón on all í]uestio!js of pub üc interest now pcndinn1, or whích mny liercaftcrorisc, ond tliey Biiggesled Cor coiiHo'emtion au oulüiie of Uie ground v!:ich ihey duomed it proper for tlie party to tako on thc most impoi tont Lopics. It was in aobstancc os follow s: 1. Tin: Akoution or Sr.AVKnr, - by constitutionnl meane, sho'old continue to bë the puramoiint objt?ct ofthe party. 2. E(UAL POLITI'A'. AMl ClVI!. Rlfe'llTF, sliotild bó scturcd to evcry citizcn without refprcnce to nativity, color or dcscent. 'l'his principio vvould do uwuy wit!) all monopolies nnd spcria! privilege?, grnnted to corporations or individuáis., and also with all unequaf i tion. ';J, J TMOROUCill JVEruu.ii r mr. jtunmiu Ststbm- -both State end National, so thut the Laws hall be ma do more iniellipible, de. cisions more conformed to juelice, judgment more specdily rendcred, tlic number of tcclinicoliiies diffiiiiished, arid the cost ofadminibLcringr josiice greatly rcduced. 4. Thé Elkctio.n of all National and Sta tk OrncKRB, - eo fur ns thö uatufe of the jircumstances will permit. RspeciaHy slioulti hiajrqform lie opplied t the office of Postna8ter8, who should Ie elècted hy lliè cilizens f the town or city in whicli tliey ure locuttd. I. The Rkductio.v of Sai-akies, - of nll ei8uii3 in pdblic ernploy to s ]n;v a rnto as vill secure incumbents of tlie requisile qutn'ifi at ons and ubilitie.6. Tur Gradual Kkihctjon of tuk kmy ano Navy- -with a'view to their ltimafe abolition ns soton as thc circumslnnccs oF (fié country, and of other naon.s-, shall render ít üdvisnbíe. Evory President j'ecommonds on inrreosr oí the preparations for War, and tlny now swallow lip tuo-thirds of tho National levenue. During the fifty-six yenrs thnt irr (Tovornniont lias bcon in operalion, hereíms becu War with civili.ed nntions nly three ycars. Yet accordintoA rc:ent report ofthc Sécretary of the Treaütfc Coín'gress has npproprialed during hat period -Fur Military Service, $286,998,357 Por Naval do 178,933,124 Making a total pf $-1(50,931,481 The Pensions and Interest on tho Pub2 Debt, consequent on these preparaons, amount to about One Hundred Milons more. A similar expenditure for tho ext half century, proportionato with our icrcase as a nation, as recommendedby residents Polk and Tyler, would reqüire lore than One Thousand Millions to bo xpended in preparattons for Wars, of hich there ia now not ony probability. uch cnormous and griovous taxation for Var, in the present agt? of the world, af3f thirty yetirs of profound pcace, is neilier necessary or wisc, and should be oposcd by the Liberty party. 7. A Tariff for Revendí - so long s the expenses of t"ho National Governicnt are as great as they now are. But hould thcy be reduced - as they might be v tho moasures beforo enumerated - to ne-third or one-half the present amount, ie cumbrous machincry of the Custom louses would be no longor necessary, bul rie public Treasury could then be suplied botter and more cheaply by a small irect tax upon the many ánd increasing nilïfons of industrious citizens. In thitf ase, the Tarifl should be abolished, bui o gradually, os lo save every interest ested under its provisions.On mot ion to aclopt the ueport, Mr. Guinky, of St. Joseph, took thé loor in o'ppositior.. We wcre not Calletf upon, as n party, to tako ground on tho minor qviestions, and to longthen out our creed witli propositions. as proposed, was unnccessary and unwisó. He objectednoi to tho views of tho Committeo on theso minor questions - for so far as he could judge from hearing them once read, they differed but littlé from hio own - but to' the expression of them as the creed of a Political party. Wo know not what will be tho state of thiugs in future. Supposo our Revolulionary futhers, while tho struggle for independence was still pending, had met together in National Conventions, and held long debates on the establishment of Tarifis, Banks, Reprcsentation, &c., to be carried into eflect as soon as they shouldbe able to obtaïn their independence. VVouldsuch acoursehave jeen wise ? Tlicy acted very difterently. fhey knew they had first a great work to do: they applied every energy to its performance, and aflcrwards settled the details of the government. So antislavery men should do. Let Slavery fust be abolished, and then all other questions can be detertnined occording to the circumstances of the nntion, and those circümstances will be vcry greatly altered by the abolition of Slavery. Besides, the ono idea of Abolition is largo enough to sustuin tho Liberty party; and ïf it cannot be sustained on thisr one idöa, it cannöt on the tnany. IIo desired tho creation öf a general nörthern antislavery party, that shall havo' 7!o olher interest ai issue èx'6'epi thte single one. Ve ought not to allöW queátions of dollars and cents o ihtèrfere' with our antislavery action iñ ahy way. Wo were made up of both the other parties, and the moment we should attempt to lakc ground on Inancial rñatters, we should become separatcd from each other. After some discussion oh ciomrWittiug' the Report to the Business Corifmittec, Mr. C. II. Stewart, of Deiröil, toolc t'ne floor in opposition to the Report. Hé dissented from is doctrines on financial matters ahogelhcr. Thero was no need i)f enlai-glng our platform. The one idea af Abolition was a great one. He liad spoken upon il, publicly and pritately, in ïll parts of the State, before audiences of 3v6ry character, aud had encountered in Jobale gentlemen of abilities and e.xperijnco greatër than his own, and in ovory :ase he liad lbund the one idea of Aboliion wasamply suftlcieni tö süstain him, jy the greatness and importance of its niths. against superior íníefils and skill. Dn thiiï platform we wcro invulnerable md hc could not be content to leave it md embark on an unknown soa, liable to Iriven by every wind, and drifiod by ovjry cunent.change ofour position was, wc could not sucbeed on the onc idea of Abolition ónly. low was thia knownf Ilow could it be tnown before it had been tested % The .iberty mrlv hnd existed but five years, and it had been ín the Prqsidcntlal cönest oníy once, end even then its efficiency had been ncknowledged by political opponents. ( 'ur vote had progressed with c.Ntreme rapidity until last yoaf; önd tneri t had fallen ofT much less Ihan that of othcr parlies. The causè why vve hod not done betifir was in vs. and not in our polilical bn.sis. Hul liltle efTorl had been made. Inoreasod oxertions would bring large acefssions of numbers and power. Mr. S. assontcd lo the position" óf Mr Gurncy, that it was úseles to ]ay out