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General Intelligence: Important From Washington

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WASHINGTON reb. 7, 1S4G. Dkar Sm:- The President has tbis tnonent communicated to the House ofRepreaíntatives, m obedience to a resolulion of thal )ody, requesting him to communicatc any i rorrcppondetice which moy have laken plnce j letween this country and Grcat Brilain since i lis annua! message, the foüowinjr corresponlencp, viz: - ist. A de.pntch from the Department of Jute to Mr. McLnne, callmgr bis attmlion o the extensive military preparations of Great ' Jriiain, ond desiriug our Minisler to ascertain ' rom Ijord Aberdeen wlielher they had in iew an anticipated ítate of hostilitie with the i Jnited States. [ 2d. Mr. McLane's reply, dated íaiüary 6, ( 846, acknowledginw the receipt ofthe , atch on the 29th üec, and informing that e hod hnd un interview with Lord A., who iscloiins any direct object of the character ' lloded to, but admilted that it had a contin J ent reference to tho poSibility of a wnr with Ê ie United States. At the snme time l ng that the same warlike prepnrations would Í ave been made had there been no prospect e 'hatever of nny inferriiption to the friendly J clution8 c.visting between the two countrieB. cHr. fticljune however, wiihout calling in iiesiion tlicsincenty of liia Lorc'ship, duiibls , little, oud seems to Ihink that these extenïve preparations for war have a more direct eference to the United States, ond expresses ' he opinión Uiat it is the intention to endcavor ' ti bring it to a speedy terminalion bv t ut ing it wilh great vigor at the outeet. t 2d. A communication from Mr. Packenhnm 0 the Secretary of State, of December 27, j 845, propoi.ingf to refer the partilion of i ;oij and the arrangement of its boiindaries etween the two governmente, to some friendy state or sovereignty. 4th. The reply of Mr, Btichanan, in which, vhile he avoids thn question of submitting ] my question relating to our diflerencea with , 3reat Britain to arbiiratore; he declines on he pari of our government the sobmission of he question of the respective righta of lico ïovernments, and calla the otteniion of the 3ritish Minister to the communication of the 3eparttn(M)t of State of August last, in which he nght of Great Bnttain to any part is delied nltogether. 5'h. A communication from Mr. Packenia in to Mr. Buchancn, dated the Jannay, stating that he had been insttucted hy his jovetnment, to enquire whether the governTieni. ol' the United States would acquiesce.of 1 general submission of the whole question in ii'.e to a friendly state of sovereignty, or toa ïommission composed of distinguished civilians .vith an umpire - and whö, in case they should lecide that the wbole of the country belong;d to oncofthe two parties, ehould at the same time desígnate wint equitable portion jí" tho same should be divided to each party. Cth. The reply of Mr. B. of the 5th intjt., ïgain ndverting to our claim to the whole oí 3egon, and declinining to refer to arbitration :hat which so obviously wasalready our own. Mr. B, at the same time expresses the hope hat the matters in dificrence belween the two jovernments may bc speedily and amicably ïdjustcd.