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ESTRAY. CME into the enclusuro of thomibscriber on or nbout the 20th of November last, n lare BltlNDLE COW, with whiie bark and belly suppesed to bu nine or ten years old. Said cow had on alargcbcll. The owncr is rrquested to prove property, pny charges and tnke lier away or sbe will bedispoaed of nccorHinji to luw. Webster, Midi. C. B. SEYMOUR. Jnnuary 25, id4f. 250- 8 w For Sale. A FA R.M of 100 acres, fourtcen miles from Detroit upon 'he Grand River Rond. Also, n smr,l! CHURCH ORGAN, made for Professor Whiting, of Ann Arbor, a little before liis déath- designed fr Va lor use. hüt by addinp the Scraphim is uffiflÍMItljr heavy ll J" ial1 Chúrcli. SAMUEL CHADVÍCK. Farmington, Jan. Mi, 1846. 25S-4w "TEETríf TEETHÍÍ TEÉf íl ! i ! MASTICATION nnd Articulution, warram cd by by their being properly replacrd. 8. tí. BtRIVET itill continuos the praciiee of DEXTlSTftY in nll its voriouB bmnchcfi; v7. : Scaling, FiIIíiil'. and Inserting on gold platen or ptvots. froni one io nn éntire eett. Üld platcs, or misfito remoJled, ond tnacíe equal to new. %Orfico over C B. Thomposon & Co's shor store. Ladicff who reQuctn ;t, óun be vvaiied un it their dwellings. N. B. Charges unueually low, and alí kind rproduce taken. Ann Arbor, Jan. 28th, 1846. 219- tf TÏROAD CLOTHtí, Cassimeres, Voetings, JLj1 Sntinetta, Gents. Crnfata. &c. &c. cheap it thc Mauhátta STftAr, Detroit. . W. A. RAYítfOtfD. Dc. 2&, 1845-. 244-Gmluannaiiáft' store. Corner qf Jifferson Avenue aud Bates strtét, Detroit. BK sure nnd visit the Manhnttan Store when ure moking purchoac!. The'goods wliich , you will find therc are excellent in qúoliiy and rensonnble n price. We hnve Good HcaVy Sheetinga, Alnpac.ia, Drülings, Meniiun, Tickings, Mualin Dclainc, Linscys. CasUmercs, ! Red alld white Flanncls, Calicoa, Saüilfciiaj Lace VciU, Puil Cloiha, Grte.i Barregc, aKsimere, Gloveg, osiiiiüö, Hokicty, íron fclotlií. G:nj:hoini, Sh&wU, Rilboif, Linea Cainliric Hdkta. Laces, fcc. Sic. &.c nnt'iny, Cotton Yain, Wickine. Whlie Caret Waru. Colored do. do., Straw Tickinj, jluuchud Cottor oi 'all qu;iliiis, Fine unbleaclid Cottons. Birrod MuslitiB. o. Src. Also, FEATHKRS and PAPKR HANG. NGS, Uordering. Windyw paper. Fift Loaid .ipprs, Trnvcling Boskets Firs' rare TKA and COFFF.E, &c. And othsr nriiclcsi too nunicruut tu inention. 'rirriH-rs ennnnt fail of finding the Manhattan inre u denirable place to do thcir trading. No niiiB will bc spnred in waiting on eut-tomers and II nre iuvited to mil nnd examine our gooda be)re making their purchns s. Whilo we are onfidont iliat uil who exnminc our stock will uy, vet we will takc no oflence, if n'ter show. ig our poods, pcople choose to trado elsewhere. W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit. Dec. 2". 1845. 244- Gin ,