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Congressional Salaries

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Never uhtil the exorbitant wnges now paid to Membefs ofCongrnssare reduced can there be ny rational hope of such a reform in our National Expenclitures ns is sorely needcd. While 275 men, thrëe foiirths of whom ennnot honcstly cnrn four dollars else whore.aré paid eight dollars a day for eneh day of the session,' Sundays'included, tfhèttó'r ihéy work or play. aro present or absent, and even after the session is over if they remain sick at Washington, can subordínate abuses be correct cd by the votes of these men.- An Hon. Member gets íntoa railro'ad car at Syrnctisc, rides down to A'lbany nnd comes by sicamböat to New York in a liltle Iess than a day, Inving had good time for menls and a good nighl's rest on ihe way. For all this he pays at the outside $Ï0 nnd charges tho Pcople $120, rriáking over One Hundred Dollars clear money besides his expenfies and his regular Eight Dollars per day. Who imagines that nbtises will be corrected and leaks in t'ho Treasury stoppcd by men whonro pocket ing the People's cash afier this fashioni U s not in human nature Reform must begin in the emolument of Congressmen beforc ii can be expec ted to be thorough nrryv.M)ere. - N. Y Tribune.O'Abby Kelly, wull known for n few yer past ns n pullic ndvocate of ihc Liberty party, hos linnlly found her nppropriató cplierc- witii it,c same uci nhc reliiiquibhed her i i inórate abolitionism and a&sumed tbc dignity of .he matron. S. S. Foaicr, #f Brightoti, Ohio, is tbc Inoky man ; so fnrcwcll, Abby ; we wleh yoa al! euccess in ibe caiso you hnve now cpouecd- beiter late than ncver.' - Orand Rapids Lnj. Youaré mistaken sevoral ways, ncighbor - Abby ha been wel! know for a'everal years nsn public opponent of. rhe Libpriy party- rather a bitter or.c, too. Shc nM " relinqulrhed her itinerato abulitïonism," but continu'eflit since her marringe. S. S. Foster. f we rniatake not, isa New Enginnd man. There are 1555 newspapcre and periodiculs in the United Stat?, and bul 1F9I in all tho #fld " "" " " t