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Town Elections

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Wd would again cali the nttcnt'ion of Liherty men lo the approaching township elcctions, which will tnko placo thrco weeks irom to-day. Wc would 8ty to thom, do not ncglect to maUe nominations bccouse your numbers aro few, but railier let ihis be a renson for grenter vigilance and activiiy. It would be well to hold a meeting in ovcry lown previoua to the elcciion, to take mensures for the future ns well os the present. Tho Liberiy cause has hitherto been in its infancy. lts progress bas been slow and gradual. But it dues not follow that becnuse we have hiih erto been in a stato of infuncy, wo must ahcays c.xpect to creop. Should iho Liberty party take that ground which we think it ought to take, and which we bclicvo it icill take - its accesjions will be nutnbered henccforth. not by scores and hundreds, 86 lieretofore, but by tliousands nnd tene of ihousands. We thereforo wish our frionds to enlarge their views und their nnticipations, and exjiect and attempt great ihings. Oí ibis we will 6ay more herealier. Dut at present we hope that our friends will evory where make town nomination6 and support ihem with all tho ability they have. looking forward to the future with confident hope that ere long a large portion of their fellow citizens will bc with them. Nominate good men : distribute aburïdanco of tickets in good eoason, and let evcry Liberty man nttend the polla and vote. In this way tho Liberty party and the public will be prepared for a vigorous and most effjetive effort at the fall election. ín scveral oiher Siates, cspecially in Ohio, we eco the signs of more o.tiensive plnns and grenter attompts thnn hava been beforo made ; and we aremuèh mistaken if the Liberty men of Michigan aie not found equally cnorgetic.