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Laws Of Michigan: An Act To Apportion Anew The Representativ...

Laws Of Michigan: An Act To Apportion Anew The Representativ... image
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Sec. i. Bc it cnacled by tbc Scnntc and House of Represcntaiiv.-s of the State of iVfichian Tlm the House of Represen layves sliall hercafter be of mëiiibcrs electedagreeablyto a ratio of onè rcprcsent'ative for every fivc thousand white persons in cach organiU.? county, and one representotjve fprafraction above onc halt of said nuuibcr uid noYincliiaed iherein, thal is to s.iy. v. ithin thecounties of ITnyncnnd Oakland, six encli ; within the countiea of ITashu-ir.nv :i:i.l liawci-, livcu-h ; willlill tllë COUnflèBOf Monroc, Macoinb, Jaclt'són and Caihoiin, thrce i:rh : within tin' of ! I.ilc-, Branch, St. Jospph, Cass, }3cnien, Knhunazoo, Livingston, St. Clairand Genese two cucli ; nnd withïntKe oounties of Chippewoj áfácliinaw, Saginaw, Lapèêr, Shiawasse, Clinton, lonia, Eaton, Barryj ïngham, Allegan and 'an Buren, one each; wiiliin tic counfiee of Kent nnd Ottawa, two; nndinthis npportlonment, all norganized couiities iittnrhcd to nny ol the nforesaiil countics i'nr udi( ial purposes; Bhail ho nnd are ficrcl)yattnchpd tóthe snmc conntics roppootivcly, for repïv.'ontative pnrposcs. Tlic ck-ction returns for the reprefcntativ.i district comjioscd of the countios of Kf-nt nnd Ottawu sli'all We made to the county of Kent. Sec. 2. 'J'lieSenato diptricti of this state Pball i stitutedaïfollowfl, lowit : Thcfirfitdistfici ?hnl! consit of the countiesdfWnyne; Macömb, and St. Clair. and he rntitlcH to lour senators ; the second district shall conpfl of couiiIipp of Jacksón, w aníuvln g_ston, and beentitled lofour sena'tors"; thq th'ird district shall cbnsifet of tlif connties bf ilionro, i.enawe, Iiillsdale ;:r..l Hr.mcli, ;md be COtitlcd to four s-.-iiáto'rs'; the fourih district shnll consisl of the conntics of St. Doseph, Cnss, Bermn nnd Van Buren, and bc entitlcd to isvci scu.itor.s ; the fifth district shnll consist of the count'ies of Allegan,ooariíJ Cnlhoiui, and be htíticd to two s?nntors; trré sixtli district phnll eonsisl of thc Oaantjcftof Onklnnd. i.-ipwv, Gencscc, ShiawnsBee, Saginaw, Jínckinaw and ChippeWf and be cntitled to lour senotors ; the Bcvènih district fihnll odtiáw of thf bomttÜBOÍ Inííliain. Etan, Bf iy Clinton, Ionia, Kcnt and Giuwa, miel I !■ cntitled lo two senators ; and any uñorgnmzed counly xr ronnties, afinrlil l'or judicial purpo? to citlifr of thc countios composing a senatorial district, ehall be inclnded within such senatorial district. Thc elecíicyi returns for the first senatorial district sh:ill bc made to tïfd Sent öf-jajce ot the couutvoí Wnynr; for thc eecoi.d clisliict, lo thc seatoCjuatice of ti." roiuity pf fFashtcpaw; Tor thc dietrlcf, lo I he Beat of justire of the county' of i.ennwve : for the foárth district, to th-Bèét q{ jnstice of tlie county of Cus. ; lor fifth district, tothe fflt pfjustice of thc county ot kalam'azóo'; for mé'sirthdiíBtrict, to fcat ot juptiee cf t'i roiiniy of Oaklnnd ; and tbr thc s-w uth diairicl, to the seat of justice of the county of Ionia. . Sec. H. At the next pcnernl elertion, there shall he elrrted intheiirf-t öpnatorial flÍBtriot,three Hotiatorí ; in the secoud distric', three ; in the tl.ird district, one ; in thc fourth district, two ; in the fifih district, one ; in thc sixth district, two; and in the 9eventh district, onc. At the firstsesbíoii ifler thcir elec ion, tlie thvoe senators elected at tlie ní-xtoncrnl election incncboftheíirstand becond distriets, shull be clo&iified hy lot into two clnsftcs, one of whom shall servo for one year, and two for two j'nii. And th" two senators elertcd at thc samo time h tii" fonrtli distnct. shall be classified by Iott -one of wliom ehall perve for orje year, and the othcr for two yenrs.TVr ílmll bcclccted in tli;thirtldistricf, al íhc general election in tho year 1Ö47, three tcnators, wlio :it i!io fir.t 8CS8Í01Í afu-r ihcir clfctloh, Miall i nocí by lot into tworlnssee, on; of wliom hliall serve Corone year, and lwo íor two ycars. Appróvíd, March 10.. 18-16.