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The Chancery System

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We noticc ili:ii ihe debato on the Judiciary System in ilio House has fairly commenred. - Fhere stem to be tbree pnrtiea: the Conaervatives. In ure fir adopting 'hesystem of the rcior. which will give the wholc coinnuinity luw lotbeir henrts' content: the Radicáis, who favor John Allen's1)ill. nnd a medium class, who are willihg lo adopt any rniddlc coursO ilnit will pluase the peiple. We observe ihat Mr. Hand h is mude r Inbored delence of ihe Chancery Syslem . lleihinksit ought not tobo obolished. becauso '"il is incnrporatcd in the judicial eystom of ihc irtaie": becnuse ''you cant proiecl the righis nl ihc pe'p'e without thi shidd (!) ihrow Oer them": hecnuse it '"hus grown up f rom us.ige"; because it is )asud on the principUs af jusiice and right"; becaupií the juo'ges ol connty ouris "cannot wisely or discrrcily exercise ihat jurisdiciion": becauee "the chancery power ia an ixiennive and abiruse science in itself, requiiing vears and ycars of siud fnüy fo undersiand it"; and hc does nut believe ''ihise delicate (!) powers given to the i-ourt of chunce y would le so sntisfaciorily adiiiinistered by tho.-e judjjes." &c. Ac. Ndw tlierc is not o sensible and valid argument ngainsi aboliehing ihe Chnncery courts in this whole lo'. Mr. Hond undotilitedly vants Law lo bo admin6icred in all its dignity, pomp and glory, notwitlistanding 16 numerou and well paid rciinue of rctainers, its huir splitting technicahiipe, its continuaJ delnys, its complication of tnachinory, its cndles nppeals, and ruinous expenses: but wc can teil him that the Peo-plt wnni Justick dispensed bctween man and man, with peed, economy and simplicity, without or show. The jus'.icesecured by ihc Chancery couriB is purcliascd ata very high price.