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Address Of The Central Committee

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Wc rcccivcd iho cominunicaüon of tlio Cominiiteo to tho Liberty party too late lor ineeriion t lus weck. Itconiompfatcs an imniedinte, gene ml, and vigorous movoment through tbc State. Wc subjoin the (ollowing appoinmieius liiiti eek, tbat those interesicd may have pcasonablc noticeoí thü times and phices of meeting: STATE AGCNCY. Appointmeurs of S. B. Tieidwell, State fiian :ial mk! business Agent. Tho agent will carnmcncc his dutics ti Jackson County, as fullows : At Jackson Village, April 7, 184G, at C o'clock P. M. at 1 Lu 1 1 :oim Acadcmy.At Leuni, April 8, at 6 o'clock P M. at the Congrcgational meeting house. At Gn.s Lakk, April 9, at G P. M. at tbc Congregntional Church. At NAi'oi.KOff, April 14, " ' School hoiiso. At Coi.t muía, April 1G, " '♦ School in Jcflbrson. At Co!cord, April 'O, " " School houso. Ai Sandstoxk, April 23, " " " Village School house. At Rives, April 27, " Red School house. C. H. Stkwaht, ol Detroit, wilt altend nt lockwh) Lcoiii.aiul Grasa Lake, nnd address tho friends. ut the time of tho nbovc nppointnicnt8. Frienda in ihc 6evcal localilics abovo mentioned, aro particularly rt q ie8tcd to niake arrangements for the rcspcciive meetings, and espccinlly to nsscinlilc the Liberty votera oí the towiis adjacent to the placo of meeting, so that town organizatiotiB and other arrangcnientí) may bc madi Thcy are ntej requested to poruse the address of tho Central Cominittec, nd makc wh'ajt orrangements thcy best can in thcir respective towns :o fucilitatc thcobjects of the Cominittee. and of thn Dusiness of the Agent. After Jackson, the Agent will visit the counly of Washtennw, and ihcn Oakland. Il isdosigned to niake his appointmenis at tho center of cvcry four towns, and rcniiiin (here or in the vicinity thrce days: for dispnsal of the business of ihcse towns. If is first appointment in Washtcuaw, will bc at or ncar tho cenier of Lyndon üexter Sylvan "Limnhis ncxt nt Manchester: ilicn at Saline, and so on. lint as he or tho Central Committoe d. not poesess the inlörmation requisito (or on cconomicnl nnd efficiënt disposal of' his time, tlio fncnils in cacli county are reqursted to ninke the proper iirrangcment.a.alloving tlirce days for (bar towny. umi to communicatc tho snnio to tho comtnitteo at Detroit.