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Old Manuscripts

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- We understandtija! severni wgcks suicu, wnnai aumt workmen wero engagod n taking down nn oíd stono building on the dock at Roniloubt, in ibis town, a box wns discovercd, bidden in somc way bctween tlio floor nndceiling; and that in it wns found a large quanlity of Continentnl moiicy - .scveral millions of dol'.nrs, il la stntcd - togotlicr villi a great number of oíd manuscript papers rclating to revolutionary aHUirs. One of these we have seen. It wns a letter signed by Pierre Vun Cortlaud. President of the Señale, and Kvort Bpnckor, Speaker of the Assembly, dated nt Kingston, June 30, 1780, aiid directed to sonio persons nt llochcster, in this county, calling on tliern to aid tho cause of Independería, by furnLslting clolhing for the sokliers. We learn, nls.j that those papera, qs i usual in such cases, were scnllercd about the villnge, and are iñ tho possossion of different persons. We aro sorry for this, os, from whnt wc havo licard and seen. they aro pnpt 'i-s of much valué ns respecto the hisjory of iliat time, and, we doubt not, would be of service in obtnining a correct knowledge of tho events of tliat eriod ; nnd wc trust that means will be taken to coliccl thcm, nnd oscertnin their