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Capital Punishment

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The Lomion l'uncli has an artiele on thobcndits oi public cxccuiionsf fre'm wliich wc extract the lollowing : "Bui to return to i!ie doublé liorror of Mond.iy wtcl; - to a consideration of" iis moral etficficy. What was tho scene n the Oíd í'aily on the pruviousSundsiy? Lot tlic Globe anawer: Puring the whole of the dny, a nunibor ol idle nnu dissoluU girls md boys conunucd tuiteriiiy in tront of I lic nison, uttering the mosl diegusiing aiui liluild jus'.s. ïlanglrfg, howcver, imparta ndvantages to sorne péojilfc ; namcly, to the hou.fohülders of ihc Old Baijay; lor on the Sunday evenitjg - If any respoctüble person was p:Bunp, hisrars wt'ie assailcd with the fullovángulsstiun? ly dit: persons abuve notied:- -Üö you want o roop, iir'í A fifie view of the secne. sir. Vou éan have cvery aceomniodalion and plenty of rcfroshrrtont :die;idy piovided; a gootl tiro, m ihat you wiü nut leel the cold. And so pn&scd ihe niglif, witli hrandy and sogfjrs, awaiting the ailvum of iho gr,eflt mórsl teacher, liangnan Calcral't. At a;i early liour the inob asseiübkd, and aucorJing to the pnpers. brawled and fpught. The kilüng at the Old Bailcy jiorpetratcd, ;he Chroniclo tclia uö - "Soon nfier the frent bnll; nf the crowd bcan to disperse, a grea1. portion of win m. weregrettosay, proceeded with groat spt-td tn the: uc.xt bad secne ól aclion al Uorstinonjcr-latie." And tht'Fehadthe bent-fit of a twofold moral lospon: a lesson whose eiilctcy wr.a shown in figlrs at the gallowg' foot, and was most ini)rcfi?ively declared by the subjoined poragrnph in thosune copy of the Times thnt nanatcd ihc iwo-nctod mornlitirs - "Guildliall. - John Asbury, and Ilcnry Lee. twp lads, wei e cofnniitted to J3ridnweH fr a inonih for altiimpiing to piek p;ckeisat the öiocution in the Üld Bailey."QTTlie town treiif-urer df PitisnVld n Uiis eouwy, Iins OHcerlaim'il tlie oniount of VVhont rnuscd in that town last ycar, whicli siims up rui follows : "Nnniber of ncrpp linrvcsfod, 3.GC3 ; nnm hor of bnsiirlf, C4,!ííG - (nvcrnnc per crr;, nhoul 17 .'3-4 bnsliels.) 'I'iiis s nlitilo ovor 54 biif hel. of vheat t nvcry mnn, wuiniin nml nhild in Ilio town. Tlie niiinbcr of ome sown the prrsrnt ycnr is 3,717.''