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Course Of Services And Evening Lectures For Passion And East...

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Tin: regnlariy appointed services of the Churcl for Passion and Eastkr weeks; willliccclehrntcc evtry monungat lOo'clock. Thccvcning Lee turca wíl] coimncnce at preciscly half past 7 o' clock, and be in ilic following order : Ist - April 5tli. Sundny beforo Easter. Sun j:ct. - The (JosjkI InviUititm. Tkxt - " ('orne for all things are now r.-ady." - St. Luke 14 J7. ( liy request.) 2d - April Cth. Monday licforc Eastcr . - Subject. - Thcpcril ofncglect'tng Ihc grcat salrníion. Tkxt - "How símil we escape if we neglcct bo great snlvation." - Ilebrcws 2 . 3. 3d - April 7th. Tucsday before Eustcr. SunJEcr. - The religión of Christ comylettly adajtlcp to Üic tcants of man. Tkxt - " AItliouf;h tho Fig tree símil not blossom," &c. - Ilabakkuk 3 : 17, 18. 4th - April 8th. Wedncsday before Eastcr. Subjkct. - Salcation for lite lost. Text "The Son of Man is cometosave that which was lost." - St. Matthew 18 : il. 5th - April 9th. Thuraday before Easter. Suhjkct. - The nao Man in Christ. Tkxt - 'Ifany man be in Christ, he is a new creature : oíd things are passed nway ; behold, nll thinga are become new." - 2d Corinthians 5: 17.6th- April ÍOth. Good Fridny.- Fast. Subject for morning. - The Cntcifirion. Text - "lt is finished."- St. John 11) : 30. Suuject for evcning. - Christ crucifica, the power nm wisdom of God. Tkxt - " We prcncli Chris crucified," fee. - jfart Corinthians ] : 23, 24. 7tli- April Ilth. Easter Even. Suhjf.ct.- The rich man and Lmtarus in the jilace of departnl spirits. T;xr - " Sou, reincinbei." - St. Lukc 1Ü : 25. 8t!i - April Í2üi. Eastiír. Subjkct for cvrninp. - Tlir, Inimanitij af Christ. TV.xt - " For vcrily lic took not on him the nature of angels, but lic took on him th? sced of Abraham," &c- Hcbrews 2 : lü, 17. J)tli - April I3th. Mondny nfter Eastor. Sübjkct.- Th r. Deiy of Christ. Tkxt- Uy liim wereull things creutel,"&c. - Colossians i : 16, lOth- April Hth. Tuesday after Ensler. Svu JBCT. - The. tiat Jiulmnnit. Tkxt - " I-'nr we must ;i!l appcarbefore the judgmentseat ofChriot. - 2d Corinthians 5 : 10. I ori of all power and might, wlio art the au thor and giver of all good things ; raft in on henrts the love of thy home, inörcase in ue trn religión, nourinh us with all oodnes?, and of th great nicrcy keep us in the same, ihrough Jcsu Christ our Lord. AjinSN.