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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Condition Of Fema...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Condition Of Fema... image
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Letter to the Editor
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Messes. JEmrons : - Hnving observed thnt you noticed a forme communication I sent yon, I venture to speak ngnin in behnlf of right.s, wliich hav0 lont; been violated with impunity, by t!ioe wlio hold the rein8 oí puwer, an n . great deprec control our ilcsiinios. Somo tnay ihuik my rcmnrks sin;u lar, bold. or ns9unnng: but I will detnil as briefly as po8sblo, soma of tho particulnr wrongs enJured by my sex. lf noivtbs:nni!n,' ve nrr tnuht froin our infnney to believo oursclvcs ncrior to the moro nvored pnrt of crontion inmenta! cnpaciiy - we nttoin lo nny e.vcrllence. or chnnce to equal onr superiors, instead of meeting wiih tlieir sympathy and qupport, we mny be ihankful ifwc escapo pcrsecu;;oi) The tailoress who ge.ierally by lier unaidcd cxertsons. has often ocquired a ski II in her employnient equnl to Uie most accomplished workman uf ihat cía? must bc satisficd wiih one third, or at most, one alf tho price he receivcsas a compensaron, ano insider herself well paid at tliai. While he has he power of beconiing wealihy by perseverance n business, ehe is often tho victim ofover-work, nd thesmall pittance she lias been able to save, crves to procure n few necessaries to bu adminstered in the inst hours of consumption. Altliough it has often been remarked, that females, when suiïiciently eduented, nro ihc most (íicient insiructors of thoyoung, how frequenty isan icíle vagrant of the other sex employed, vlio has little to recomrnend him. at the rate of G or 20 dollars per month. while the ihougln f bestowing two-thirds thnt he reccives on nn ccomplislied and competent female teacher could ot for a moment be endured. If the hopeful son in a fomily displays any unusual precocity, his parents nnd frienda begin to ook about them: sotnething must be done. - lns boy might liecome a lowycr, a minister, or tatesman. an honor toour faniily nnd country! íach one is ready to lend a helping hand: even ie ister contributes her mito of assistance, to ne who is very likcly ere long to pass her by s a beint; incnpable of sympathy wiih his elevacd fee!mg8, and lofiy aspirations ! And even the lother, who sncrifices many personal comforts o promote his advancement, mny scarcely hopo or more at his hand, than amced of scorn for her leiital inferioriiy, and incapabiliiy of appieciang his superior talont?. While many a fcmale. chly gifted by nature, nnd possessing a. tliirst int would lead hcr to the heights of '-ücience," íust content herself with tho nicagre frtiits ai ie ibot of the hill; and :f shc complains of her cstiny, is told lor her consolation, that a woman ced not expect to distinguish herselí: ifshc veré a man it would answer to cncourage such )ought8. Thus is intellect sufiered to lie wasie,wtiieu ii ïmprovca wnuld becomc a blessing to Mie worlH. nndn hcainified cvidenco of the wis'om.and bene'ence oí Dciiy. While :he spirit of pridc andlyranny is chciished in the other scx. and they aro often led to bclieve themselvcs in possession of gifts and attributea, which their [aker hos ncver vouchsafcd to tliem. Tlieso are some of ihe wrongs whicli are public nnd obvious; bat thcy are few in comparison with those of evcry dsy pmnteoecurrencf:, which ust be confíned to ilic bosoni of the sufierer; or known on!y to n few intímate friend. It not un'reqitenily hnppens tliat if ihe insb.ind is au un'requcntly hnppens that if (lic husband is un unliuver, tlifi wife must be of a ike niind; or, if her ise, must conceal her belief and fcclings, r meet with such oppnsition as vvould nearly renk her heart. Thus is she deprived of the ympathy and fellowship of Cliristian8,in thisland f "civil and religious liberty" because she ia woman, whilo her husband may without fenr of bukc, indulge lus 6y&tem in duily remarkn degnod to wound her soul. But we believo her rifif's are recordcd on high, nnd when ihe day ol final account shall come, we may hope to be vicwed by our Judge with an iir.pariial eyc. and ;is justly expent a eat near hts presence, ns Uiosc shall securo, who here trample our rights beneath their foct. Il we wero unirammeled; and our pnblic rights ware reRpected, our private wronge ould be grad'jfilly Public opinión ould ÜfltlfnOB private conduc: nnd we might i linie fcel that wo cc.ild clnim some of the essinga of free institmions as our o'.vn. Tlicn should we reolize thnt wo shared orn of ihe ch pifts, bequeaihed to their postcriiy by our theraof ihe 'Kevolution,' who were aided by ie prayere, cxcrtions, and voluntary sacrifices ol ïeir mothers, wivca, and sisters nt home. - 'hougb the tribute of praisc has often been warded to the heroiam aod fortiiude of the women of our country during thai eventful siru Jgle. and their virtues hare freqncntly since, been the subject of romark even by foieigners, we might as well, for all the privileges wo enjoy, have received the boon of existence under one of the monarchies of Europe, as in Republican America; nay, better wore soveignty an object, for we might then some of us indulge the hope, of one day wearing a crown, and wielding n sceptro.