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The Central Committee: To Liberty Friends

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We have lately preecnted to you our intended eystem of operations. They aro now in progress: our agent is in the field to efTectuate the systcm if possible. It now remains with you to sustain the nttompt, or cauee its luilure. On you icsts the rcsponsibilhy. We invite you '.o perusc our Into address; particularly lliat pnrt towards its closo, whkJi suggesta the neecssity of Town nction, epontancously and witlnut nwaiting the necesaarily tardy going arounil of our ajent. To facilítate this action, we have prepared a circular, etating tho precise duiics expected Irom the town committrts, and taken incasurea to place this circular ;n the hnndH of our friends. - Wc now ontreat thom to go 10 work. Let none wait for the others, bnt cach consider this ns au uppeal presented to hiinself. an individual duty resting upon himsulf alone. Let him llnnk. wUbI In can do to protnotc tliis gcncrul eflbrt: let liimsaddlu his liorse. or bitch up his icam, - :md oíT to hB neighbor. and t.'ilk over the subject: Iet ihcm agree to notify the Libeny votera of the town of a meeting riglit uway: and ful ji' thcir agrecment. At ihat meeting let theni nppoint their town commitiecof two, three or four, as fbey may think best, but the fewcr :ho better: lut (hem thcre begin the contribution sy stem; nnd lay their heads '.ogether ior ways and moons, to pronioto our cause: let tliein reinember ihnt the eflort and the bestowal of time and troncy, artbut íor a single season: the cause rcqiiircs an extra eÜbrl, and Ie; thom give ungrudgingly. - Let them listly report to us. We do not ask thus of you, friends, without hnving ourselves pioneered the way to dtity in the gift of time aml inoney; and each hour you spend or dollar you give, butaccumulntcs niaterials for encreased labor andrcsponsilrility to us. - But so it: try us: try the cause: try yourselves: go ahend in faith, and fear not, and the rcsult, will bc matter of gratified atonishmcnt.In ndilition to our engagement of a State financial agent, wc have olso cngaged the service of Henry Bibb, wlio will tnku the licM on the first oí May, and continue in it as long os lus htalth permita. He will accompany our agent Mr. Treadwcll. Friends will seo in thi, an additional evMencc of determination to leave nothing undonc on our pert. and of fauh in ihcir support. They will a!so percetve the neceesity of in mediaiely making the arrangements for mc6tings suggested at the end of our l.i.-t addres. At such meetings Mr. Bibb, nnd Mr. "Treadwcll wiil address the public, whilc the latler will alf,o specdily n'.icnd to business nrrangements. It is nccessary to pubüsh notice of the appointmcnis: these uppointments can be tnade to more advanlagr by friends on ihc spot, ihan by us, and wc invite theni to do 6O. Thrce days will bc dévoted to l'mir towns, as nearly as poesible in (lieir cen'er. The agent will enter VVaohtenaw at the time nnd 1 ico and proceed iLrongh i',ns is euggested in our fonner coinmunication. If appropriate places of mrcting are meniioneil to us, so as to harmonizo with the eystem, we will )i. the dutcs, and publish the appoinimentaCIIA'S. H. STEWART. II. HALLOCK, J. D. BALDWIN, S. M. HOLMES, VVM. CANFIELD, Central Comtnitiee. Detroit, April 7, 1840".There are tliose who are well acquainted with all the connections that this government has with foreign governments - with the intercourse that the States have had with the general government, and with one another - with the mysteries of a Sub-treasury - of aal bank - of the Tnriff&c. who are unfit to govern the nation : becauso, they refuse, n their pride to resort to the original fountain of truth, depending on their own pools, which must, of course be shalIow j because they choose to be creatures of prejudice and passion, rather than of reason and religión, therefore, seldom investígate andpnderstand the claims and foundations of the latter; because they endeavor to dethrone God, knowing, that his law is inconsistant with the gratification of their desires ; or, because, they endeavor todisprove the very existence of the Beir.g, who has madethem, and by the very weapons which christian civilization has put into their hands. These persons are included in a class that they would greatly object to belonging to - who know not God - and are, in the bible, called "jbols". They seem richly to deserve the name, for whal can be more foolish, than to prefer meagre knowledge, to the same knowledge united with infinite wisdom - the world that now is, to the same world, and the world which is tobóme - any thing, to him that is to judge us, and by his own pure rule, too, and we know not what dayí What expression could be truer or stronger, to show, how much better is the knowledge that makes plain our future state, than that which is limited to the present! Reside this, too, the peace of mind, which they who have communion with God enjoy, and their greater conversancy with his rules of justice, and their pleasure in seeing them executed, must be no small advantage. B.(L"? We havo received a pamphlct, eniitled, "A Reproof of ihe Americnn Church, by the Bishop of Oxford: extrncted from a History of the Protes'.ant Episcopal Church in América, by Samuel Wilberforce, A. M. With an introduction, by nn American Churchman, New York, 1846." This work is written in good style, and contains a great variety of facts showing the support and aid given to Slavery by the Protestant Episcopal Church in this country. The author, wo suspect, is Judgö Jay. The work is well worthy of circulation. CCJr" We have a large amount of interesting matter on hand, which we are compelled to lay over for want of room.