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Joint Resolution: Proposing Sundry Amendments To The Constit...

Joint Resolution: Proposing Sundry Amendments To The Constit... image
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Sec. J. Hcsolrcd by tho Scnntc and House cf líeprcsenta tires of the State i-f Michigan Tlmi ilie constitution of tho Stnie be nrnendod as follows, viz: AMENDMENT FIRST. UKÍ.ATIVE TÖ KKSTOUINU TO THE PXOFUC THKIK RIftUT OK FlLLtNCJ CKKTAÍN 0ÉPLCK8BY KLKC1 'ION. Tho Icgislature sliall provide lor the clection of the following oiRcers, by iho juuliiied c!cclors, viz: lat. All ofïïcers wliicli are now by tho constitution, or by extsting provisiona of luw nominated or njipointcd by the CJovernor, by and witb tho nnd consent of the Senate: 2d. AH oificers which nrc now by the constitution or existing provisión of Iaw nominuted by tho Governoi by and wiih the udvice und consent of (hu legisla' ui c:3d. All offices which are now by the constilution or c.istini provieions of luw appointcd or clecled by a joint vote of the twoliouscsof the Icyislaturc: 4th. Whcn ony State office beconic vacant ihc Governor sliall fill sucli vacancy by granirrig a coiuniission, which alial! expire vvhen another is cleclcd and qualifiod; and upon ilio Inppcning of nny stich vncancy il shall bc tlic fuiy of the Governor to givc notici; tlicreof, mul ihc eicclorashallaf lUo "next ücccèding nniiual eleciion for rnembers of tho Icglslatuio chooso u person to fill sucli vacincy. AMEiNDMKNT SKCOND. KKI.AT1VK TO SINGÍ.K SKS AT O KIAL AND HEI'UKSKNTTIVi: DISTUICT3. 'I lic Legiulatutc shall divide the state into ns ninny &enatoria! distnets as thcro ore senators to bc olcctcd, and the Irgislaturo sfiall nlso divido eache.iunty which is eniitled to more ihan onc ícprCKontativc, uno as inany rt'rc6eiitntivo disiríais as thnreare rcpresomuiivus to bc clcctcd in eaid county and give to ach organized county at lenst one represeniatrve, and at the first session altor cach entmieration of the iiihabitants of Michigan, made by the nuthority of the United Sta;es, or by the State of Michigan, the iegihlnture eha!l npporion the State anew into single senatorial and representa uve districts, us ubove providcd. AMEXDMENT THIRD. RKf.ATIVK TO BANKING IKCOHPOKAT1OKS. Tlio Legislatuie ahall not exicml, enlnrge, rcnew, or creato any banking incorporatlprja witliin this statu. AMENDMENT FOURTH. RKLATIVE TO KXÏK.NUING THE RIGHT OF SU1FUACIK. The word "white," slinll hc expunged iroin nriiclc second.. seciion one; nnd nrticlc four, sec tion ilrcc, oí the constitutie. Ite6o!vcd, Tliat tho above umciidments bo pub lisheil and roferred to tho nc.xt leisiaturo. nccording to the provisión of the ihir tetnih anido ol the constitntion.