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Law Of Newspapers

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J. Suliscrihcrs who do not givo cxpress nolicc to (lio contrnry, oro considercd wmhïng lo continue tlioir subsurijition. 2. If subscribera order ilio discontinuanco o( their papers, the pubhshcr mny continuo u scml them tillail nrrcaragcB ore pnid. 3. If eubaenbers neglect or refnse lo tnke their pnpeis from the ofiices whero they are directcd. tlicy nro held responsiblc till they have settled ihcir bilí, or ordercd iheir paper discontinued. 4. If 8ub3criber8 remove to oihcr places without informing the publisher, .nnd the poper ie sent to the fonncr diruction, they are held res ponsible. 5. The Coarta have direcleJ tlmt refusing to take n poper or a pcriodical from the office, or rcmoving iind loaving it uncalkd for, is ':prima fjcio" evfdericé of inténtionál frjaud.