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Our readers aro awarc ihat eonio time aince tlie Editora of tliis paper sent a Circular slaling their views on the present po6tion and future policy uf the Liberiy party, to the 30 Liberty papers, for publiciiion. Tlu-ir expectation was nut eo niuch to gei tho immediate assonl of the Liberty party to nll tlie positions advanced ly thein, as to introduce to the atleniion of ilieir readers the proprietj of saying soincdiing on otlicr (jucations bceidea blnvcry. About huif theso pajiera have pubijièbed the drticle, without rcmork'ar, and somo witli extended answora - soino iwo or thrco coinciding wilh our views, Lul tho grealcr part dÍ88eniíng frorn nny oddition to the 'one idea." A respoiiöu from ihe Albany I'atriot will be found in anolhcr column. Wc 'hought of jiublisliinfí .nainu if the negativo nnswere to our propoaal, but delayed doing so, with ilic oxpeetalion th.n tho Special Cumtuiiiee, in thcir ndilrpsa, would nay nll that cobld be said on that ni(Je; ormuit tticrf-of, thnl gcmUitncn of our own üuno, wlio dissent frorn us. would bc disnosed to ;irguo tho case through tlio $igptij. Uut ihu3 for wo have reccived no commuuicaiion on iliat Bidé of ilio queetion. Should notliing bo oflircd in futme, we shall iry to mako room for o few oxtracts from the remarksofour brelhrcn of the PfPPS. Wc will, howcver, roior now to onc prominent objcclion made to our propasa! hy about a dozen or tlioso popera. They eay, thnt il is unncecssary to take ground on fiiiancial questions now, becaiige the situnliun of ihc country will bc matcriallyaltered by t!ie abolition of elnvery, and after tlic Liberty party cuinos into power, all confliclii.g financial qucslions can be easily settled ac cording to the condition of tho country at ihat time. Our objection to the validityof thie plenisthat it falsuly nssumes thiit t]ie Liberty party can attain to power on the "ono idta" only. whife re fusing exprcesioñ of opinión on cvery other sub ject. There is no doubt that the Liberty party cóuld suitlo the policy of tho country wisely at thie or ahy fuluro time, if they had the power, bul wc deny Chat iliuy can atlain this power wliile remainipg obstinatcly silent on important nntional queelions. It euiinot bc at'.aiticd without the votes of at least a inillion of frecmen ; and nci ther the nature of American institutionp, the past experienco and progresa of the Lbertyty, nor tlio records of history in our own or nny other country, authotizc theexpecialion ofauch a result. When quceiioned ns (o tho position of llicii party or financial mutlers. thu Liberty lce:uiers and p;ipera reply, ''We will do whnt ia right.- Are wo nol a band of philanthmpista ? is not our great object a good ono 1 Why then ennnot you not trust us to do right on all minor mnttors T' This ia iar Trom lieing entisisetory to the mass of the people, who have been educa'.cd to bclievu fmancial matlers to be re.illy important Tlioy want to know whnt "riglu" is, in prncse. The Dcmoctat who now joins us kl)OW not how boon he may be called on to support a hiyh I'roiective Tarifl'; nor does the VVhig know bui tho party may uliiniately come out for Free 'l'rade. lts future course on these and similar questions ia kept in the dark; and the only ns surance he can gel, is that the Libcity parly will "do rig'U" respecting tliem. Ilcncc men of bulk paiiiCM, favurably inclined to nntiblavey views,, icfuse to unite with us. Wlicn men combiae their energics, interesis, labor and cèp lal for n joini object, thcy want a previousinite understanding as to 1I10 modo of conductng oven the minor dntails of ihc business. I,ib city men are nlow cnough nbout beconiing nicmbers of a Il.iilroad or Insurance Coinpany, uftléM they ciin bo well assnred tliat tlio Company wiil tnke sucli a course as mceis tlieir views. Ii would bc in vaill for tbc projcclors (O urge tltnt tho cntcrjrÍ5C was a feasiblo onc: llmt it was important and philamlirnpic in i is olijecls: ihat all lliat was requisito was to becomo a inember ot ncc, nuil pay over lijs simio of tbc capítol, áiwl tlicn. wlicn tbc ontcrpr6e had been miilured, the Cotnpnny would carry on the business in futo re iccording to the circumstanccs of the linies, entering on ncw branches of business, or confiniurltseli tó ihü original ''yno idea," nnd ninkinj.sucli dividunds on eaeli slinic, or none at uil. as (lic diu-clors might deern lobo "right." Then 8 not n Liberty ninn in the country whd wouli' nvest hid industry mul capital in snelt nu imsoci tion. Let him not wonder, then, if hia neighur liml.i jciial or groatcr dilliculty in tmtting ooso iroin II piovious politica! ties, nnd joinin couiji my cntiroly unscttled uiwn ftvory politica! u i -uio savü one.