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April 15. I the Scnatc Mr. ITo-iston ddivored an able speech in favor of tho notice, and in vindication of the policy of the adinmistration on the Oiegon quostion. In the IIüiiso, the day wasspent n discussionon ihe Orcgon jurisdiction bill. April ICIn the Stinatc, lifter proeccdings of ii highly interestingebaracier, the vote was taktn on the Notice, which after being amendcd.waá passod in llicfollowing form : Wheroas, by the convention concludtd tlie twentieth day of October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, belwccn the United States of America and the ing of the United Kingdom of Great Hritain and Ireland, for the period of ten years, and afterwards indcfinitely extended and contmued in force by another convention of the same parties, concloded the si.xth duy of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twcniy-seven, it was agreed that rmy country that may be claimed by cither party on the northwest coast of America westward of tlie Stony or Rocky mountains. now commonly called the Orcgon territory,should, Ingetherwith its harbors, bays and creeks,' and tho navigation of all rivers within the same, be, " freo and open" to the vessels, citizens, and subjects of the two powers, bnt without prejudice to any claim which eilher of the parties might havo to any part of said country; andwun inis rartiier provisión, inthesecond article of the snid convention of the sixth of August, eighteon hundrcd and twenly-soven, that either party might abrógate and annul said convention,on giving due notice of hvelve months to the other contracting party ; Whereas, it has now become desirable that tho respective claims of the United States and (Jreat Britain should be definitely settled, and. that said territory may no longer tlian need be rernain subject to the evil consequences of the divided air legiance of its American and British popultttion, and of the confusio.i and conflict of national jurisdictions, dangerous to the cherished peace and good understandingof the two countries.wima view, therefore, thnt steps be taken for the abrogation of the said convention of the sixth of August, eighteen hundreil and twenty-seven, in the mode prescribcd in its second article, and that the attention of the governments of both countries inay be the inore earnestjy and mmedialely directed to renewed eflbrts br the amicablo settlement of all their liflerences and disputes in respeet tosuid erritory. Resolved by the Senate and House of lepresentatives of the United Slutes of America, in Congress asseinblecl, That he President of the United States be, ml he is hereby authorized, at his disi'etion, to give to the Dritish governnent the uolice rc({uired by its saidond article for the abroga'tion of the said convention of the sixth of August, oiichieen hundred and twenty-sevcn. And the third reading was orderecT, ayes 40, noes 14, as follows : Yeas- Messrs.. Archer, AshJey. Atli orton, Bagby, Barrow, Benton, Berrien," Calhoun, Cameron, Chalmers, John Al Clayton, Convin, Grillenden, Davis,Davton, Dix, Green, Ileywood, Hoiiston, Iiuntington, Jarnagin, Johnson of Marv' bnd Johnson of Louisina, Lewis, McDuffle, Alangum Millcr, More.head, Miles, Pierce, Pennybacker, Phelns Rusk, Sevior, Simmor.s, Speight Tur' ney, Upham, Webster, Wobdbrdc.- 40 N.Ys-:Messrs. Allen, Atchison; Bréese, Brjglit, Cass, Thomas Clayton Dickinson, Evans, FairHeTd, Hanneéan' Jermess, Scinple, Sturgeon WescotUl-i! And viva voce the resolution was passed. In the House, the discussion on the Oregon jurisdiction bill was continued. April 17.1 he Senate was not n session. In the House tho day wa oceupied in discussing the Oregon jurisdiction bilí, and voting on (he various amendments proposed, without coming to any decisión. April 18. The Senate was not in session. In the House, tho bilí for exíending the jurisdiction of the United States to Oregon was passod, yens 144, nays 40. Thé bilí provides for ihe extensión of the lawá of lowa to this territory - reserving to British subjeds all the rights and jurisdiction w'tíích they derive from the convention. It does not define the boundory of Oregon, but legislates for the American cítizens wlio dwell beyond tho Rocky Itextendsour Indian system, our post office syslem to lliat country, nd provides for block-houses and military aulhorify to protect lije emigrants fromtlré United States who cross the Rocky Mountains. It also provides that each male and femnm, over the age of 13 years, who shall reside fivo succèssivo years n said lerritory, shall roceivo 320 acres of land, and 1G0 ucres for oach male and fernale unu'er ihe age of 18 years. Aftor the passage of this bilí, (he resolutions for Nolice, from the Senate, which had been substiluted for ihe original resolutions of tho House, wcro taken up and amended, on motion of Mr. Owcn, alteringthe phraseology of iho preamble, and authurizing and requiring the President to givo tljo notioo, inslead of laving it to his füscrelion to do so. The resolutions, na amended, weré then adopted by n vote of 144 to 41. April 20.In the Señóte, the Notice resolutions, as' amended by the House, vvéro taken up, when Jho Scnato refused to concur, as follows : A y es- Allen, Ashlcy, Atchi.son, A tí,. erlon, Bajby, Bcnton. Bréese, Dirght, Cameron, Cass, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield Houston, Jonness, Niles, Pennyhacker!' Ruk. Semple, Scvicr, Turney- 21. Nays- Archer, Barrow, Berrien, Calhoun, I . Clayton, J. M. Clayton. Oolquir, Corwtn, Cnttóndon, Evans, (ireone. Hay wood, IliiMtington. .J;irnigin, Johnson of La., iohnson of Md., Löwis, McDuffie, ' Ma.,Kuni. iViIlor Morehcod, Peurce I hel,.8 Spo.ght, Upham, Webst'or, Wostcotí, VVoodbrídge, Yulee- 27. In the ílonse, by a vote of 99 to 83, they insistedontheir amendments, and u' comrnitieeof conferonce was appointed. A -nessage from the President was roccivcd, in answer to C. J. íngersoll's calí for cortam papers toucliing the expfenditurcs of the secret service fund whilst (Vir Webster ros at the head of the State Depnrtmcnt. The President declines, for reasons of stalo policy, to furnish the doe uments called for, but transmita the correspondonce embracod in the resolution louehing the case of McLood.TU c Apnl2l. Ihe Senate rcfused to récede from their disagreement to ihé amendmenls made by the House to the Oregon notice resolutions. The vote was, yeas 20, nays 31. A commiltee of conference was then choson, by ballot, composed of Messrs. Berrien, Coirwin and Haywood, to meet and confer with Messrs. C. J. Ingersoll, Owen and Hilliard, the committeo on tho part of the House. The Washington correspondent of the Mercantile Journal writes as follows: "I assure you one's teetotal principies are much shocked by a sojourn in Washington, and ifthere is any truth ín the okl saw, when tho wine is in the wit i out," why, there is at times very liitto wit in the councils of the nation ; for I do protest, "under favor," that taking JegisIaUve bodies as a whole, (with exccptions, of course,) you shall not find a jollier set of fcllows in the nation, nor men in ihO world who task the ingenuily of bar-keepers with grealer perseverance."


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