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Medical Nol ice. TUK undereigned, in affonnjS "[J8 tfOihoiopatbic phycín? 'would f, lhlltci huviftg racriced medicine on the pnneiplès l,ugh!io he o!d hooi, ttdA m.H.c. to, or the last iwo yc.irs „ he hw of Horrtcn mniby,-fS"lia siAiüHnis ruruvtur.) faiightin.flic new school of medicino; DndHavin"0coiiip.irei the nucccssol liiu iwo sysrems, lio urrticaitat'ngly bqHeves flomtuopothy w be tbc mast iiö. ceruin and sixcccsslul niciliod ol euro. Diseasea, hiiliorto incurubie, are now m mosl cases, perinaneiitly erátlicnted by Homosopnihy. Affclion of ilio epioe, iieii, uterus wmoch. &.C. &■. havo lu'.v thfir ceriain ronu-fKS l--p.ilopsv, mauia. paralvsis. neuralgia, li ver and !uug diemst: scifrlet fever. cholera, black incftslcs, myllgnant wre ibroai. erywpcUia or black longue, Croup, nflainmations ot tlic brain, Bto-nach, bowcls. &c. Ac. are only n few of ihc many ills, tint hnvc been Stript of thrir terrora by tlic timely applicution of homoiopathic Htedicaments. . Witliont furt her cssny, tlio wndereigned woulii lesrcii to tlie offlicted'io say. on trial of ilio remedies, whether Homaopaüiy is whatit claims to bcornot. He WouM also stnte 'Int lic line jus! returned ffom New Vork and Phihiildplnn. wiih a comptete nssortmeiit of MEDJCAMENTS, jnst unpirted from Lcipai W thLs placo, where he will atteml to all puls, and furtiish medL-ament.s. books. &c. nflhe fowcst paces. From the doa and esdücmÉÊiJaU gvig to the stuJT mul prm-iice'jaBB p';v '" !" lMe r' g'." satisfaction tofliolio may favor hun wit their patronage. 'Tommunications, post p ml. from pauents at a diswnce, will recuivo prompt attention. Tlioao who uny wis'i to place themsclvcs untfer hfs treatnient for oiiy chronic disenso, -uu fiiaii Iod:in-s either at hits house, or in other aaccs, at loVfcnriees. TITOS. BLACKWOOD, M. D. lloiiKi'Tpntliist. Ypsilanti, 20th Nov. 1845 2Í9- ly,Wartlwcll A: Bixon, 1MPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL ERS 1 X IIARDWARE AND CUTLERY. ÖJNo 4, Cednr streel, 'i doors abovo Pearl st wew York. J. M. WAUmVBLL CoUKTl.AXD P. DlXoi W. & are roceiving a fuil and general as Bortmcnt of Englrsh and American Hardware eonsistin" in part of Tublc and Pocket ('tulcry Butchors', Files. Chiscls, Plnnc Irons an 8nws, American Butts and Sercws. Ames' Sin veis and Spndes. Win. ttowland's Mili and X Cut Snws, Ilarris', Bloods', Dennis' nnd Tay lor's Scylhcs - which nrc oflered on tho mos favorable tcrins for cash or tix niouth's credit. New York. Eeb. I-5G. 253- 6m To Wool Orowerü. WE beg leuve to inform our Wool Growin frientis, thai wc shall be preparad for tb purchnse of 100,000 Ibs. of a gcod clean mereliantoblp ariiele, ns sooi ns the scasern for selling cöirimences, as we ar connected wiih Eastern wool dealers, we shai bc ablo to pay the highest prico theEasiern mar ket will afibrd. Great cdmplaint was made las season nmongst the Eastern Dealers and Manufacuirers, in refercnce to the poor condition o Michigan Wool - mucfi of it being in bad orde nnd a considerable portion bcing unwoshid. Wc would here tnke ocension o request tlia iho utmost pains shou'd bc taken to have tlic eheep well wavhed beiore shearing, that 'he Tag Locks bo cut ofi. and that each Fleece bc carefully lied up with proper wool twine. (cost 1,81 to'25 ets per lb.) hemp twine is the best: it wil be found grcatly to thaadvantage of Wool Grow ers to pui up thcir wool in tbis manner. Un washed wool is not merchanlable, and will be rejected by most if not all ofihe Wool buyers, it bciug difficult to clean. J. HOLMES Sí Co. WoODWARO Avi.MT. Larcndn B'ock Detroit, MnrchSG. IS4G. 2"7-tf WOOL' WO(?L CLOTH! CLOTH! THE undersigned woald inform the publi that they continue to manufacture FULLED CLOTH AND FLANNELS, at their manufactory, two and a half miles wcs of Ann Arbor, on ihe Huron River, near thRail ruad, TERMÖ. The priccof manufacturing White Flannel wil be 20 cent, Fulled Cloih 37 cents and Cassi mere -1-1 cents per yard, or half the cloth the Wool will make. Wo will also e-xchaDge Clotl for Wool on reasonable tcrins. The crfors will bc gray, black or brown. The Wool belanging to each individual will be worked by itself when therc is cnough of onc quality to rftake 80 yards of cloth; when üiS.i not the case, sevcral parcela of the same qualit will bc worked togethcr, and the cloth divide( among the scveral owners. Wool sent by Rnil road, marked S. W. Foster Sc Co., Ann Albor with directions, will bc attcndeJ to in the sam monner as if the owncr tvere to come with it. - The Wool will bc manufnetured in turn as i comc3 in, as near ns m ty bc consistent witb th different qualitics of Wool. We have been engaged in tlits business ecve ral years, nnd from 'the very general satisfactio we have given to our numcrous customers fo the last two years. wc are ináitc'cd to ask large share of patronage with eonfifience tbat w shall meet the just expeciattona ol customers. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Fostc St Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April 6, 1846. 2C0-Iy Flax Sced ! THE subscriber wishes to buy a qinntity o Fiax Skkd, torwhich hc will pay the high est market pricc, in Goons or Cash, deliverec ot bis Millat Mount Plcasaut, Gcnessce County Michigan, five miles north o! T'entonvilfe. D. L. Li TOURETTE. Dec. 15, 1845. 243- 5m "Steain Foundry' THE undersigned having bought the entire interest of H. & R. Partridgc and Geo. F Kent in the "Steam Foundry," Ann Arbor will manufacture all kinds of Caatings to order, and willbe happy to furnish any kind ofCastings to the old customers ol Marris.. Partridire fc Co., II. & R. Pnrtridge, Sc Co., and Pariri(ÍL';. Kuit & Co., ond to all others wIjo may favor thern witlv a cali. IJ. B. ITARRIS. E. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 26, 1846. 'Jli-tf COUiVTY ORUEUS. THE hiehcbipnce paid in cash by G. F. Lcw18, Exchange JJroker, opposite the Insuranco Bank, Detroit,' for orders on any of the countics ín the State of Michigan; n!60 for Statu a3curiic3 of all kinds and uncurrentlunda Cali andsce. Dec 1, 1845. 241 -t f CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHÍNES aad Öcpcratore made and sold by thesubscribcra.nt thcir Macliine Shop, near the Paper Mili, Lower Towii, Ann Arbor, KNAPP & 1ÍAVJLAND, Jan. 19, 1846. 247 tf To SporisBnou. A GENERAL assortment ot Cnstecl andlron Barrel Rifles, dotiblc and Kinglc bnrrel Shot GunR, Pistóle, Gun Locks, Game liags, Shot Pouches. Pi wder Flaaks. for sale by WM.R. NOYES, 248-ly 70, Woodward Avenue. Detroit. CIiattcTIorlgascs, JUST printe'íandfjr bule at tliit; offica in any .qnnntity. March34, lSiö.I I LEATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! ELDRED & CO., No. 123, Jeilcrson Avenue, "E ld red 's Block," Detroit, take this opporlunity lo inforip their customers, nud the public generally, ihal they slill continue to keep on hand u full assortment of Spanish S.jIc Lcnilicr, Also. L.-ifis and Pees, Corners' Tools, &c. Slaoghtered i Horso and Col-tar Leather, Hemlück tanned Upper Lcnilicr, Cordèvim do Oak ' '' " Morocco Skins, Frcncb tanned Calf Skins, Seal d Oak niid HenUöck inmied do , C'at Binding, llemk'ck lannfed Hnrness and liriille Lcaiher, Deer and Lnmb do Oak '. Ji " " White aml Coluicd Liningri, Bag and Top Löttüter, Printctl do Skirtinii. Pliiliiddpliia and Oliio; Shoe ltussct do Riihg9, and Kit oi all kinds. " As the Subscribers are now manu fací uring their own Leather, they are preparad to sell as lovv asean be purchascd in iliis market. Merchants and tnanufaeturers will find it to their advantage to cali and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. CTT" Cash and Leather exchanged for Ilides and Skins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1846. , 243-1 yThirty Thousand Persons ANNl" LLY faJJ victima to Consumpr.un m the Unitud Stnies. Th o cause of ihecvil is gcnerally overlooked. A short dry co'gh. or nclected cold, is the precursor. J ! hese are deüitod unimportant. Puin in the side, hectic fever. aiul night sweats follow. and dcata ends the scène. Would you tind a k?:medv kor tuk evil 7 Herc it is. The experionce of more than 20 ycars in private practico, has proved its etlieacy, and since its introduction to public notice, alihough it has now been oli'ered but a few months, its sale has been unpreccdented, end its suceess beyond queslion. great- so much so, thot it ïsdeclared to be the grjfsaiegt rcniedy in tho worW. ASTHMA, too, that fearfu! and distressïng malady, which renders life burthensome during tts continuante, issubducd without dilficulty by thisgreai remedy, jnd the sufferer is enablcd by its uee to obtaui nuiet repose ; the shorlncss of breath is overeóme, the cuugh is aliayed. and henhli and visor take the place of despondeiicy and sufFering. Dr. Flger'8 OLOSAO.XIAN. or, Am. ÍLbalwg Halsam, is the remedy wrrïcri lias been so emincntly sncccssful in allevir.ung and curins the above complaints ; and it has been used bv the iirst physicians ín the city, who declaro it to be uririvalled, inasniuch as H doesnot disturb the bowels in the least by ;roducin costivcness. while all other remedies recomniended for the above discases invariably shnt up the bowe!s, thus rondciriiTg it necessary to resort to purgativo medicine. Read the following cases, which have been relieved and cured within u few weeks : DAVID HENDERSON, GO Laight strect, took a sevcre cold on the 4rb day of July, nnd was brouaht vcry low by a distressing cough, which reaulted in frequent attocks of blecding from the [töga AUhough he tr.ed cvery ilmm m the fchape of remedies whicli could be fonnd. yet he was not benetïued. and by the montn ol Octobor was so much reducod ly nirfit sweats that hc despaired of life. One bottle of Folgcr s Olosaonian restorcd him to liealth. _ GEOKGE W. BURNETT, of ISewark. . J., has suflered under the effects of asevere cold ibr more than a year. He was rcduccd to tbc brink of the grave altuost. by hiBCOUgb and night nvcnis. He commcnccd raising !)lood in t!ie month of óctober last. He commeneed usmg the Olosaonian, and by tl e middle of November he was so far restored that he left for Pntsburgh with evcry prospect of recovering his healih. iIrs. BELJL, tho wifffof Roben P. Bell, oí Morristown, N. J-, was dreadfully aillicted with Asthma for many years. Her physicians had (Jespaircd of rclieving her. One bottle of the Olosaonian ao far restored her that she waa oble to gei out of her bed and dress herself, which she had not done before in monthe, and shc is now in a (air way to be rclievcd. Mr. F.LABAN. Ti Pikc strect, was so bad with asthma that he had not slep in his bed for ter. weeks, when hc comrnenced the use of this "reat remedy. One bottle cured him, and hc has not had a return of liis coinplaint now more than five momhs. Mrs. McGANN, 20 Walker sirect. was nlo cured of sevcte asthnia by the Olosaonian, and statcs tlttt she never knew medicine givo such imroediate and permanent relief. GEORGK W. I1AYS, of this city. wasgiven up by his physician as incurable, liis diseas wae consupmtion and when hccoinmenced using the Olosnoriian. was so wcak that hc could no walk without bcing a3sisted by a fricml. Jïy stricl attentioii hc was so far restoren in a fe weeks ns to be ablc to pursue his husincss. JAMES A. CRO.MB1E, 120 Nassau streel J. J. Parsells, 11 Tealh street ; C. S;I3enson lü lileecker street : James Davis. 58 Greent treet ; and Mrs. Vlallcn, 0 Morton streot : bave all c.vpcrienced the good ciTecls of tho Olosaonian n couirhs of long standing and iflectiuns of llif ungs,flnd pronounec it. with one accord. to bt lic grealost remedy. and the most spcedy and effecUial, that they hnve ever known. Reader, are you suftering from thé above diease 7 Try this remedy. You will not, pcrïape, regret it. Ji maf arrest all thoso disaijreeblc symptoniB wliich strike such terror to tho uind, and prolong yonr days. Forsnieat 100 Nnsaau st,one door above Aririj nd at Mrs Hays, 139 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Agent for Ann Arbor. VV. S. 6 J. W. Maylard; E. Sampson. Ypsilanti: D. C VVhilwood, Dc.Mor; Pickfórd et Groïcri S.:line: Smith & Tvol. Clinton; H. Bowor, Mmiehesler; P. Farlick fe Co-. Plymoutli; D. Grcfrory anti A. Grant, Vorthville. 2áf0mo FEATÍIER.S and PAPER irANGIXGS may be found at all times at thfi Mamiattak Stokk, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dec. !5. 1844. '211- Gm DISSEGTEÖ 1APS- An instructive and amusittg artiele :r tho ydung. for sjiIc at l'ERRY'S BOOKSTORC. Dec. '23. tiibüJ. HOLMES & CO.} WHOLIiSALE AND K KT A IL DEALEKS IN STATLK AND FAIt'CY DRY GOODS, MM f y Groceries, Carpetlng 't tul pupa Mlangiags, No. 03 Woodward Avenue, Lamed' Iilock, Detroit. j Hoi.Mi.s. N-ir York. 3 HOI.MKS, Jjf.lro'it. J WE Inke ihis metljod of iiifbrming our friend and cit'stomers throughout the State, iha we aro still pursuing the even tónor ol'nii wúys, eiidenvoring our butincss upon t and honorable principies. Wc would also tender our acknowlcdgmenls for tlic patronage e. tended to tis by our customers, and wonld Uej leave to cmFI the nttention of the public to a ver; well selc-cted nssortment of .abonable Goods wbich are ofl'ored at vliolesnlu or retnil at veri loh" pricés. Ourfaciüties íorpurchaping Goods are unsnrpassed by an'y concern in ilie State - One ofthofirm. ftlr. J. Holmes resides in the Dity of New York, and front nis long experienec in the Jobbing trade in tliat city. and from his ihorough knowledge of the mnrket, hc ia ena bied to avail hiniself of the auctions and an declino in prices. We also purchnse from tlic Importers, Manufacturer's Ascnts, and ftom the auctions, by the package, the san;e as N. Y Jobbers purchase, thus savinLr tlicir profits. - With these faciliiies wc can safcly say that onr Goods are eoid chkap for the evidence of whicl we invite the atlention of the public toour stock We liold to the 'g'rêa't cárdiua! principie oí "t' gretttest good to tic ichoU vuwber." eo il" yoi wantto buy Goods cieap, and buy a large qvun iitij for a Utllc money give us a trial. Our stock isas extensivo as any in the city. nnd we are 'constnntly recciving new and freeh Goodsironi New York. 50,000 lls. Wool. Wantcd. tlieabove quantity ol good merchantable Wool for which the highost market price will be paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, 1ñ4'. 214-tf Masihatlaei Store. Corner of Jcjj'crso 11 Arrime aad Bales slrccl, Delitnt. BE sure and visit the Manhatïah iturc when are mokjitg urchuaes. The goods wliich you will lind ibero are excellent in qualny and rcasonnble in price. We liave Good Heavy Shcetings, Alnpncns, Dnüings, .Merinos, Tickings, iVhislin Delaincs, Linseyp, Gnijimores, Red and w'nhe Flanncle, Calïcosf, Salinetts, 1-ace oile, Fuil Cloths, Giren Uarrcge, Cassitnercs, Glovcs, Vestinge, Jl.'iiery, Broadcloihsi, Gihgíiams, Shawls. Ribbons, Lincn Cambric Hdkfs. Lace, &c. S:c. &c. Balling, Cotton Y:un. Wickinrr, White Carpet Waip. Colúre do. do.. Bjtray Ticking, Bloached Cottors of all qunliiips. Fine unbleachcd Cottons. líarred Musüns, &c. &c. Also, FKATHKKÖ hik! PAPER HANGINGS, Bordering. Window paper, Firc board papers, Traveling Baskets. First rate TEA and COFFEE, &r. Ac. And other articles to nunierous to meniion Farmers cannot fail of finding the INIanhattan Store a dcsirable place to do thcir trading. No pains will be sparcd in waitingon customers auc all are iuvited to cali arW examino onr goods before making their purchases. While we are confident thnt all who examine our slock wil buy, yet wc will take no oflence, if aftcr show ing our goods. peoplu choosc to trade eleewhcre W. A. IIAYMOND. Detroit. Dec. 2ó, 18-15. 244- Cm WHOLESALE & RETA IL A. M'FARREN, BOOKSELLER AND SïATiONEB KMAÍÍT'S BLOCK, 137 jEFrmisoN a ven uk, detuoit KKEPS conslantly for salea complete apsort inent of Aliscelíaneous. Schooi and Cla.sical Jï-joks, Letter and Cap Paper, plain and rul cd, Quills, Itik. Seál ing Wax, Cutlery, Wrapping Paper, Printing Pnpcr. of all sizes; anr Book, Newsand Cannister Ink. of varions kinds BLANK BOQKS, full ftrui hall lxr.ind, ofov ery viiricWr of Rilling, Memorandum Books. Ac 'J'o Merchante, Tenciers, and others. buying in (j'innlittcs. nlargc discount made. Sabbath School and Biblc Society Dcpóáítoi 217-tf W HOEVER wishes to btiy their goods to good advantage. must not think of making their purchi8cs till they have looked over the coods and prices at the Manh.miw Sio, Detroit. W. A. 11 VYMOMÍ. I )eA O-o, T84g. 244- Om _ WIIiOAIUL H. ]OYJESrK, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware and Cutlery, ailn. Glnss, Carpenters, Cooper's and Blackniiili's Tools. Also, Manufacturer of Copper, Tin Wnre. No. 7C, Woodward Avenue, Dcoit. 248-1 y f fifi 'Kcgs of Eastcrn Nails, jnet receivcd )UJ arj(J for sar ,y VVÍLLTAM R. NOYES, Jr. 76, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Per. 12, 184 1. ' 242FOK. COUGJB8, C'.OLDS, CONSUMl'TION & 1MP0KTA.NT TO ALL TIIOSK AJ-'FLICTBU VNTH DISKASÈ6 OF THE LUtSüS AMI BRBAST. Will Mirdètes crcr ciase? JSlorr. evidente nfiustirjMtssing háltih rtstóráiice vïrtuekM 9 [From Dr. Bakcr Springficld, "Wash. Co. Ky.; SriiiNfuiKi.D Ky., May 14, IS!5. Messrs. Snnford fc Park: - Gents - I lakc ihis 0(uiriiinily of iufoiminn you of a most remarkable enre perlormed upoi mi! by the use oí tiDr. Wistdr's linkum oj Wd.l Curry." In ihc year 1840 I wta taken wilb an Inilmi ntton pfihè Bówela wliicli I Iuborcd undor (or e weeks when I grailually rocovcred. In the f! of [fi4l I was áttácked wilh n severo cold. whic eeated Hself iipou my lungs. nnd for tho space o three years I was confined to my bed. I triod al kinds of medicines and every variety of medica aid and without beiiifi'.: and thus Iweariednjon until tlie of L84 1. when I lieard of ''Wittar's Bnlsatn of Wild Cherry." My (rienda persunded me to give it n trial thoiigh 1 Jiad give'i np all hopès of a recovery nml had prèpairèd myself for the cliange oí an oiher worll. Througl) their solieitaiion I vn ndocod to nmkc nse of the ''Genuine Wistar' Baleamof Wild Cherry." The effect was trui astonishing. After livo years of afllietion, pai and sufü-ring: and after having spem futir o ftvc hvftdred dollars tono purposc. and tho lies aiit most respoctablcphvsicinns had proved una vailing, I tras soon rcstoTC'l lo cnt'irc hcnllk b the ütessihg of (ml nnrf iht vsc of Dr. Mis tnr's ftalstim 'of Wild Chr.rry. T uni now ei:jóyin good hchlth. and such i my ahcred appcarance that I ani no longer kno whrèn I niret my formcr ncqiiaintances. I have {juiried rápidly in woiaht, and my fles is llrm andsolid. 1 can now e al asniuch asan persDii. and my food seemsto a.rrec with mc1 h:ive caten moro during tho lastt-ixniouths tha I liad catón for live years before. Considoring my case almost u miraclc. I dcei it ix c -ssaiy for the good of tho alllictcd and duty 1 uwc !o ihe propriftorB and my fellow mei (who should ktiow where relief may bc na( to inake this statement public. May the Messing of God rest upon the propr elors of Bo valuablca medicino ae Wistai'e lia. s'dlij of Wild Cherry. Yours rcspcctfully. WILLIAMÏI. BAKER. The following liasjust. hcc.n rccc'Oad f ram Mr Jjiranl Strdtton, of ISéiingion, Mo., tciU shows that Coiittuytjitiqn in i's logrst fri eau bc euved bij ''1lrisltir' s linlsam of Tiii Cherry. Lexixgton, Mo., Jon. 21, 1815. Binjainin Phelps - J)ear Su : 1 tnkc great picasure in communjeating to yo what 1 considcr an cxtraordinaiy cure, eflectei on my d;uiiziur. ti!out 14 yeara of agc, by Wis tnr's Balsa n) of Wild Churry. About the Isto September last, my daugbierwna taken sick. anc was attended by several phyeicians. whose pre scriptions proved incHcciual. or see.ned to do n goö'd. She wasattended with a constant cougl and pain in the brcast. Tier physicírtris and a who saw her, carne to the couclusion that sh was in a conlirmed stage of Consumption. mude no oth'cr calculation than for her to die. - But 8 soon assho comnicneed taking tho J3al Biam ?lic began lo ituprovc, and continued so t do until her health was restored, and is now en tircly wcll. With a view of benefitting thos who may be similarly afilicted, I take plcasure i rocommonding this rctnedy to the confiJcnce o the public. Yours, with respect, EDWARI) STRATTON. WISTA1V S BALS AM OF WILD CHERll tbat not only relieves hut cures! CPriceSl per bottle. or six boules for $5. For sale in Cincinnati only by SANFORD A PARK, and in Ann Arbor by Maynards. sol Agents for this Connty. 238 CAN'T BE BEAT F THE subscribers would nforni the Public, tha thcy continue to supply the State oí Michi gan with L. B. WALKER'S PATENT SJfMUT HACU1.VJES. Tl:c large numóers ot thee Machines that bav been sold, nnd ihe steadily inercasing demand fo them, is the best evidence of their real valué and of their estimación with those who have bc come familiar with their merits. Wat.kek's Smut Machine is superior to othcr in the following partí culars : 1. As it combines the Dcating. Scouting', am Bloicing Principies, it clcans the smiitticsl grain in the beat manner, rctaining all the fric tion of the wheat, and discharging thcsitiutam diifit as fast as separated from the wheat. 2. It is simpíe in cönsiructión, and is thcre fore less liablc to bccome derangêd,and costs les for repairs. 3. It runs very Ught, and is perfcctly secur from firc. 4. It isas durable as any othcr Machine i use. 5. It costs considerably Lías thin other kind? These important pointe ofdifferance havo giv en this Machine the preference with those wh have fair'y tned it. Among a large numbero Gcnilenien in the Milling JJusiness who rnigh be named, the following have used the Machines an'lcertiiied to their exccllency andsuperiority: 11. N. Howakii, Pontiac, Mich. E. F. Cook. Rochcster, do E. B. Dankorth, Mason, do M. F. Frink, Branch, do H. H. Cumstock. Comstock, do Rcfcrence8 may also be had to John Bacon, Auburn, Mich. W. Ryo.v, do do 1). C. Vkki.anin Rock, do John Piiirs, Monroe, do II. Dousman, do do A. Bkach, Watcrloo, do Gko. KjktchdMj Marshall, do N. Hkmknway. Oaklnnd, do All orders for Alachincs will bc promptly at tended to. Addrcss E. O. & A. CRITTEiVTON. Ann Arbor. (JjOYer Town) Wash. Co. Mich Aug. 24, IS'1522(J-ly "Crockery at Wholesale." TTUIEDERICK WETMOHE. has constantlj X! on hand. ihe largest stock in the West of Crockery, China, Glasswarc, Look ing' Glasscs anti Plates, Britannia ÍVare Trais, Lamps and Wickivg, Plaled Ware, China Toys, 8{c. Sfc. HÍ8 stock includos all (he varietlcs of Crock cry and China, from the iinest China Dinner and Tca Sett to the most comnion and low prit'ed ware - from the ridu-Hi cut glass to the plaincst glass ware. Britannia Castors of every kind. Britannia Tea Setis, Collcc Pots, Tei Pots, Lamps. Candlesticks, tV:c. Lakd Lamts of every deseription fron the most costly cut Parlor Lamp to the cheapes Store lamp. All the above articlcs are imporled byhimsel directly from the manufacturero and will be 6ol( at Wholesale, as low as at any Wholesale House expenses irom scaboard ndded only. A liberal discount givcn ibr cash. Merchants and oihers aro invited to cali and examino the above anieles at the old st .mi. No. 12", JüFeröOJi Avenue (Eidrod's Block.) Detroit. y LOUD CALL IS y f lic iirst of April. HOUSE and Iotw, and Cooper shop, for sale or tr.nde. ncar D. Kelloggs dwelling in Ann Arbor. Trnrfe for horses, wngons, harness, ows, hoes, hecp and farining utenails, or cash, nd give credit alter ihe first payment. For furlior information cali on Jacob Duel, on the remises. Feb. 17th, I84Í5. 260-tfTHE preceding iiyiirc is givcn lo represent the Insensible l'erspiraiion. It is ilie y real evacuation for the impurities oí the body. It will be noticed thatathick cloudy mist issues from all points of the surface, wliich indícales that this perspir.iiiün flows unimerrupiedly when we ure in hcalth. hut ceases when we aie sick. Li'e cannol be sustained wilhoüt it. It is thrown ofl from the blood and othcr juicos of llic body. and disposes by this menns. óf nearly ail ihe impurities withiri us. The blood. by this means only. works itsclt pure. The lungiioge of Scripturcis, "in the Blood is :hc Life." lf it ever becomes impure. it mny be trncod direetly t tlit sioppage oi" the Insensible Pcrspiration. It nevci requires any nléfnnl medicines to clcanse it, ae it always purifies itself by ils own hohl andaotioji. and throws ofl' pij iho offending hnniors, tiirough ihe Insensible Perspirntion. TÍM8 wc sec all that is neccssnry when the blood is stngnant, or iniucied. is to open the pons, and it reiioves itBelffrom l-11 impuriiy nstantly. Ils ohm hent and vilahtv are suflicient, without one particle of medicino, except to open the po re? upon thesnrface. we sec the iblly of taking po innch intemal remedies. All praciitioncrs. how. over. direct their efforts 10 restore ihe Insensible pcrspiration, hut it swms to be not always the proper one. 'J'he Thompsoiiian, for instaiicr, steams, the Hydropathist shronds us in wet blankets. the Ilomopatlrst deals out infinitissimal, tlu Allopailiisi hleods and doses us with tnercury,am the blustering Quuek gorges us with piilp, pills pills. To givo sotiiü idea of theaninunt of the Tnson Biblc Perspi ra tioii, we will state that thojearnec Dr. Li wenhock. and the gteat Boerhaave, aseer tained thai fiW-eigiirhsof all we receive into the slomach, passed off by ihis means. In olhc words, if wc eat and drink eight poimds per day we evacúale fivc potinds of it by the Insensible Pcrspiratinn. This is none olher than the nscd up partiële of the lilood. and othcr juice giviög place to tb. ivow and fre'sh onc. To check this, therofdre is to retnin in the systcni fiv -cighths of :ill tli virnlrnt matter that nature denmnds shonld loav the, body. And even when this is thecase, th bl.)od is of ao active a principie, that it determines dioso partióles to the skia, whcre the fonn scab, p;mpUs, ulccrs, and other spots. By a sudden ifnnaiiiorj from heat to cold. th poros are Moppcd. the pcrspiraiion eCases, ntïi disenso bcgins at once lo dovclopeitsclf. Henee a stoppage of this flow of ihe juicea, originan, so many eomplaints. It is by stopping the pores, that overwhdm mankind with coughs, colds, and obnsumptioné Nine-tentlis of the worhl die from diseüscs induccd by a stoppage ot the Insensible Perspi r o non. ]t is ei8Íly scen, therofore, how nccessary i the flow of ibis subtle humor lo the surliice. ti preserve health. It cannot bc stoppcd; t canuot be even checke,d. without indiicing discsiíc. Let nic nsk now, every candid mimi, wha coursc seeins the most reaèongble to pursUö. t unstop the pores, aftcr thcy are clowclif Wouh you givc pliysic to unstop the pores? Or woult you apply aornething that would do ihia opon tb surfacc, whero the clogging actunlly is? Vou! not this be common sense? And yullknowo no physician who makes any e. terna 1 applicatioi to effcM it. Tho reason I assini ie, thnt no medi cine within their knowledge. is capableof doinf. it. Uuder these circumstances, I present to pliywcians. and to all others, a preparalion thn has this power in te fullest e.tcnt. It is Mr.ALISTEH'S ALL 11RALING OINTMEXT. orthe WORLD' S SALVE! It has pp wier to restore persj)iration on the icet, on ihe head, around oíd sores, tipon the chest. in short, upon any part of the body, whelhcr discascd tlightly or Fivercly. It liae power to cnusc all cxtcr.ial sores, sero fuloushumors, skin diseapes, poisonous wounds to discharge thtir ptitr.d matter, and then hcal ihem. It is a remedy that swerps ofl' the wholc cata logue ofcutaneous disorders, and restores the entire cuticle to iraheálfhy fuiictions. Il is a remedy thai forbuls neecssity of so ninny and deleterious drugs laken into the stomach. It is a remedy that neithor sickens, gives incorfvpnlènce, or is danerous to the intcstines. It preserves 'and delende the sui face from al derangem'ent of its lunctions. while it keeps open the chanuels for the blood to void all ita impurities and dispose of all its useless particles The snrface is the outlet of five-ei'.hths of the bile and uscd up matter within. It is piercec wi'.h millions of openings lo relieve tl:e intestines. Stop up these pores, and death knock at yotir door. It is rightly termed All-Mealing tor there is scarcoly n disfase, externa! or nier nal, thalit will nol benefit. I have uscd il fo the last fourieen years, for all diseases of tht chest, consumption. liver, involving the utmo6 danger and responsibility. aud I declare befon llcaveii and man. that not in one single case ha it failed to benifit, wbèu the patiënt was wi;hin the rcach of mortal means. l have had physicians. learned in tho profession; 1 have had ministers of the Gospel, Judgeson the Bench Aldermen ond Lawyers. gen tlctnen of the highesterudiiion and multitudes o the poor, use it in every varieiy of wiy, ain thcre bas been bui one voice, one nniíed, univer sal voicc, saying, "McAlister. your Ointment i good!" CÓNSÍJMPTIOS. It can hardly be credited that a salve can have any effect upon the lungs scated as they are within the system. Bat we say once for all, iha this Ointment will rcach the lungs quickor thai any medicine that can bc given intcrnally. Thus if placed upon the chest, it penetrales direetly to the lungs, sepárales the poisonous particles thn are consuming them, and expela ihein from the system. I nced not say that it is curing persons of Con sumplion coniinuolly, although wc are told t is loolishncss. I care not what is said, so long as I can cure sevcral thuusand pcraons yearly. jikau acuk. This Salve hascurcd persons of the Ilead Ache of 12 ycara standing, and who had it rcgularlj every week, so that vomiting oftcn took [)Iace. Deafness and Ear Ache are helpcd with tht likc 3UCCC8S. as also Ague in the Face. COI. O VF.V.T. Confitmption, Livcr comphiint, pains in the chest or side, falling of the hair. oncor the other always accomjianies cold feet. It is a sure sign of disease in tho system (o have cold feet. The Salve will ïestorc the Insensible Porspiration and thus cure every case. In Scrofula. Erysipclas and Snit Rhcuin, nnd othcr diseases of this nature, no interna! remedy has yct been discovcred that is ho good. The same may bc said of Bronchitis, Qnincy, Sore Throat, Piles, Spinal Discasos, Brokcn or Sorc Brcast, &c. And as for tbc Chest Diseases, stich as Asthm'n, Pain. Oppression and the likc, it is the most wonderful antidote in the World. Fnr LiverCcmplaint it is equally cflicacious: ror Burns it has not has isrqual in the World; niso, Excrescnccs of every kind, such as Warts. Tumors, Pimples, &c, it makes clean work of them all. SOHE KVK8. TIic inflammation and discasc always licsback of the ball of the eyc in the socket. Henee ihe virtuc of any medicine must reacb the seat of he inflfifliation or it will do little good. The Salve, if ruhbed on the tomples, will penétrate ircctly into tbo eocket. The pores will bo opend, n proper pcrspiration will beercated and the iscasc will soon jiass ofTto tbc surfnee. IMJ'I.ES ON Tiii: FACE, FItKCKI-KS, TAN, MASCUI.INE SKIN, CiKOSS SUKFACE. ItH first acííoii h'.ocxnnl all humor. It willnot cense drnVring till the face is (Vee froin any maticr ihat nmy bc lodgê'd under tin; .skin and frequonily breakirig öiit to:the BÜrfnco; lt then lieals. Vvhcn tlicre is nothing but grossness. r,r dull repulsivo Burface, it bcgjna lo sollen nnd soften uutil the skin bucoines nssmooih and delicnle as a child's. lt tlirowB n freshnesa and blushing color u'pon thonbw white', irnnsparenl skin. tliat ia pcrfcelly enchanting. Some linies in cuse of Frecklefl it'wjil iir&t ttart out thosc that hnv lnin bidden and seen butseldoin. Pursuü the Salvo and all will sooti diaappear. WOP.MS. ïfpnrcnts know liow fatal most medicines wcrc to children taken inwnrdly, tlicy would be ölow to resort to them. Especinlly "niercurinl lozenfTi'B." called "medicnicd lozcnges," pills, &c. The trtith is. no one can teil, invaiiably. when vorni8 are present. Now let me stiy toparents, thtit this Salve will alwiys teil if a child has worms. It will drive evcry vestige of them away. This is a simple and safo cure. Thè're is probably no medicine on the face of the earth at once so sure and so safe in tho ex pulsión of worms. It wóül'tl be cruel, nny wickéd, to give intcrnal. doubtfnl medicines, so long as a harmlcss, cxlcrnal one could be liad. T01I.KT. Allhough I have snid linie about it nR a linir isstoraiivc, yet 1 will stake it against the World! They nmy bring their Oils far and near, nnd mine will restore the hair two caaes to their one. OI.I) SORES) MORTIFICATIONS. UI.CKIÏS. KTC That some Sores aio an outlet to the impuritie? of the systom, is because tbcy cannot pass off inrough the natu-al channols of the Insensible Perspíraiio. If such sores are hcaled up, the impurities muslhave some other outlet. or it will eiidnngerlifc. This is tbc reason why itis impolitie to use the common Salve of the day in such enses. For thcy have no power to open oihcr avenues, lo lel o(F lliis morbid matter, and the consequences are always fatal. This Salve will alwoys provide for such emergeneies. PJSEASF.S 01' CHILDREN. FIow many thousands are swept ofl' by giving intcnuil medicines, whon their young bodies and tender frames are unable to bcar up against them? Wholo a-mies are thus sent to tluir graves mercly fnm pouring inlo their week stomachs powerful drugs oud physics! It is to such that the All-IIenlmg Ointmcnt tenders so safe. picasant, and harmless a cure Such casos' is Croup, Cholic. Cholera lufantuni. Worms, and all Sminncr Coinpjai'ntS, by whicl so niany children dié, the Oininu-m will remove so spccdily and surcly, ihat a phyeician will never be nccdcd. Molhers! throughoui all this land. we now solnmnly and sacredly declare to you thal the ÁIÍ-Heafing Ointinerit wil save your children ("roman nurly Rr&yé i f you will use it. Wo are nol now acuiatod by tlitleast desirc to gain: but knowing ns wo do that vast bodics of infants and children die early; which is supposed to be inevitable and imponible to prevent, we bold up our warniiiii voice, and declare in the face of the whole world, CHILDREN ÑÉED NOT DIE A1O11F TMAN OTHERSÜ But it is from the want el" proper nourisHnon and the constant druggjng thcy uridergp Vrbici niows Uiem down as the rank grass falls bctorc the Bcytlio. Mothers! wc ropeal again. and f thcy werr the last worda we ever to uticr. mu! o roiirtte past the reach of all ntereBi. we wouh say. 'úisetliu All-Healing Ointiuent fui bifkno atnong diildrcn." RHEUM i'TISÚ. It removes almost immcdiately the inflamación and bwelling, wlien the pain of courst ccayes. FKVJC-KS. Tn cases of fc-vcr, the diflicnliy lies iti llic pores being locked u. hö tliai tlio heat and per spiraiion ciiiiiot ass oll. 1( the luast moisiurt could (e slarii'il. ihe ciisif. ia passtd and ilu lanucr over. The Áll-fíeiJng Ointmeut wil in all cast.'sof fcvers alrnost instantly unluck the, skin and bring fortli the pérepir'atiÓn. KIM MA. (Hiiri.AI.VIS. Inílamalion oí the kulncys, of the wonib. an tts falling down. woakness, and reguliirity.; ii shori. all those difliculiics wbich aro frequcn with female. lintí roády and permanent relief Wi: have bad aged ladien teil us they could noi live six ntonths without it. Hut to lómalos abou tobeconir mothers. if used for some weeks antecedent to their eonliitemont. very lew of those pains and convulsiona which artrndd em at tJmt period will be feit. Thisfact oug'it to bc known the world over. SCVI.D IIF.4D. Wc have curcd cases thnt aciuatly dcficd cverytlung known, ab well as the alulity of lifieen or tweuty doctors. One man told tis be hat spent $500 on bis children without any benefit, when a few boxes of the Oiuimeut curcd them. COKNS. Peoplo necd never bo troubled witb jhem i they will uso it. Ás a FAMILY MEIHCIXE, no ninri can mensure its value: So long as the stars rol along over the Ilcnvens - so long as man trends the earth. fubject to all the infirmiiies of the flosli - so long as disenso and sicknoss ia knowi - just so long' will thifi Oiniment be nsed im esteemed. When nmn ceases from ofT the earth, then the demnnd willceasc, and not lili then. To allay all spprehcnpions on account of its ingrediente, in possessing such powerful propertics. we will state that it is composed of some oi the most common and harmless herlm in existence There is no mercury init, asean be secn from the fact that itdoes not injure the skin one partiële, whlle ii will pass through nnd physic the bowcls. JAMES McALISTER & CO. 1G8 South streel. N. York. Sole propriclor of the nbove Medicine, to whotn all Communications must be addiessec (post paid). Price !;" cents and .r0 cents. ID-CAUTION.J3) As the All-HealinjiT Ointnient bas been greatly counterl'eited, wo have givén this caution to ihcpublie, that "no Ointmcnt will be genuino unless the names of James McAlister, or James McAlisier &■ Co., are written with a pen upon every label." The label is a sieol engraving, with thcfigure of "Insensible Perspiratiou" on the face. Now wc hcreby offer n rcward of $500. to be paid on conviction, in nny of the consiiiuiei courts of the United States, of nny individua counterfeiiing o'.-r name and Oiniment. MAYNARD'S, Ann Arbor, Wholesale Agents; Smith & Tyrell, Clmion: Kctchum & Smith, Tecumscb: D. C. Whiuvood, Dextcr; M. Bowor, Manchesicr; John Owen & Co., Detroit; Harmnn fc Coolt, Brooklyn. Dcc. 18, 1845. ' 211- ly;. Watkins Sl BissclI, is46 FORWARDING AND COMMiSSION MERCHANTS, DETROIT. Agent s for the Troy and Er ie Line. Por FreigJu and Passage, apply lo Asa C. Tefft, } . N. Chambbrlin, JASnts29 Coentios "Slip, N. Y. Idk, Coit & Co., Troy. Kl.MBERLV, PKASE & Co., ? r i S. DntLLABD, 'puflalo. Mark Packayos "Troy and Erie Line." Sbip Dni'y, (Sundays e.xcepted,) from Coenlies' Slip, N. Y., by Troy and Erie Iron Tow Boot Line. SW-em HAS removed hisoílice to Cranc .V Jcwett's Block, (irst room on the Second Floor, wherc being wcll prepared to altend lo cvery branch of bis prol'ession, would rcspectfully say to all who have not had thoso nccessary organe, THE TEETII, properly aitendcd to, dclny no longer, but cnll upon him and experience the case nnd durnbility of bis oporations. Tkrms accommodaling and charges i uno caso uiireasonable. Ann Arbor, March H, 1845. 47-tf TWO young men about 18 or 19yearsofage as npprentices to tbc h'ash and Blind ruaking business. AIso, one JOURNEYMAN, at the above business. T7. CRECORY Ann Arbor, Lower-Town, Doe. 4, 1845; 5MT?CjAIiliATII SCHOOI. BOOKS for sale at O PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. Dcc. 'M. 211- tf BOOKS! BOOKS! I At lerrys Book Store A'crt door East of the JY. YorJ: Ckeap &loré. TH E subscriber lias just opencd nnd is now rcady to sell the niostextensiveassortment o BOOKS, BLANK li O OKS and STATION. 11 II Y, ever oflbred in Ann Arbor. His stock consista o SCHOOL BOOKS of nenrly evcry voriely in uso in tliis State- Histories, Biographies, Travel, Memoirs. Mig. cellancoue, Rebgious and Clnssical Books'. B1BLES nnd TESTAMENTS, ovary vnriciy of size, stylc nnd binding. Soine splêrididly lïnished. PRAYER BOOKS, POEMS & ANNUALS beautiiully bound for Holyday gifts. Parents nnd oihers wisliing to mak o splendid liolyday picscms at small cost, will do wcll to cali at Pony's and m.-iko tlicir selectiona from a full stuclc. Don't dolny. Also, on hond the Inrgest assortmont of PAPER over oflered west of Detroit; such as Cap Fl;it Cap. Letter, Frencli Letter, Bankers Post' Copying, Tissue, Card Bock, Énvelope, and 10 kinds of note paper, with a full assortment of Steel Pens, Quills, Wafors; Black, Biue, Red, and Oopying Ink; Sand, Inkstands, Folder, Pen Iloldcrs, Stanips, Motto Seals, Gold and Silver Wafers, India Rubber, Pencils and Points Envelo)), a. nnd ninnv varieties of VisitingCards, Also, GOLD PENS, au nrtisle conibining clcgnnce with economy. lic has on hand a 2ood select on of Books suitable for Fafnily School District nnd Township X.IBRARIELt. It will not bepossïbfé to name all the artiele in lus ine: Suflice il to sny, that liis nssortmcni is general and cheaper iban was ever before offered in this villagc. He has made arrangemonta in Ñew Yorfi which will ennble him at all times to obtairt anjvihing in his line direct from New York at shnrf notice, by Express. Il will be eeen that his iii cilities for acconiodating his ciislomers with articlcs not on hand is beyond precedent, and he is ready and willing to do every thingrcasonable ttf tnake his establishment such an öïiè as an enlightcned nnd discerning cotnmnnity rcqinrp, and he hopos to nierit a share ofpntronnge. Pcisons wishing nny artiele in his line will do well to cali belore ptnehasing cleewhere. ]f you forget the placo, cnqtiiro for Ferry's BpoJcstor, Ann Arbor. Upper Villagc - 'ld door Eusl of Main street, on liuron sticet. ÏÏM. R. PERRY. December, 1845, S1CKNESS JN CIIILDREN. AND the sudeiing which the) undergo from "wonus" ol'tcn tend lo a (alai ttrinination, whilo the c-AtSF. is never suspected. OlleiiFive brcaih, pickiiig at the noso. grinding the teoih duriiig sleep, starting in sleep wiih fright and sercitmi nr? troulilcsomecongh, and feverishncss, f are among somc of the Prominent fSijinj tums of the presence of worins. A timely use if SIIEllMAN'S WORM LOZENGES Will iniinedialcly remove all these uiipléawrnt Bymptonxs. and restore to j)crlbct healtli. Sitiicï lnatius, Superior of the Calholic HalfOrphnn Asyliim [ias added lier lesliinony in their Invor, io ihc fhoüsorids wlucli hare grönc before. Sh süilti tlmt ihrre are over J00 cliiidrcn in lbo AHiliuii. nnd )in tliey Jinve been in tbc habit of irt=i mr Shcrniaat8Lo'zorjge8..und.8be luis alwya found thcin to bc nttcndod with the most benetiOinl ofleétsi Thcy linve been próved to be mfalliblc in over 400,000 cases. CONSUMl'TÍON, [iilliii'iizi. Couglis, Colda. Whboping Congh, Tightüiss of theLungsor Chest nay be curcd. Rev. Dariue Anthony was very low (rom ConHiimptipn. Jonathan Hownrcl, the celebraU'd tenipernnco Iccturcr, wasredueed to the vergeof tbc grave by raising blood. Rev. Mr. Dunbar, of New York, tho Rev. Mr. De Forett, Evangelist in tho Western part of this siato. Rov. Sebas'ian Strtcter. of Bonon, the wifcof Orasmiis Dibble, Esq. in Monrovia, and hundreds oiothers, have been reJieved and curcd by a prope' SHERMAN'S COUGII L02ENGES. And no medicine has ever been more cüeclunli n ibe relfof ol tho'ïo dieeoses, or ivbieh -an be recouiiiieiidcd with more confiilenre. Tlicy o lay all ia-hing or irritation, rendrr thecough eney, pro'rrjotó expccturaiion, remove the rauee, and produce the moM hapjiy nnd instiug tffocts. ÍIEADACÍIE. Palpitation of tho tfè'nft, Lowncp." óf P;iirii, Sea sickness. Deëpondcifcv, FnintricES Cholic Sp.'iKins. Ciprnj)s of the Stomoch. Slimmer or Bowol Cotnpluinls, also all ihe dÍ6tressing pymritotns arising froni (ree living, or a nighl of hBÍpáttoii nre quickly and cntirely rcJióved by using SHERMAN'S CAIVlPilOR LOFNOFF. Thry net speedjiy ;iml relieve in n vpry short space of time, giving tone and vigor lo the sytem, nnd ennble a person usiRg ihcm to undergo great nicnial or bodüy fatigue. ItyiEUMATÍSM, Wenk Hack. pain and vvenkness in tho Broost. Back, Limbs and oihcr parts of the body nre speodily nnd eflectunlly r-lievrd by SHERMAN'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER, which cosisonly 12J cents, and is withiri the reach of all. Sa great hns bccome the reputation of this artiele, that onc miliion will )iot begin to gupply tbc annual demnnd. It is acluiowlcdged to be the beststrengthenmg Piaster in the world. BEWARE OF IMPOS1TION. Dr. Shermon's Popr Man's Piaster bas his name witli directiuns piintod on the back of the Piaster, and a tCTrtr ítt'ci ot the DoctiVs wrilten name under the direc;ions. None others are licnuinc, or to bc relied on. Sherman's S'nrenoii8o is No. 106 Nrssnu st. New York. W. S. & J. VV. MAYNAKD, Agents (or Am Arbor. 246 Cheap Hardware Store. THE Subscriber takes this meihod o inform his old customers nnd the public gcnernlly that hc stil I continúes to keep a largeand general a89ortincnt of Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also, Spike. Wrought, Cut and Hone Shoo Nails, Glas8, Sheet Iron, Hoop Iron, Sheet and Bar Lcad, Zync, Bright nnd Ancnica Wire, Molassea Gates and Fnssctts, Mili Saws. Croes Cut Snwe, Hand nnd Wood Sawe, Back and Kcy Holo Saws, Anvils, Vicos, Bcllows,Adzc8,Cooper'a 'looit, Drawing Knives, Spoke Shavcs, Tap Borcrs, Cast Stoel Angurs, Comnion Augurs, Augur Bitts, Hollow Augurs, Steel and Iron Squares, Ground Piaster, AVator Linie,Grind Stones, Potash.Caldronand SugarKcttles,Cable, Log. Trace and Halter Chains, Broad,f land and Narrow Axes, Spirit and Plumb Levcls, together with n general ns&ortmcnt of Hollew Ware, which will bc sold low for Cash or approved credit ni i 23, Jellerson Avenue. Eldred'sBlock. R. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. lGtb, 1846. 248-ly 1IOOTS AII SIIOIvS, AT WHOLESALE. A. O. M'GRAW & CO., ■VHOLESALK AWD RKTAII. PHAT.fcRS (N BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Corner ofjeffersan and Woodward Avenues, Detroit. AC. M'GRAW & CO. would rcspectfully inform the Mcrchanis of Michigan, tlint they hnvc openod a WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE STORE, in the rooms over thoir Rctnil Store, Smart's Comer. Thcir long acquaintanco with the Shoe business, and the kinds of ehoes that are needcd in tliis Stale, will cnable thcin to furnish merchanls willi sudi shocs as they nced. oji botter terms Iban ihey con buy in tho New York niarket, as all their goods nro jouglu from li.' s; hands, and particular uttention s pnid lo the sclectiou of sizes. Detroit, 184G. 248-ly CÚIAWLS, bress BtufT of ÏÏ" kind Lbccb, Veils, Graváis, Ribbons, cStc. &c. At tho VIamiattas STfcim, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dcc. 25. 1P4.--Í 244- Cm BROAD CLOTHS, Cassimcres, Vcstings, Sütinotts, Gents. Crnvats. &C. &c. cheup at the Manhattan Stohk, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dcc. 5, 1843. 244- 6n