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Capital Punishment

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The beautirsufourcriininal code weió ye tordny ülusirated by the oxecurioii of ilio elavo l'au'inc. Tbc ju soncr ennducted herself with ilie ufuiI in.lilijien.-c,ajid tho inob of 10,000 who asaeniblcil t witness tho scène, departed Irorn tho grouttd svith i'nc usual moral purífieation cohsoqusní upon the yreat Icèaoii vvhich ;íiJ been lought thern. Men, icamcn, andc!iildrcn - mulat'.otc, iieo nc?rocs, and slavcii - v:ere there, and from iho rudtc juk-s thnt ere intetclianged, and tho !oud Inughler and happy louks of rnnst, wc are led to doubt whctlierany theatre or circuscould have 'iTJtd"cd a moró agresnolc enförtalümsnt. Of iho nnniberof poekct3 pickeJ, nnd tho quón whifikpy consunied, we cannot at procent speak, not huving fail informaiion on these ordinary but important occurrences, but wo presumo thnt many circumstances tending to throw liizht ca the matter wiil soor. be cücitcd by our criminaltrihumls. Some person9 pretonding to moro eenso tlioa thcir ncigbbors havo had the Jiardihocul to invcigh. n noircntle tornis, against whnt they cali ;!iis di=p!ay of bnrbnrism, anl t;!k soriously of making an efiqrü lo persuade thc Legislatura to' adopt measures to prevent its repetition. Wo cannot bcKeve ihat they will succcil. One TAward Livingston, and some oihers, attetnpted the sainn tliing snmo ycars ngo, but they were inost eigrnlly defcatcd. The amusement o' an execuiioü. and the great moral prcaching of the gnlluws, v.cre loo jusily appreciatcd by our ruIcrs, to givc iliem any chance oí success; and it wou!d bc t )o much to expect thnt our modern l.i wgivers ! ave so i'ar dpgencrated from thc steni vinups of thcir irpdeccs?ors to grant what thoy refused. Tiio Picayuc süys: "it waa paülfol, terrible, to peo the fenrful struggles of tho dyins woman, lor t wa-s ecveral minutca before all wis over, nnd lier neck wbs not broken ly tho f;i1l, an sho diotl from strnn'.n. Ai iho cxpiruiioii of ubo'j'. iwenty; wns t.-ikon in, and prunounced dead by tlic pliyáieian. .As sha wns taken i!n nnd the g.itc8 were closed. a sort of 'dl sijprcssed shout rose front a porlion of the croird, oml grac'unlly ihc 5o!ë assömlily b'roke up and went nwny." James DiifT}, n blacksmith, vn3 killed hy a staf) wi'.h a fi'c in an ouiskin of the city a lew hoúrs cXicr.