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Dr. Thomas' Letter

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In nnothcr column wc publlsh a letter from Dr. Thomas, ene of the Special Commiitcc nppoinled by tjie State feociety to address the Liberty party the propositione of Mr. Birncy and others. Dr. Thomas was last year a candi da te for Licut. Governor, on tho same ticket wiih Mr. Birney, and it will be seen that he now substantially coincides in sentiment with the luttcr gentleman. The letter is candid and sensible; and the testimony Í givcs to the entre unanimity of opinión orí that question ainoiig the Liberty men of Western Michigan was aa gratifying to us as il was unexpected. Tlio Jrieh Coerción Bill, which lias jus; passed the Kiitish House ol Lords, providcd that if my pereon shnll bc founduut of düors afler ie or sho slall be transponed! A more arbitro ty Iaw. ii is inipossible to imagine. - Detroit L'rcc Press. What does the Frce Prees think of the law cnacted by its "Democratie brethren" of Alnbarua, by which any froe colored pcrsoii, coming into the State, muy be scized by any white person. and made a slave for Uc! Is this ''arbitran' ? Or take the Maryland law. by wiuch a slave, lor "ranibling in llic night," may bc punishcd "by ichipjing, cropping, branding in the check, or olherwisc, not rumlerinv him uhlit for labor." How imich bettcr u this than to (bc transportod" ? Or compare your ''nrbimry' case with the New Orlean3 law, (sce Tropic. Aug. 9, 1843) by which any slave, unless blind or infirrn, found walking with a stick or cane in any part of the city, ushaü bc carriol to thc pólice jailwiere Ac shill icxivc ttccntyfivo lastcs, and shall forfeit said stiuk, club urcano to any free terson eeiz ing it." Or talie another instance of "arbitrary law" at ihe sent of Government of this repuMican nation. at the residence oí a Democratie President and Congress, wlücli have tberein "exclusive legislation in ai.i. cases whalsoever"' : A citizen of Wushinglon City, writing to the Albany Patriot, says: " I received a note tlu's day from a highly res pcctable member of thc bar hcre, reqMcsting me 10 investígate a case of crue'.ty which his own engagements would not perniit him to attend to. I accordingly went to the Jail - thc Juil built by the United States, where I found o womnn some 45 or 50 years of ago, who stated that she hnd been taken up, (ns she dfsircd to be,) while Heeing Irom her master's service, inconsequcncc ut the barbarous torture infliclcd on her by a brutal overseer ncar this city. Her ilcah was lacerated in a manner disgusting to tho sight. und painful to the foelings of humaniiy. Hnr chesi had been atamped upon and bruised uil she was senree ble to stand, and unobietocat food! And wh;it munirous crime had she commited, think you? She had dared lo implore tho oversecr to whip her own daughter no longer, for she tho't her situation euch that she could not bear t: upon whicli, this woman-whippor, in a rnge, inflicted upon her the wounds abovedescribcd." Now, honestiy, neighbor, don't you think iherc are uomc laws enaclcd and sustainod by Democratie Republicans, quite as "arbitrary" as ihoso opproved by "tfie Britlsh House of Lords" ?O" A friend writes us from Flint, May 1 : "Ai our town clection, a majority of two votes was in favor of License; but a majority of the town board being temperancc mcn, relused to grant tícense to nny, although o number ol applicntions wcrc mado yesterday. To-day tlie keepers of inverna and grocerics, have htld a moeting, and agrecd to sel! neither liquor, victuals, or horso feed; and the Inn keepers have not only taken down iheirsijjns, but their lampa, so that no light shalí direct tho weary traveller to a shelter from the storm, nnd it has even been said, that should a few passenge rs arri ve in tho srage. therc will be no placo of entertainment; but in this they are mistaken, for there are mnny who will entertain tho strunger with cordiality, and the writer for ono. even if himaolf have to lodge on the floor orin the barn."