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Sub-treasury Panic In New York--temperance--lake Combination...

Sub-treasury Panic In New York--temperance--lake Combination... image
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DtíTiioiT, May 6ih, 1840. ''itlKNO FoSTER, - VVIh-m writing to yon 8omc lwo or ihrec vccks sinco from that commercial Habcl - tlie Cily uf New York, al a lime whcii all ilic inonolary intercstsof that City scemed to be íllBerng a collapsc in view of the throatenod pnesage of ihe fanicd Sub-Treasury bil!, I vontured the pimon ihnt very uiuch oí Uic panic and excitenent was uticrly needless - as. if ilie dreadod uil was pnsscd ut all. it would doubt lees be with such nmciulnicnis. providionö, or accompaninents. as would rendcr it comparaiivcly pótvorcas ciliar for ood or evil. BeioVe leaving ihnt cuy, a few dnyssince, L was graiificil lo know Itat this opinión, llius liastily ventured upou ihat 8ul)jcct, bad proved to trno, an.l tbat from recent uncndinents írom distingiiisbcd nieinbers o f ilie J. S. Scnate, aa cntirt! cliangc had beun wrouglit upon the Commercial and moneiory inlci csts of he city. And so great liad bcon this change, hai a inercham romarked to inc iho morning I eft, that tho wcok befoic, (such liad been tbc íanic) iliey could acarccly haveobtained a dollar oí accommodatioii D Vdl St., npon any lernií!, whereas then ihey could gct busl.e's if required. 1 ullude to tliis only to show the feverih escilenont which provai Is nlmost constantly in dial cily during the session oí Congress. and pending any malters ihat may be apprcbended in any irianner to disturb tho monetary interests of the country. Very much of this excited feeling atnong tho monied men and nstitutions of tha city are upon very sli_'lu occasions, and rrught quite as wcll be epared. I am no advocate fur ihc Sub-Troasury Uill, especially as it was pushcd tlnough the House oi' Reprcsentiitivcs, uu haveserioua doubis wheiher it would tnt in tin matter be far be'tcr for our miers toact upon thewisc principie of 'letting well cnougli alone " rnther than attenipt by this Legidlative linker ng 10 ronder more secure nnd coiistiiuiional tlie col lectionand disbuisenient of tlic public funde. - Vet that such a perfect pai,ic 6hould be gotten up in view of i(s imaginary or npprehended evils, to eay tlic least wne premature. It was very natural that the House should pasa t for the samo object that many of is members make llieir speeches -for Bnnkim - or home consumption. to satisfy iheir consiitueni-y that thcy weroready to cnrry out Democratie meusures, well knowing that the conservativo strength of the Senakwould do the very ihing, doubtlcsp, mnny of the uiembcr8 who voied fut the mensuro in the House, designcd 10 have (hem do - arrest its pro gress, or so modify nnd shnpc it os to destroy its power fur evil upon ihe business intcrests of the country, ond leave it just what it was originally designed to be - a mere partí luimhug ! no inore or less. On rny wny out from New York a few days since, J called as usuilnt "Ben. etis Tempernnce house" in Buffalo nnd was glad to learn that the cause of Temporalice wns niaking advan ces in that city, and that Hicy hnd strong hopes of carryiug the qiusiion of '-No License" atthe eicetion that waa to take placo soon, at which,thai qication was lo be Bubmitted. 1 was informcd thnt in ihat Stnte, (N. Y.) this queetion is decided ai a special election held for thnt pirtcnlur purposu, and not (as in ot'tr owrt State,; ut iheil ordinary Township lilection. Upon rcaching tho Lako, I loarned that thc i:Combin.tion" liad again usurped (lie control of that greai thoronghfare, und estnblishud tJieíi tarilFof prices ns usual. Although hígher between BuíTulo and Detroit than on tnany othei steamboal roules through ihe country, yet it is by no means exorbitant, and considering thc eplen dor of mnny ol the boats, nnd their comfomblc accoinmodnlioiis. tnay bo regarded rcasunable. - Stil! thore ie atrinequality between thc price oi passage from BuíTolo to Detroit, nnd Buflulo to Chicago, well cíiluulated (as it is doulxless designcd,) to opernte prejudicial to the interesas ol our Siale, and particuíarly the Central Umlrond. 113 thu piice froni Bufl'alo lo thiscity is $(). whiii (V'ini Búllalo to Cii:c;igo, (inoro (han th'ite tiines ;is far) it is but Ll"L. lint this is nn evil thai will ero long find u correciion, if our Railroad pasaèd into ihe hanue ol an cnergetic compan of Euüiern Capitalists. ns it is coníidc:itly bilievet it will. Al h ugh eerioue or fatal neciden rarely oceur upon our Liik'ea, considering th tliousandd who traverse ilicin ycarly, nnd unde the kind provnlence of God, with sttitablo pre caution. life inay bu considered as safe hero upon lamí, yet thc buming of an 'Erie." atu ihe sacrifico of ncarly one liúndred uves, almos within siglit of ihc purt which but n few hour previous she liad so quictly left - and ihc loss o a "Kent" with inany iivos, upon a btight inoonlight tnid-suinmcrs BÍght, are faets which ma-n lead most rctlocting minds, ns they enter upon thü coneider that hko, or similar evento mny podsibly oceur again, and ihey be found among thc victims. And in view of the fací ihai a wandering spark. lighting upon some combustible material, may prove the occasion of 6pcedy death to scores of human beings, or a trilling error in thc helmsmnn cause the proud barque to 6ink "likelcad in the mighty waters," carrying mnny with her to rest in the dark caverna oí thcdeep.the reíltíction ofoncofold, "venly there is but a s'cp belweer riiC and death" is not iinnppropriate, and no one should ever venture upon sucli without an int:rest in Heaven's Life Boat. Then, come what will, lie ma feel secure, and under any and every circumstance. adopt the consolinj languagc of one lust from the i II faied ''Home," wreckcd upon her passage from Charleston to New York, a few ycaissincc, who, amid the wild warning elementó, ns his spirit was callcd suddenly to wing its way inio eternity, was heard to exclaim, "It is safe to trus: in Jksus even nniid thc penis of thc ocean " ! - Oh of what infinite valué is the Christian'a hope in euch an hour ns that 1 A hasty slroll through the city of Cleveland, sntisned me that thc spirit of improvcment was fast being dcveloped therc. Many ofthoimprovements now in progresa in tho way of buildings evidence taste nnd increasing woalth. Among them [ observed two very largo four story briuk buildings designed for Public houses. Also a largo brick building cligibly situatod upon one of ihc streets running parallel with tho Lake,soon lo be occupied os a medical college - mong other evidences of taste and public spirit, I obeervcd eevern! pleasnnt public squares in the upper part of the city whioh iinpart an air of pleasnntncsa to the ourrounding dwclliögs. Il is gratifying to know that the Spirit of Liberty ie gaining there, and that the recent efiöris of tlic rriends ef the oppressed havo not been without their fruits. It is said that slraws teil which way the -wind blows : so also at times a trifling incident may serve to show the aWakening that has been feit upon somo gr$8t moral qnesiion. Enting upon Cuyahoga creek, (upon which the city ia tho very first of the many litile Reesses that lino the Pier, hns pnintcd on it "Lrufrty JIeckss. " Although its extcrnal appcarnce and olhcr sigiu aroünd t niight render jta'emperarice cliaractersomewhat equivoca!, (tho' know notbing againet il) yet tho vcry fnct of [lovving 8uch eign to bc niountcd over uil l!ie ihcrs, proves that tbc subject of LVwrty haj obained o hearing in líi? comniunity, and (hat (He ia me (as connuclcc' wilh the aluc's delivcrancc n our land ) iá beginning lo bo known ne a rnllyng word in tbc land. Nothtng of special intorst to communiculc from thia city ut the present n ornen t. Yours truly,