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Foreign News: Arrival Of The Great Western: Seven Days Later...

Foreign News: Arrival Of The Great Western: Seven Days Later... image
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The Great Western nrmed at New York o Thursdny mofning at 10 tf'dodk, vcitli seve days later intclligcncc frc'iii Ëurope. Tlierc n jicara tü have been natlttng oí dn exciting char acter since the news by the Caledonia. Tl Oregon queation is laid ;ibuiu, Tor malters of mor irmnediato home concernmont which are bcfoi Parliamenr, sucli as the Corn Luw and Jrisli Co creion Bill. The newe is highly hüercetirïg, bat not im 1'oTtant. The moncy rnarket was sieadHy improving. There was conaidurubio business doing in co ton, at fair prices. The ministry wish 10 conrrcel the corn bill on the coerción bilí, and curry iheni drrougli togctl er, by a Bort of ïog-rolling1 inovement. Tl lrobabilily is thu wholu will lall througl and the minittry will probably bruak up. Th vrill letíá to ditliculties with tl is country. From Wilnicr fe Smith's Europcan Times. THE OREGON NOTICE. The anido in the last number of the Qua terly lteviuw, on ihe subject of Oregon, is be ginuing to attract attentjon, now that the hubbu arising out of Indian victoTic is laat subsiding Tho giet of the artielo is to promoto a eompron jso, and tho reviewer wou ld bo content wilh ih 49th parallel. We hov contended from tho first that an fair öotilüiiiciit of the dispute wouid le huilcd witvidity by the English pcople in order to avoid J ie horrible consequences wliicli un appeal to orce would produce; nnd the scmi-officinl charctor of the nrticle to which wo allude embodyng tho feelings of iho great conservativo par1 on the subject, is confirmatory of our viows. COMMEKCIAI.. Sinco wc lust addrefsod our readers, commeral mnttcra woar an improvcd aspect. AlFaira re still 8utficiently bad; but.comparatively speakïg, nol so much eo as they werc n week ngo. - 'he decisión of Parliament respecting the pendïg railway bilis will speedily bring into circuation lurgo quitntitivs of capital thnt have been ithdrawn froin the ordinnry channels of trado. We are. too, in the midst of the spring senson, ith eunsliine and n balmy atmospherc. Phy.sal causes always cxercise their influcncc in aiaing or dep-essing tho animal spirits: and a ondcd sky rus always been foiind inimicnl to usiness. In our changeable climate these causs must bc taken for whal they are wottb - nec"earily transitivo, and oftcn illusory. The Britisli Corn trade continúes dull, and rices are 8j. loworthan at the beginning of ihc car. A varieiy of causes will account for the agnation. The uncertainty which exista about ie fruit is o main element, and no wonder, when is reflectad that the passing of the corn bill beore Parliament will at once reduce the duty from 8sto 148. Again, the nuldness of the weathcr as checked the deniand for bread stuff;?. IMPORTANT FKOM THK CaPF. (IF GoüD IÍOFK. - TlIREATKNKD WAR BV TOE KaKIRs. - Wc lave received Cape ol Goorl Hope papers to the )th Feb. inclusive, which bring iiüportant inlligence to the effect that the K'ifira scriously neditatc ihe attack upon Ginham's Town. The nliabitants of the colony werc thrown into o ato of great consternaron by the reponed irea-, and the Lieuf. Governor put tho troops n motion to guard against any uch aUank, while ie inliabitants deterrnined to patrol nnd protect ie town, relieving each othrrat intervals. Tho aicst information, however, receivcd respecting ïo Kafir ivovements would seem to indícate iat the conleniuluted attack was without foundtion. LA.TER iROM MEXICO. From the intelligence received from N. Orleans up lo the 21st uit., the declaration f war lurns out to be o hoax or a misunorstandingofthe messqge passed from the Col. Harney to the Alabama. The schconer VVm. C. Preston, Capt. Fnylor, arrived at New Orleans on the 20ih, from Metamoras.having 9ailed thence on the 30th uit. Capt. Taylor reporta that Gen. Ampubia arrivcd at Mctamoras on he 28th uit., at the houd of 3000 troops rom Montory. The whole of the Mexicati force concentratedat Metamorasissaid o be about 40D0 men-; but so fur fromicipating hostiüties, the officers in command, and nhabilunts generally are said to ïavc cntertainea the belief that the differenccs bclwcen Mexico nnd the United Siaios had been amicably adjusted. It is confidcntly asscrted ihat the Mexican General had no orders to cross the Rio Grande. Gon. Taylor rernained in his foriner position - one which effeetuully comrnandá both forrics by which the Mexicans would havo to cross fro:n Metarnoras. By the baique Clermont, Capt. Lermond, the editors of the N. O. Delta have rece i ved Mexican pnpers to the 2d, from the city of Mexico. Although the Clennont sailed írom Veru Cruz on tho 7th, tliere is in the papers nothing of local interest, not even a report of the revoluiion which was to have taken place on the ufternoon of the 2d, according to the information brought by the barque Mnndarin. Tho papers are all filled with warlike clamors of the editors, and they all say that a war could not bc long deferred now, as Mr. Slidell had been driven out, and the Mexicans, including the Presidont himself, were all disposed to fight the Americans, Parades had given a manifestó, in which he staled, that he will always defend the Republic, and shed the last drop of his blood to preserve a constitulional and Republican government in Mexico. The journals that opposed the ''.octrines of El Tiempo secm ío be qui'.e delighied with this disclosurc. Et Monito RepubUcanio, of the 2d instant, in speaking of the United States and Mecxico, and war between the two nationsjsays the departure of Mr, Slidnllj on account of his not having been received as Envoy Èxlraordinnfy and Minister Plenipotehtiary of the United States, und the manifestó of his Excellency the President, adintertm, which we publish to-day, are sufficient to authorize us to believe that the moment has arrived when the justice of the question between the two nations must be decided on the field of battle. Et Monitor Republicanio of the same date, contaihs an extract from a letter from Mazathan, of the 21st March, containing informatiou that that port was blockaded by the American vessels of war. It seems that Mr. SI dol I's demand for his pasports and his departure apptared so hostile to the Mexicans that they were making all the preparations in their power for war, which they thotrght inevitable, but which they would not begin themselves. Tho Mexican papers are filled with official orders and circulars from the Executive department for the speedy organization of the urmy and its rnarch to the frontiers of Texas. ExPKESS TÖ THE U. S. FlEET ÍN THE Pacific. - The St Louis Republican of lh e 22d, says : An officer of the United States Navy left this city, yesterday evening, in the Missouri Mail, on his way to Fort Leavenworth, whero ho is to obtain an escort to conduct hirn over the plnins and mountains to Calafornia. Ho is allowed, we undorsland', one hundrrd days to perform the trip, und is charged wilh instructions to the United States Squadron now in the Pacific.