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Potato Rot - A Cürioüs Fact. - In ihelaller part of the summerof 1844. a far merof the township oí Lincoln, Addison co. Vt. was quito bciiind all hls neighbors in cutling nis grass in his meado wa. At night some waggish boys went into one of his meadows, and cut down all the graas in it. They also went into his Polato patch, and cut u few swarths through it. When the time came for digging,his potatoes were found principal !y rottcd, except tchere the hoys had mowed ojf the tops. Thosc wero found to bo sound and goocL 'f his experiment would seem to show ihat the rot or discase begins in the tops ; and suggests as the mcans of saving a cröp, to apply the cytho as soon as the tops begin to dre. Oi.d Gai.8 Si'unk. - Sixty nbliiion tadicein an nddress "to the Efcctors of the Fourili Cun jrrcsBÍonnl District, "' duclarc tlrat tlierc is notonc of tliuii nmnber who woitld -link her fate' to onu who would ior anr instant ho)d ''a chattehzed hütnan bahig." Perhaps nol- hard 10 teil- bui wü would hato tho darndest, to try one uf you -it makos ua ihiuk of Abby Kelly. Don't it makc you tlrink oí "broth'er koster V- Eaton Duglc. Tho Government of tlte United Siates havo advcnised lor ix'i t'toitsaHd gullorii oí spirits for the irte of tlie Navy. Tlic'amount of spirits séntfrom Hoátoii to foreign countnee - to christianizo the naiivea! - dunng the yéar 1Ö43, a 5,130,8ií8 gallons.- - - - - _________- - The vcry last doiinition of Hoine Protoction' is a olosot in your parlor suitablu to htdo in front your crediiors.