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FRANKLIiV UOLD WATER HOUSEÍ Bates Strekt, one door NortK of Jeffkkso Avenuk, DETROIT. 2G3-ly S. FINNEY. FRONÍ the Subscribera on Trntréday; tho23d of April, 1340, twü .tfiree yeafs o!d Collo, viz: oRe bluck roan hurse Cdlt,and one light grey mare. with n piecn oí rope tied aroundlier ncck. VVhen she left had a scar on the right fore shouldcr. VVhocvcr vu'JI give Information wherc they rnuy be fuund sliall be reasonnbly rewarded. F. O. & A. CIUTTENTON. Ann Arbor, April 23, lb'4G. 262-tf JO THE PUBLIC THE siihscriber wishes to inform tho public, that he has compleied his new Brick Building in the Villageof Howell, and hnsfiued it up. togcthcr with Barns and other out Buildings, for a permanent Tavern stand. He has now opened the same for thö accommödatioh of the public, and wil! endèaVór (ö make his house a quict resting plnce for tliê traveller. The House will bo kept upon strictlv Terftpèrance ffrirtciples, at charges wliich :il co'mpütb ith th'e most reasonable, "thoi'fh h 6!iould denianci eome pecuniary snefifiic to su&tain it.". To the (riends of libérty nnd eqiial f?ght, the "Biknev IIocsk" is now offcred you with the motto: "Libcrli ty Tetnperdncc." E. F. GAY. Howell, Liv. Co. April ?Ö, 18-16. i&l-tf HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE ÖR EXCHANGE. HOUSE nnd threo lots tinitcd, Fituatrd 30 rods S. E. of tftc Atadcmy. Sold for hnli puy down, or exchatíged lor a forrn' wïih good buildings, ahoiu u mile from n villnge, belween lal. 40 nnd 43 deg. in New England, New York, or Michigan', ihcre a High School mny be obt .ini d 3 or C monthe, ytarly. Enijiiire of the jwnir H. H. Griflïn. ('ra'te'iiry, Vt., or Lo rain xViilla, and R. Moore, Aun Arb r. 6m tl 1846. WatkillS &, StisSCll, 1846 FOfíWAÍlDÍNtí AÑD COMM1SS1ON WEIICHANÏS. DETROIT. Agent s for the Troy and Er ie Liiie. For Freight and Passage, apply ld ASAC. 'f EKfT, ?A afa. N. ChajMbkbmn, S 'ÜCdentiés Slip, N. Y. ittki Co'it fe Co., frdy. S. DüvLLMÈifi fílalo. Matk Packagea " Troy dnd Efio Line." Snip Dai'y, (Snndays íceptedj froin CociiiU'n' SUp, N. Y., by Troy nnd Ërie Iron Tow Boot Line. 2b'-6m TWO young men about t8 ót iSyenreof apr as apprepticeó to the SnBhandhnd making business. Also, otiè JOURNEYMAiN. ai the nbovè bueineeé. ÍÍ, GREGOK.Y Annr Arbor, Lowér-Town, Dec. 4, 1845.DR. W1LLIAM P1ERCE btjna dewroua that tVe bleef íñR8 b'í Boiiifie pmhy ahuuld e eiicHÜcQ to' elf, wil? prfciiriiiè g'ratüitouiily on aturday oT weefr, lór euólr as live nul irane, nor frètfhh to pormít théfti Í6' procure th lenns. Röo'riï,262-tf Ank Arb# Exchak&k. EXCHÁNGE HOÏÈL ti:tïpi:uami: house, birëbitij opposilè the Cctttirüd ïlotïl.) Èt CYRÜSF. SMlttt, NIÁGARA FALL8, N. Y. This Ííoupc is not nf the Inrcept clasé, luit is olí Ptèpl, tpoi'i thè srimi' pfan tfiái íi fias heen for :cr;J ycara paèt, and fiilbrcfS Hrnpletsnd verf nnfortnb!è accomrnö'a'tftiohs for tliosè stopping i ilie Falle. TH?b Hotel is" situnted in the plèftMnlést part f the Villagè, orí Main Sireet, and lujt a few linn'tcB wuík fro'm the Caidract, Goat Islahd of Sic Ferry. Niagnrn Falls, l?4fï. 262-0w ín Chanccry- Firsl Circuit Jctwcen Daniel Oakley Complninnnt. and Edwnrd Everest, Maéy EVe'reëf, MaHa Evoreét, Hélen Everest, Edvi-arñ" 11. Everest, Jacob Kemp1 Mary Anh Everest and Munnis Kcnny Adminislrator, and Elizabcth Everest Adiniriistratrx of Edward Everest deceaseJ. IN and py Virtüe .of a decreëof thitf Cuurt made in this cause I tliull teil at puoic nuciinn at the Court House, in the village of Ann Arbor ih (he kohnxf of Washtcnaw, on the sixteenth day of June néxt at oné o'ciock in ihc ïftcrnoon of soid day the following described premiaos, all thaj certain piece or parcel of land sitúate in the Village of Ahn Árbor ñ tlic Counly of Washtenaw and Staiè of Michigan, bouncljd and describcdao follows. to wit: betng part of o( number three in Block number ono eouth of [Jurun atreet. in range number four; boginning ït a point olí Iluron streel scventy-nine feet fivo md a haff inches from the corner of Main strect md Huronétfèpt dhd rtinniulg diente éouthèrly i.-imllfl with Main' streel eight róds, thenceeasijrly pamllel wiih Muron street fifiy-two fent eix ind a half inches, thence northorly parallol with Main street eight rods to Iluron street and thence wcsterly on I In run street fifty-two fct six and a half inches (o the place of beginning - also lots iftficn and sixtecn in block number four 6outh jf Hiiron street in rango f'r aöcording to thtí recordèd plat of thé ëald Village. tíEO. DANFÖRTH; Slaster ín Chancery. JY St PORTER, BOl, for COippf'i. Ann Arbor. April 30, 1846. 262-7W OI HAND AGiVIN! fea npH E Subscriber h'aè jusi ëS-v JL reccived, (oud ie cotíyX KjfJ êtatitlj reteiving) fróii iÍuNsl "TO New York nh elegant ai d Jf T "M&è Wül1 eèlcCtfc{1 afiHo'rtmèni JeWelryj Clocks, Wátchcí A:c. &c. which hö iriiönds p sell as luie ns at anf other ustablitíliincnt tní sido oi Búllalo for rvtílij puy only amnng íthifch niny be foúnd the iolíów ing: a cood assurtinérít.of , Gold Fingcr Rings, Gold pin?. Guard Chaina and Keys, Silvcr Spoons, . Germán Sil ver Ten and Table Spoons (lirál quaüiy.) Silvcr and Germán do Sugar Tongs Silvcrnlt,MústnrdandCream tpoons, Butter Knivcs', Silver Pencil Cauta, Silver and Comíñon Thimblée. Silrer Spectacles, Germán and Steel do'. Goggles, Clothes, Hair and Tooth Brushcs; Lathcr Brushes, Rnzurs and Pucket Knivcs, Fine Shears. an,d Scissore, Knivcs and F'orks, Brittanníá Tea Po{è and Caaiors, Finé lated do Brittania and Brats Candlesiítlis, Shávíhg boxes and Soaps, Cliapmnií'ij Best llazor Strop, Caifand MoroCè'S WoIIete'. Silk ihd Cotton purees, Víolins and Bows, Víolín ahd Bass Viol Stringr, Flutcs,Fifes, Clárionets, Accordeons Motto Seals. Steel Pens and Tweezefè, Pèn cases, Snufland Tobacco boxea, Ivory Dressing Comba, Side and Back and Pocket Cohiba, Needle cases, Stele'toes, Water Paint?, Toy Watches, a great variety óf Dollá, in short the greatest varicty oí tb'yè èvèr brodght tb' thii market, Funcy wotk noxea, childreri'ê t.e èbtU. Coloane Hair Oils, Fmclling Salte, Coúrt Plasler, Ten Bella Tnérmonieters, Germán Pipes. Chilílrcñ'a VVork Baskets, Sínica and Pencils, Wood Pcncils, BRASS AND VVOOD CLOCKS, &c. in fact almost tvery thing to picase the t'aíicy. Ladics and Gcutlcmen, cali ond examiné for vourác'íes." Ciocks. Watéjhés ano Jeílíy r'epaíé'3 and warranted on sfrórt noiiéc. Shop at nía oíd stand, opposíte 11. Bécker's brick Stprc. CALVIN BUSS. N. B.- Casíi p'aíd Qr óld Gold & SHtèr. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6th, 1845. S:7-1jr NÖf ÍCÉ; TH IS, ie to forbid any persorï tnïsting Joliri Afileck Jr. oh ni? account, as I shall pay uo debts oí lus c'orT.ra6t(rig, or bilí for aicknesá after thia date. Said .lohn w'oá, áti appreritite td the Black8inilhingbusine68.and léft my erhploy on Sunday morning th'e 5tp! of April, without nny provocition, takinpj ,viih Jiim thrce au i la of clothe. .Any person,wh'6'iHinR)'trf(rhe wheré the ea?d dhti 'te, Will grc'Wtiy ool?g'è his anxtoud parenis: ... LEONARD NOBLE. Pinckncy, Liv. Co., April 2J, 1846. 2Gl-3v Willson's ( orn iMill, (Mc'KnighCs Patent.) The subscribor would hereby eny to the public ihat he is now prepared (o fürnish on short notice, tliOst who wisfr. d pof labtc niHl, capable of grinding 'AÖ böshela ft f cnrs öf corh per hoor, or grind other coarsc rain ítfr feed,'rshelled corn,(with a .rcsh,),rub oút cloVer wed, &d. &c. called J. L. McKnights patent corh' crusber and clover rubber, c. The subscriber is also pVcpared" to scll t6wn and couniy righis to said patent on liberal tormn. Tho machine works likè a charm, ñ'pplicable td horee, water, or stearrj p'o'wèr: one horsc, id sufficieni tn perform thé rióccssiiry grinding for any farfn or, othór establishrrróht for homo consumptio'n, bfit more power h neecssary to do' custom work to a profit. The 6")ibscrbcr lias now ín 6freratron in hi shop. ai hiö Teniperauco Hoaae. in Jackson, a' two hortè pófcr by Tvbich, wih the force of onehorse (only at piOscnt) hè dttves eaid machine. Tho advantage8 of feeding corn and cobb iii tliis :iy is now too wcll umlcrsiood to nced tohenrsing. Stifüceit to say, that (o the Fouth, whcre thcy raise corn easy. artd wurih perhops lOcents pèr btfsiici, they think it nn object tö economise by ilms feeding corn and cobb, and tnat toó where they g'tve, irom } to j for for grinding for fced or ilistillation. One, two oV three compelen t salesmen wnritcd 10 scll rigíitd io Miííí machine in this State nnd Ohi.v anJ to scllrights to Thomkin's mof ticing niiit'iinc in ilus State; tho bost now iri use. Í. T. WÍLLSON. Jncksoh, March 2, 18 16. 260-6m Select School. MfSS J. B. Smit, dssistecï by jtaiêa S. Fir.r.n, announces to the public that she é prepared to receivè young ladres ínto tiéx school in the basement room of the Episcopal Chvrèh. Terms. - For qüarte.r of .12 weed s, for EnglieK branches from $2,o,:5 Frènch nhd Latin each' $:i exirn f pn-'rstió'd jó'gólloer tjin the Englieh ■tudios, or sepa'rftcly, $5 ench. The school will be furnished Viift a Frjiíoso pineal appqratus; and 0ccasiun.1I tcctiïros given 6n the Natural ScierC'8. Mr. Hughs wilf 51've fhétriitii-irf to all who ilosire it, in Mnsic, Drai'ing, Painirng and NeoJlowork. MisüT Smith refers to the fotío'wing genitemon: Professors VVillinms. Ten' Pronk, nnd Wheodtfn of the Ühivcr6it: Rev. V. S, Curtii, Rvr: Mr. Simons, Rfiv. C. C. Taylor, ilóu. E. Mu dy, Wm. S. Máynnr! Efq. Ann Arbor, April 29. ÍS4G. 263-f SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS for sale i PEftRY'S BÖÖKSTÖRE. Dec. 23. a'44- tí