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From The Army

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Gen. Taylor still remains at the camp on the Rio Grande, opposite the city of Metamoras. The camp isstrongly fortified, andcontains 8,500 men, well equipped, with a good train of artillery. The Mexican army is said to be more numerous, but much more poorly provided, The probability of hostilitiesseems to bo ncreasing. Lieut. Porler, being out a short diatance from the camp, with a detachment of ten men, was fired upon from a thicket, and killed with three of his men. Whether the assailants were Mexicana or robbers was unknown : but Mexican officers represented robbers to be vcry numerous, and that they would murder for 50 cenis. The body of Col. Cross had been found four miles from the camp, stripped and woundcd. He was apparently killed by a lance. The American consul at Matnmoras, npprehending an arrest by the Mexican authorities, had left tho city, and come to the American camp. Two thousand Mexicans crossed the Rio Grande, 12 miles below the American camp, cutting ofF all communication ïvith Point Isabel, whence the camp supplies were mostly received. It is said that the Mexican Commander had notiti'ed Gen. Taylor that if he did not retire from his position in 36 hours, the Mexican battcries would be opened upon him. This is all;that is important by the last odvices, and only a part of this may be truo. It would seem that if any fighl should tnke place, it would be the result of tho accidental circumstance3 of the two armies, rather than the fulfilment of the wishes, intentions, or instructions of eithor government. LATER! WAR COMMENCED ! ! Since the preceding was written, we have received pnpers containing the following statement from the Galvcston News, by which it will be aeen that hostilities have commenced in enrnest, although, without a decluraüon of war by cilher nation. On the 23d uit., 2,000 Mexicans crossed the Rio Grande ubout twenty miles abovo Gen. Taylor's camp. Two companies of cavalry, G3 mon each, cnmmanded by Captains Thornton and Hardee, were som to recomioitrc the next tnorning. They feil into an ambush, when Licul. Cairn and 13 men wereküled. Capt. Thornton reported missing, rnd Capt. Ilardee and 46 men taken prisoners. A woundcd man, sont in by the Mexicans, made this report. These Mexicans were commandetl by Canales and Carabnjal. Aftor Uc iighf, the Mexicans were reinforced, nnd Genera] Taylor'a position is entirely surrounded. cutting oiT all communication with Point Isabel, at which place is the train1,' tintf i] the stores of the army. . . Gen. Taylor not havingovcr ten days provisión - tho entrenchments at Point Isabrl are not half finished ; and, to deiend them, ther'é is but 90 artillery, 20 drngoon?, and abou't 4'0 teamsters, eitizons and laborers. A cali was made on Governor Ilenderson, of Texas, by Gen. Taylor for 40 companies of riflerhen, Ó0 men oach, 20 companies lo bo mountéd, and to rendezvous at Corpus Christie, and' the foot companies at Galveston. Immcdiatcaid to Point Isabel is particularly requested. General Taylor bas also callêd' upon the Governors of Louisiana, Mississippiand Alabamafor 8,000 troops. General Taylor's worlcs opposile Matamoros would bo conipleted by the 29th, at wli icli time tho fire would be opeued on the city. The Mexican force is 8,000 wcll eq-uip)cd with on excellent purk of artillery. The Governor of Louisiaha has issucd bis requisition for 2,500 volunteers, nnd' they were all ready in the st reets, on the morning of the 2d, actively preparing for departing. They expected to lcave the next day. The Louisiana Logisluture has approprkited $100,000 for the service. The city of New Orleans was in a great state of excitement - drums nnd flags paradirig thröUg-lhestrcetscalling for volunteers. . Capt. Catlett sets down thé Mexican force at 7,000 certain, and somp reporte,1 he says, raise the number to 12,000, Hb adds, all communication iá now'cut' oiTbetween the camp and Poiiit Isabel, except by running the gauntlet. lcamc out on the night of the 26ih, with ï guido, and was prowling all night throughchapparral, swamps and lakes. Frbrñv a statement furnished to the N. Orleans Picayune by Col. Doane, it appears that Capt. Thornton first comm'enced the attark by chnrging tho Mexicans. ITe .-represents Gon. Taylor's force at only 2,300 men. He intends to nminXaih his present position till he roceives reinforcementsTrom' Texas and Louisiana. Col. Doane thinks 5,000 men will be required. It wassupposed that a stenmboat would sail from New Orleans on the 3d instant, With 2,000 men on board. No hewa of tho action of Congress has been received. ( Ono huiidr'ed srrects a ycar have been addcd to tb City of Loiïiioir,'for the laat twolvc ycars.