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April 28, 134G. In the Señalo, tlioctay was spcnt in ihe considera! ion of private claims. The House Bpént the day in debate on the bill to cstabüh th." Smilhsonian instiiution. A message was recvived from the President, nnnouncing to the House, that he hud approved and signetl the joint resolulion of utilice (o Grcat Britain, to annul and abrógate the convention of 1827, rcspecting the Oregon territory. April 29. The Señale was occupiod in the consideration, as in committee of the whole, on the bill granting altérnate sections ol land to the State of Michigan. An intoresttng and protracted discussion took place on the general merits of the bill, in which Mospts. Calhoun, Bréese, Niles, Cass, Woodbridge, and others took pari. The bill was reported with several amendments, which were concurred in ; and the bill was ordered to bc engrosscd for a third reading by a vote of 2G to 11. The House was engagcd in the considernüon of the bill in relation to the Sinithsonian institution. Tho original bill of Mr. Owen, after having undergone great amendment, was si-perseded by the substitute oilered by Mr. Ilough ; and in that form was finalJy passcd. April 30. In the Scnate, the bifl granting altérnate sections of land to the State of Mississippi, was) afler a short discussion, ordered tobe engrossed for a third reading, by a vote of 28 to 8. Tho Senate then adjnurned over until Mouday. The House after a short session, ulso adjourncd over until JMonday. May 4, 18 1G. In the Senate, after the morning business, the bill for effect ing a speedy adjustment of all suspended pre-emption claims in the several States and Tcrritoties, was discussed. In the House, thecommittees were called for reports, of which a great number were rcGcivcdT The House then went intö coinmittee, and took up the bill to supply deficiéncies in certain appropriations for the current year, which had some time since been returned from the Senate with sundry amendinents. May 5. The Senato was occupied on the bil! ibr the adjustment of pre-emption claims, which was recommitted. The House pefssed the bil! to sujp]ydoficiencies in certain nppropriutions. - Tho House then took up, in committeo, the bill making uppiopriation for tho Post Office Department. Congress have made onc more altempt lo dispose of the Srnithsónian bequest. - Tlie reader will remember that sixtecn years ago, an Englishman nained Smithson, bequeathed to tliis government the sum of 8500,000 for the establishment of an institulion, under the direction of Congress, for the purpose of increasing knowlcdgc among men. A bill has passcd the House of Representativos, placing the institution under the charge of the President, Ilcads of Departments, &c. pcrpctually. The principal the bequest #515,109 is to be loaned in perpetuity to the United States at ö per cent; and buildings are to bc erectcd with the interest airead y accrued, amounting to $242,129. The business to be under the control of a board of Regents : the buildings to be locatcd in Washington city, and lo contain specimens of geology, mincr■ilogy, plants, animáis, manuscripts, books, &c. The sum of $25,000 to be approlriated annually froin the interest for the purchase of a Library. The Representativo trom Michigan, Mr. Chipman, distingui.'ihed himself by a silly speech ogainst the bill.