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The last arrival from England brings the news that Sir Hknt.y Hardinge and Sir Hl'gh Gough, the commandcrs of the Kritish army in India, have been elevated to the Peerage - the fortner by the name and style of Viscount Hardings of King's Ncuton, in the county of Dery, and the latí er a peer to bc styled Baron Gough, of Chinkcungloo, in China, and of M:harajporeand the Sutlej in the East Indics. Th is diétinction is awarded to them in consciuence of the great skill ant ability displayed by them in killing the Sikhs. Wc subjoin a notice of theii achievements by a London paper. I General Cass and liis war friends had Ha thcir way, wc mightsoon have similar exhibitions at home. "As our men advanced, Englishmen and TTindoo, side by side, the Sikhs ap peared to rcdoublc their iirc, and, to use the expression of an eye witness, "a storn of ii'on had descended on our ranks." - No forcé or fire, however, could ropress their valor. Thcy pushed forward witl irresistible enthusiasm, and after the mos tremendous cfibrts succccdcd in their at tempt. The cavalry entcred the en trenchments in single file, tlirough ai opening made for them by the sappers and miners, and in a short time the route of the Sikhs became general. As thcy had shown no mercy to nu merous woundcd men who had fallen in to thcir hands, so no mercy was shown thein. They wcre driven in confusión to wards tlic bridge and rivcr, which having pisen ('uring the niglii, rendered their re treat al most impossible. The bridge oj boats dcnsely throngeJ by the fugitives, broke down in several places, while our guns, inccssantly playing on thcir closcly wedged mass, produceJ the most fearful havoc. The scene presonted by the face of the Sutlej defics dcscription - coverce! with horses and men, upon whom the most dreadful fire was kept up with grape and canister - it litcrally ran red with blood. Undcr these circumstanccs, wc can b no mcans imagine the numbor of the slain to bc öyerestirriated at twclve thousand. The battlc had begun about six o'clock, and did not terminatc till eleven. Tlie combatants had met hand to hand. Oiu artillery nnd muskclry had never for a moment ceascd their fire. Our cavalrv charging impctuously tlirough their ranks, had spcaredor sabcred all who feil in theh way. But the rivcr was their greateöt encmy, and Vheri thcy ilung thcmselves peil mell into its waters, which wcre whol}V uiifordable, tlie artillery scattercd dcat! atnong them, till therc was not a man left visible w iíhín range." The London Spectator has the following onergelic dcscription of the scene : "The Sikh army occupied a plot ol ground suflicient for their fortified éricampment on the left bank of the Sutlej; i iloating bridge was at their re ar; a strong reverse lay on the opposite bank. They scemed to bc cqually fortified for aggression or rel real. The whole British army was collectcd round the spot - advanced slowly but irrcsisübly in a narrowing semi-circle - unchcckcd by the deadly fire of well-served artillery, poured into the encampment, met the foe hand to hand, and fairly (h-ovc the barbarían forcé on to the bridge and into the water. The sequcl was horrible. The bridge, unequal citlier in strength or sacc for the fiying luid Ihat trod it, sank bonoadi the troubK'd stream, )iuw iilletkwith wrctchcsslruggling to regain tlie opposile bank; on the drowning troops our infanlry exhaustcd iheir ammunilion- then the artillery diev up and poured its fire on the man-peopled waters; hundreds upon hundro.Is there perished, until at Éebgth the waters ceatód tr foam with the dëatli-struggles of man and horse, no living thing was seen in the wavcs, and the reddencd hue of tlie stream ilone betraycd the recent slaughier. - Thisis shocking."The London Times speaks of this dcfcat of the Sikhs as an "awful retribution of the moral government of Providence" "this fearful chastisement from Heaven:" anJ to express the nation's gratitude for this successful slaughter, the Archbishop of Canterbury,by order of her Majesty's Council, has prepared a form of prayer to be rcad at morning and evening service in the Churchcs of the Kingdorn.