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Coxsi.'mption op Cottox. - Hon. Abhott Lawrence, in his third letter on the subject of the TariiF, stntes some inleresting facts in reference tothe consuinption of raw cotton in tlie United States. Sinco 1816, a period of twenty-nine years, the imount consumed has increased from 11, 000,000 to 179,300,000 lbs.- more than sixtecn-fold. During the same period the increase of consumption in Grcat Britain has been from 88,000,000 to 500,000,000 lbs. - lessthnn seven-fold. Wc manufacture more cotton ihan F ranee, and quite ns much as 60,000,000 Germans. This great home mnrket for the s-tnple of the South hos grown up under the infiuence, and as a direct result, of the highest interest to thesection of the country whence the chief hoslility to a Protectivo TariflT comes. Premium for a Trict on Dancing. - Rev. Mr. A. Hallock, of New York, offers a premium of 850 for the best tract, not exceeding twelvo pnges, on the question of u the propriety of dancing by church members, and the expediency of teaching it to our children." Committee of award, Rev. Mr. Tyng of New York, Rev. E. W. Andrews of Troy, and Mr. Hallock himself. Contestants must sen: their manuscripts in a senled cnvelope beforo the first of November next. A Cincinnati politician visited Gen Jackson in 1835, nnd in conversation will him, undertnking to account for a defea his party had then recently experinced remarked,"that they had not used prope policy; and that a little management in the disposal of a certain question woulc doubtless have renderd their party success ful,' &c. Tlje General, having patiently heard him through, deliberatly and kindly replied : " Mr. You are a young as I am an old man ; suffer mo to givo you a word of advice. N'ever uso tha abominable word policy, ogain, in tha sense, nor practice the principie. Rely on it. sir, honesty is the only true polic in politics, as it is inany thing else.' Akíiiaueticai. Pkoghessi-jn. - It nppears tlin our sclf-expnnding dcnioerncy has roaclieJ som new significant leners in ts alphnpetieal prog ression A Western Editor thus interpreta platoon of Ks and another of Fk. K, K. K Kubu, Kul'fomii, and Ranada. F. F. F. F PUij ti f o ir, Phortij, or P.iight It issomcwlia unccrtiiin whether our lino of progression wi stop at Y. If it doo s. tlien Z. Z. Z. muy mae Xova Z mlla. New Z;land,ot Znt. Thk Difke ir.scr.. - Tlio Savior drovc thoge ihat iradci in shcap nnd oxen froni the house o prayer. - But in our dnys thosc that trafile ín the bodics nnd soul of their fellow men nre invitcc in, and are even introducid to the coinmunion tablc and the pulpit. Exemi'Tions. - The Legislature have exempted real estáte to the value of J500 on the assessment roll. They havo also enlarged consderably tho exemptions o personal property. Tho Advertise says, from what they could gather abou $2000 worth of real and personal pro perty will be exempt from execution un der tho revisión. - Argus. lilcssings on the man xcho in-citjd Ltttcs - Cheap posiage worka to n c'iarm in England The rtventic' of tho Posl Office has advancod Ntrie'y Thousands Pouuds Sterling during th past year. Penny Postage ihrougli the world wc 6ny. Ezecut'v Clemcncij. - Tho Prcsiilont lns par dotied Uohcrt Baker, conwutcd in Maryland las ycar qfbairtg rngngcd in the slavc-tradi. Baker has made thou?ands of freo Alricane alavés, anJ is pardoued; Torrcy mndo a feí slavos, frecmen, nnd is killed by indien, in n duneonl Well, 'God isjust, aud hisvcngcanc cannot elcep forever!" Poixtkd. - Uon. Win. Sawyor, a democratie member in Congress from Ohio, ritC6 home as fullows respccling his "eouthcnV brethron." - Thcro is inoré truth thair pócïrjr, iii' the extract : - Washington. Mardi 9, 18 U t: The Sonate hns not passcd tlie Orogon Uesolutionsyc', and it is hard to toll what will be thoir fate. OJ We, have TRAITORS m the Scntitc tcfio icouLl.scll tieir Country for a Bale i'f Cottoli or a Negro 1 1 I jet hope. all will bt right. Wiih grcat respect, Your obeuient serv'ffnt. Cali.isg our tuk Ui-per Lip Miutia. - Unolcjohn Huil i.s fortifying the coaetipf his country aml tire coas' of thoso noisy gulls that murinur war. It is etated that the Duke of Beaufort hns reqticstfd thc wholc of his regiment to let "I heir mtisUchioa grow for permanent duty," wñick will comtncnco the Gih of May. Lot tho worlJ