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"you Can't Make A Whistle Out Of A Pig's Tail,"

"you Can't Make A Whistle Out Of A Pig's Tail," image
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cure n cough, destroy wurms in your childien, or relieve a headacho, vithont tlie use of the proper remedies. Slicriiiun'a Medicated Lozengea nrc the tlung - at Icast cv?ry person who hn ever used ihejjt sayHboaml wliat every body saya niui be Irnó'; snel his lnr iMin'a l'losler it. oQiinlly goüJ Ut i licuni.'iii' ni. iveak back, pain in lie back. diu-i, si Je. lulru nml litnbs. We wuuld ortiíularly .recoinmen iliese nicles, for ve lavesoen tlicir good iff.'Oi and fclt them too : ind who litis iiüt?for_wc believe iliey arj every wlic;c known, and thy linvo oiily to be knuwn n order te be opprecinted. Thcy nrc pleasnni o tho tnste, opérate quickly1 are eirsily 'aken. are onvenient to carry aboui wah you.É onJ will píouce the desired etlect qüicker ihan uny thediine in uto. Dr. Shcrmch's warohoueo is 103 Nassau Bt. V: ... . :. N ., , W. S. fc J. W. MAVNARD: Agenta fer Ann Albor. 0