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Hon. Mr. Chipman

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V e dpn't belieye tUaí i f the Socond Congreinnal Distrjeof tids Ötato have dono any tliing lil.e justice to th.eir illiü-trious Representative in Congres, j John S. Chipman. They lia e neithcr ! published npr npplauded his speeches tp i nnv extent, nnd his constiüienls rcallv i seem to regard him as an ordinary man! Xw wc shall not permit this state of things to continue. And we hereby announce to them tliat thej' are represented . by a man whose f urne, is in o. fair way to bc woRLD widkü We mean just whut we &ay. His reputatipn has reached across the wide ocean. The British Reviewers have adjusted their spcctacles, and examinod the file of tlic Washington Union, with anxious cáre, to culi cholee specimens of eloquence, wit and intellectual greatness from the speeches of "the gentleman fïoin Michigan." We have only room for the following gems, vliich are from Elackwood's Magazine, a publication of v.cll established character. Frotii B!ackvods Magnzine. 'Mr. Chipman, from Michigan th'us whistles Yankcc-doodle, with tl;c usual thorough-bcbse accompaniment of self-conceit: - '"Refleeting thaí (rom fhree mÏÏiïons wc rïad increased to twenty millions, wc could not rcsist the conclusión, ihat Yankee cntorprizc and vigor - he used the term Yankee in refere nee to the whole country - were destined to spread our posfèssions and institu'tions over the whole country. Could any act of the Government prevent this? lic must be allowed to say, that wlierever the yankee slept for a night, there he would rule. W luit part of the globe had not been a witness of their moral power, and to the lightreílected from their free institutions?" Your Yankee proper can no more "get along" without his spice of cant, than without his cheW of tobáceo, and his nasal twang. WKat follows, hc wever, took even us by surprise: - "ShouM we crouch to the British lion. because he had been thus prosperous?- He remembered the time when educatiorj, the pride of the Northern Uriiigs, was made the means of öpposition to the democracy. He recollectcd the long agony ihat it cost him to relieve his mind from federal thraldom. Educatiox was -MADE AN INSTRUMENT TO RIDICULE AND PUT DOWN DEMOCRACT." "What lNfr. Chipman would do - i f - "I appeal to high Picaven, that if a British ficet were anchor.ed off herc, in the Potomac, and demandcd of us onc inch of territory, or one pebble that was smoothed by the Pacific wave into a child?s toy, upon penalty of an instant bombardment, I would say fire." "Now he Oír. C.ï íived on f1irHe reinembered when Detroit was sacked. Then we had a Huil in Michigan; büt now, thank God! we had a Lewia Coss, who would j-.rotect the border f war should come, which, in his opinión would not come. There were millions on the lake frontier who would, in case of war, rush over into Canada - the vulnerable point that was expored to us, He would pledge himself. that, upon a contract with the Government, Michigan alone would take Canada in rünety days; and, if that would not do, they would give it up, and take tin ninety days again. The Govërnmént of thëtïiuted States had pnly to give the frontier péoplé lcave to take Canada." Though Michigan has the benefit of this hero's councils, hc is at the pains to inforro us that Yermont, a New Englarul State, claims his birth, parentage, and education - a fact which we gladly record on the enduring pago of Maga for the benefit of the future compiler of the Chipman annals. He closes an oration, scarcclv, f at all, inferior to thatof Sirns, wilh a melodious tribute to the land of his nativilv. aIf Great Jiritain went to war for Oregon, how long would it be before Lor starving millions would rkc in infuriated maséêöé, tujd övórjvhélm théir Moated aristocrücy! I f e would tiien f;ny, if war should come - 'IJurra'i for Ver moni! for the Innd whio-i wo til Will i;ivp Fome lo (Ic'etnJ lier froiii viiJey aiitl Iiiil; ' Leave tita Imrvrs! to rot on ilic iic!J wiiero i1 grows. And ihc rfcapirij of wlieat fur the 'reñpltig of foca Come iMo.tico, Ungían]', come tyrnt. cone knave. Ifyou rulo r.'er oiir I211J. ye siii.l, rule orer pui gravel Onr viiw i rrfi-ffi-f - our Lnnnér f irlo,]. In the nam' of 1'ervionU wc dcj'ij all the torld! Magnifique - swperbe - prelty. icell ! - Would not the world like to know aome? tliing of the resources of this unknown nnthropophagous Stale wliicli throwsdown Lhe gauntlet so boldly? We}], in this very year of grace, the population of I Vermont amounts to le?s than tiiroe hunired thousand souls, of all age.-;, 6xe3 and :olors! She pays her governor the in;redible surrl of one hundred sixty pounds í 1 year. Her exports in 1840 amountcd ■ o sixty thousand pounds. Everything 1 tbout her is on flic same homoepathio ] pele, fexcept her héroes! ''