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Foreign News: France

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The firs! of .May was tlic tinniversary of the Ktng's fute doy, when addrescs of coxigratulation were prescnted from soveral public bod .'e ;. Aniongs'. t hem the corps diplomntique,, hended by the Apostolic Nuncio, lendered their ncknowledgments, and in lheir addroasrs nlluded of the "sixth niiraehi" wliich. had marred the aim ofcowardlv pnrricide. The Chamher of Peersrtnc the hnmbor of Deputies were also warm in their compliment, and exuberant' in their loynlty, The bakers of Paris have -Jntroduced corn bread to their cuetomers with much success. IRELAftD. Tlie accounts from various paris of the country give painful evidence of the exisling dislress-. Many of the districts are suiluring the horrors of faniine, and lever is on tlie incrensa. The Ballinasioe Adcerliser stales ihat the district hospital n that tówn is very crowded. Ttiere are many fever cases. The Galway Mercüry gives an account of a relief meeting in that district, wherefhe surn subscribed was lotally inadequate to the emergency of thcevil. In Mallow, fears of jan outbreak have been general. In Cloghcen, o;-.t meal and coarse ftour had be.en distributed to above 100.00 starving creatures. In Wnterford, the rcspectablc sum of L850 had hc-en subscribed in one day and other sum.s had since been added. Tlie American packet Camelia, Capt. French, 1000 tons, arrived at Cork bringng indiancorn to the aniount of 25,000 bushels, withabout 10,000 barrels. INDIA. Shortly afler thedisptach of our paper by thesleamship Cambria, on tlie lOih uit. we received, by express fruni Paris,news from India, and as we anticipated. Peoce is resto red in Punjnub. The British forces are in possession of Lahore. Arrangemcnts were fast mak ing for the occupation of the conquered country, which is exceedingly fertile, and will yield anannual revenue of jL4OO,OÜO. The Uutch Government had dcclared its inlention of conquering the ferlile islnnd of Ball, containing nearly two million of inhabitants. The merchants of Singapore view this movenient, it is said, wilh jealousy. SANDWICH fSLANDS. Tlie foll iwing is from a Smdwich hland paper, Feb. 7, 1S4G : The spring whaling iïeet are just coming in. Tbey have done vhut poorly in their chase of sj.irm whale-, but will doubtles" compleie iljeir fa res this Siimmi-r. in llio North West. The glu: of goods now is so great ihqt ihe barque Don Q'iix otie and brig Euphemia are fitting away from here with caroes fr California. - The brig Kleanor, Cliap'man, has just arrived from Liverpool, wilh a caroo of upwurd of -$50,000 E-igüsh manufactures, and the same uivoers have anolher vossrl on the ivay. Wc hall dóu óe flooded wilh unsalcabir goods, and sorne liippers must iof-vilauly niefct with lossen. Aliliongli Ihd Htidson's B.iy usublishnj -ut West of thu mpuntuins is said to süik mo.. (icy for the companv, :heir bacq'iiú Cnw luz saíled henee fr Lucido n on the 4'h, witb u cargo of furs vaioed al Í 1,000,090. S!veral housand emigtants, of a more respectable classihan ihe preceding bands, have arrivcd in öregon. Dr. McLoughlin of the H. B. Co., has hid some ditiiculty with ihe (Jovernor, Sir Georgo Sinip son, and resigued bis poi. lle goes to Paris to reside, baving mude quite a fortune by spcculaiio.i n lois at Orirgou cily . Ín a foív years and spcculatioiis wili be the ra::e hore, ua inany are prepurinu lo enibark llu-ir capital i'n pliinmions, so soon as the land ollíct; is opened. The tlawaii an Government are preparing lo build an fxtensive, firt; proof ;store building tú centre all thc principal gove i; n.nt olli :eis unJer one roof. , The building is lo be ol cornl, roof, fioors and olí, o iliai it will be al once econoin cal and To raiso thc funds for cofnple'iug it, govt-ri)rnent will sell some of ihe prescjiil editices. which being e'igibly sitnat ti for rrirrcan;ile liusinefis, wiil comtnatid ood prices. Tho gi eatcst danger we havu to apprdiend" is from incendiarism. Last week, an examination and rxhibilion of the young chiVfs' school lonk p!ac Tho roya!, fainily, goveniment oflicers. foreign ccnsulsf ind residenis generaHy, were present. Thc excrcist-s vrere whól ly in English, and did great ctedn ,to Innh teachers ar.d pnpiis. Indeed, no school in ihe United S:at(;s, of the saine pumber )f pu)i!r"; could havo hp pea red betíer. - The greaiéM proficitncv vvns in maihemáticol studit-s, geograpliv, historv and declamation. The yoqn iadii's jirjrlbrnied very .especiably on iho piano, nnd s;n Lvgliíh songs in yood tiiiie and eiiunc aion.