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Proceedings: Of The Antislavery Meeting In Salem, May 19, 18...

Proceedings: Of The Antislavery Meeting In Salem, May 19, 18... image
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Met at 10 o'olock A. M. ngreeablc to public notice. Meeting orgnnizcd by calling John Pebbles Esq. to the Chair, and electing Lawrencc Noble, Secrctnry. Exe.-cise - Singing by the Choir. Priyur by Eider Beebins. Sinfiing by the Choir. The Narrativo of Mr. Bibb commenced. 'Tho SIave'8 Lament'' - by the Choir. Narrativo deíir.-ed to be cominued in the evening, and the origin and objects of the Colon'zation Soci ety statod and reniarked upon at aoinc length by Mr. Bibb. A living picture of BlaCry and the slave market was drawn up by Mr. and an eioqueniand powerful appeal made to tho henr s and conscicnces of the nudienco for their nfluenee in bchalf of the oppressfid. The iinpon- anee of organizan ju and efficiënt action was presentcd by Mr. Treadwell. An addresa to broth er Bibb prepired for the occasion, was eung by the Choir, to which broiher Bilb responded wiih an overfloving hcart. Song by Mr. Bibb and tho Choir. Mr. Trcadwell the State Agent then stated that the ladies irrespective of all pnry distincüons whcre thcy had hoard Mr. Bibb, had cither orgmized or appointcd a time to do so for the p-jrpose of devising the best waysand nieans to dis seminate ontislavery prinuple?, 't tuto in Mr. Bibb as an Antislavery lecttirer in lliis Staic, and help him to publÍ6h tho narrativo cf himself, hiü wife and hid child, while in Slavery,nnd for such ather antislavery objee'sas the Association froni liir.e to time might think beat. After appropii ato remarks from Mr. Treadwell and Mr. Bibb on the great imp manee of the ladies coming t o the rescue oí liberty and their country by organizin for usc.'ul and efficiënt acüon, and raliying and animating the men on to victory, On molion, by a lady present, they met nt C o'clock P. M. and organized a Ladies Antislavc ry and Benevolent Association for the town of Salem, with 32 meniberf. The Ladies herc be lievo that most of the Ladies in the town as soon as they undorstand their objects, will unite witli ïhom to carry them out. Tne evening was opened by praycr. by Rev. Mr. Ilamilton. ín the evening as in the day i ne, the meeting was held in a large and comrn )dioua ban. Every port of which. the bay, ihr fljor, the stable and the scafiolds. vtere all 'filled to a perfcct jam" by a dceply attentive audience, who Iidtencd for more than two hours to tho Narra t:ve, and the most touching and irresistible nppcals of Mr. Bibb. After appropriaie remarks by Mr. Treadweü of the indispensable imporiance of orgnniziiion and means to carry on our cause, 28 werc pledscd on the epot to susinin it by sending fonh iblc liberty Iecturers in all paris of tho State, &.c. &.c. The meeting adjourned eine die. A juvenile Antisluvery Society wil) soon be iirg.ui.zed in our town.